Around 75% of black American families do not have a father figure at home- Andrew Tate suggests Trump is the one who can fix this and other problems

Other than city gator have any Biden blm supporters attempted to provide an argument with a few paragraphs?

It’s usually one line posts, trolling, going off topic and personal attacks from most lefties.

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I wouldnt consider what gator has contributed to the discussion to be anything other than to try and shut down and derail it,,
While lefties troll and never address the issues….we continue to have problems in black majority communities. tons of broken families in this country and left wingers Don’t talk about it.
dems have the minorities right where they want them,,

dysfunctional and dependent,,
That’s 100% true. Most of the blame goes to Democrats. But in someway we can criticize Republicans but the governor of Texas giving a state funeral to George Floyd. And the general weakness of white Republicans to actually say something about the massive dysfunction in black communities. Again everybody knows this, including the vast majority of black and whites. That is why these neighborhoods are known “the hood”

So nothing racist has been said here by you or me. None of us have suggested blacks are inferior to whites. But because of some trigger or some dysfunction with the left wing, they don’t actually read peoples posts or listen to what they say they immediately resort to the name-calling, labeling people, racist, and because they don’t present any solutions, we continue to have the dysfunction.

Well, there will always be dysfunction in inner cities across the USA. We will continue to have crime surges, flash luting, until we change the culture in this country. That includes for white and black folks. Too many young white men are addicted to dope. They do nothing with their lives watching porn all day. Way too many young women are on Instagram shaking their ass, and so many of them have their brains turn to squash by the time they get older. Because those pictures and images are up there for life even 20-30 years down the road.
That’s 100% true. Most of the blame goes to Democrats. But in someway we can criticize Republicans but the governor of Texas giving a state funeral to George Floyd. And the general weakness of white Republicans to actually say something about the massive dysfunction in black communities. Again everybody knows this, including the vast majority of black and whites. That is why these neighborhoods are known “the hood”

So nothing racist has been said here by you or me. None of us have suggested blacks are inferior to whites. But because of some trigger or some dysfunction with the left wing, they don’t actually read peoples posts or listen to what they say they immediately resort to the name-calling, labeling people, racist, and because they don’t present any solutions, we continue to have the dysfunction.

Well, there will always be dysfunction in inner cities across the USA. We will continue to have crime surges, flash luting, until we change the culture in this country. That includes for white and black folks. Too many young white men are addicted to dope. They do nothing with their lives watching porn all day. Way too many young women are on Instagram shaking their ass, and so many of them have their brains turn to squash by the time they get older. Because those pictures and images are up there for life even 20-30 years down the road.
it would be more accurate to say progressives instead of dems,,
that rot exists in both parties,,
The flash mob looting for example, is a sign of deterioration and filth. And criminals feeling like they can do anything they want. It is a very unique phenomenon to the USA. It’s completely unheard of here in Cambodia, or a place like say Japan, or say Saudi Arabia.

Flash mob looting did not exist in the American past … well we had a better country, a better middle-class in the past.

The question is what will the future of the USA be? We continue to have flash mob looting unsafe cities, more and more young men who are single? While other countries of the world than Africa and South America have large families, and they are out producing us.
MY goodness, do you not understand how P01135809, the emblem of pure family values!!! could set the example they want.
IT is so utterly hilarious how stupid some people are to think that P01135809 is such an upstanding person.
Let's take this one quick history lesson.
Did not P01135809 set the example after his youngest son was born by having a wonderful and accepted affair which the followers of P01135809 find acceptable.
What a family man.
By the way, this was with his THIRD (3rd) wife.
What a shining example of family values.
Thanks for enlightening us Franklin , what a knee-slapper.

Ok, admittedly I’m not watching that bullshit

Summarize why trump can rescue this group
What exactly does a POS like trump have as suggestions


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I’m so happy to be in Cambodia. I rarely probably never have come across a BLM person in Cambodia . But in Buffalo where I’m from you see that filth If you walk down the street or go to the mall …’s a matter of time before you see somebody wearing a BLM T-shirt… either they have been brainwashed or they are one of the BLM leaders stealing money from poor people who donate.

I miss the USA. But what I don’t miss is left-wing fanaticism. You just can’t get away from it when you turn on the television, when you go for a walk to a coffee shop or a mall, you cannot get away from the left-wing fanaticism. The only question is will we have change for the better in the future?
1. If I am still alive (I'm 87), I -- of course -- hope to vote for Mr. Trump.

