Zone1 "White privilege" does not exist, it is a lie.

If you believe that blacks have less than whites because of their own alleged short coming rather than white privilege and racism as you apparently do, then you are in fact a racist

Liberals have shown that white privilege is real. Racists deny it, lie about it or are just too stupid to see it. Which are you?
From my experience, there far more racist blacks than racist whites. White privilege doesn’t exist. Blacks can do and say things to other races that would get whites put in jail or sued into poverty. So, while white privilege doesn’t exist, black privilege certainly does. Look at the language IM2 and Curried Goat can get away with using on these very forums.
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The reality of white privilege is rooted in the racist history of this country. It is not about blame, It is about facing reality and dealing with it. I demonstrated the reality of white privilege . Can you refute it. ?? Yes or no?
Yeah I can refute it. It’s stupid retarded.

So, using this same bullshit racist rationalization, people in Hati have “Black privilege”?

Or does your racist ideology only apply to white people?
The reality of white privilege is rooted in the racist history of this country. It is not about blame, It is about facing reality and dealing with it. I demonstrated the reality of white privilege . Can you refute it. ?? Yes or no?
Racism, like slavery was universal. White people didn’t invent racism. The only privilege here is you spouting half-baked drool from your white-centric view of the world.
If you believe that blacks have less than whites because of their own alleged short coming rather than white privilege and racism as you apparently do, then you are in fact a racist
If you believe I am going to care about your stupid argument, then you are a baby murderer. See how that stupid shit works?

Disparity does not equal discrimination. No matter how much you baby murderers try to claim it does.

Liberals have shown that white privilege is real. Racists deny it, lie about it or are just too stupid to see it. Which are you?
Liberals can’t even define what a woman is. They are not gonna “show” you anything you would want to see. Groomers deny it. I already know what you be.
If “white privileged” is real, then why do Asians out preform white people in the US?

oh, not this again.

71% of Asian American Adults, including my wife and most of my in-laws, weren't born here. The ones who are affluent enough to get here usually have the resources to do so. In short, they start the game with an advantage. They are usually more inclined to be educated and already speak English.

Not to say they aren't doing a lot of things right, such as having strong families and prioritizing education, because they are.

But they are not hobbled by 400 years of racist policies like black people are.

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