Lilly Gaddis Explodes on Twitter and then is fired from her job after using the a variant of the “n word”

Are you praying to him for brain? I think you need to pray to the wizard of Oz instead. Jesus works in a different department.
No I'm praying no one ever gets offended again
Cause words are violence

Anyone who offends the marginalized must be destroyed

I've seen the light comrade

Let's kill her

Isn't that what we do
Maybe to Simps like you. :dunno:

Do you think hysterical hyperbole makes you seem like less of a little bitch? :dunno: :laugh:
No youre 100 %
She has to be taught a very very very hard lesson
Cause you can't say broke ass nigga

My god she said broke ass nigga

I've never seen that level of violence before...I'm shocked and outraged

She must be destroyed for democracy
No youre 100 %
She has to be taught a very very very hard lesson
Cause you can't say broke ass nigga

My god she said broke ass nigga

I've never seen that level of violence before...I'm shocked and outraged

She must be destroyed for democracy
Is being fired from her job what your describing as being destroyed? I guess to frail simps like like you losing your job probably does seem like the end of democracy but that's only because you're incredibly soft. :lmao:
I'm trolling by addressing your own comments? You're the one crying about destruction and the end of democracy you Simp. I'm just laughing at some dumb bitch losing her job. :dunno: :laugh:
Why ya laughing ...she may of just hit the jackpot ....

You were just saying you were explaining to the op why white people can't say a word out of the white peoples English language dictionary

It's stolen see cultural appropreation...... and turned into slang by outdated farm equipment
Hey I don't make the rules comrade
Cultural appropriating is violence
They'd really like to steal her beautiful white girl hair
Why ya laughing ...she may of just hit the jackpot ....
Because I don't care about her wealth. I care more about her marginalization from the mainstream. If she went on to make millions of dollars being a right wing YouTuber all I'd be is happy for you and happy for her. The problem is you imagine I give a shit if she's crowned Queen of Fly Over country. I don't. I don't give a shit what you deplorables do in your little back water, marginalized communities. I only care that the mainstream continues to marginalize you and your people. What you do in the swamps and trailer parks we allow to occupy after that, who gives a shit? :dunno: :laugh:
You were just saying you were explaining to the op why white people can't say a word out of the white peoples English language dictionary
I was pointing out how you can't do it without consequence. So what?
It's stolen see cultural appropreation...... and turned into slang by outdated farm equipment
So cry to someone who cares about it. :dunno:
Hey I don't make the rules comrade
Cultural appropriating is violence
They'd really like to steal her beautiful white girl hair
You don't make the rules so why are you cosplaying like you get to dictate how they're applied? And why do you think putting on a costume and pending pretending at me is going to do anything but cause me to point and laugh at you? :dunno: :laugh:

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