2. No, he is not the savior of the West,

3. But he can delay the implosion of the United States of America for four more years.

4. For example, he will be able to fill Supreme Court vacancies.

5. And he can -- hopefully -- manage foreign affairs better than the current administration.

6. Yes, I have read that before the !960s, African American youth no way had such bad behavior.
Well, said brother. Among the black youth and white youth, there are big problems today that did not exist in the past. Each group has different sets of problems.

I have the upmost respect for the older generation of Americans, regardless of their skin color. They gave us a great country.
Well, said brother. Among the black youth and white youth, there are big problems today that did not exist in the past. Each group has different sets of problems.

I have the upmost respect for the older generation of Americans, regardless of their skin color. They gave us a great country.
there is no problem today that didnt exist before,,
other than finding a place to charge your phone,,

life today is far easier than its ever been in history,,
I’ve seen left-wingers say they think the country is safe and wonderful. But that is selfishness and a blatant disregard for the fax. Maybe they live sheltered lives in the white majority suburbs?

the flash mob looting is a unique phenomenon in the USA. It hasn’t happened one time in the past year in a place like Japan, Saudi Arabia, or Cambodia. But in the USA it’s happened many times. One time should be an utter embarrassment to the country. But it keeps happening and we don’t have leadership to do anything about it. ..we have weak leaders in America from both sides of the political aisle.
there is no problem today that didnt exist before,,
other than finding a place to charge your phone,,

life today is far easier than its ever been in history,,
We do have better medicine and technology today. Yes life is easier. But one point of many to be made… flash mob looting. It’s American phenomenon. Doesn’t exist in many countries in the eastern part of the world.
We do have better medicine and technology today. Yes life is easier. But one point of many to be made… flash mob looting. It’s American phenomenon. Doesn’t exist in many countries in the eastern part of the world.
thats a singular issue thats a problem for everyone and not the children or generation,,

its more of a symptom,,
thats just stupid,,

to solve problems first you have to identify and see you have a problem,,

youre the one that has no interest in helping anyone,, we want to talk about it and come up with ideas to solve it,,

just admit you dont want to help them because you have them right where you want them,,
dysfunctional and dependent,,
This thread started out with an Andrew Tate video with comments blaming womens equal rights for what is largely an issue of poverty and racism. Yawn. The fact you think Black Americans are stupid is another keen indicator of the false pretenses of this thread.
This thread started out with an Andrew Tate video with comments blaming womens equal rights for what is largely an issue of poverty and racism. Yawn. The fact you think Black Americans are stupid is another keen indicator of the false pretenses of this thread.
when did I say blacks were stupid??

I clearly said they are being used by democrats like you that like them dependent and dysfunctional,,
in fact its you dems thatv are always telling uss how stupid blacks are so much that they dont know how to get on the internet and find the DMV to get a voter ID,,

OH almost forgot,
you think they are so stupid they cant take care of themselves and need democrats to provide for them providing they dont allow fathers in the home,,
This thread was started disingenuously to suggest blacks are inferior because “look at the number of single moms”. Im suggesting that having twice as many white single moms is clearly a greater problem than the OPs dispersions cast at blacks.

It will be really interesting when one of you redneck yahoos starts a genuine thread on race or minority challenges with some thoughtfulness. Until then I’ll enjoy trolling these threads with facts that confound you.

How about this one. Big mouth. Don't watch unless you have strong stomach.
I put in Black I may delete it from here to avoid trouble.
But worthless gater made me angry so he can chew on this one.
How would you like that living in your building or the dorm where your daughter is staying? WOW!
Even kicks repeatedly when probably dead? desecrating a corpse.

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What makes you think a woman suddenly regrets not having kids when she nears menopause? Maybe she’s perfectly happy with her life?

Having kids isn’t for everyone. Lots of terrible, terrible parents out there who never should have had any

Women are more than just incubators for babies, and men are more than sperm donors

And any white person, man or woman, is not obligated to procreate just so you chicken littles can stop running around crying about the “decline of white culture” or whatever dog-whistle racist bullshit you’re peddling today
Not interested in racism I don’t support racism I’m asking a question(s).

What is the future of the USA going to be? We are outproduced by countries in Africa and the Middle East and by orthodox Jews who have huge families. So I’m asking what the future is of American Christians, black and white. We have a different culture in the USA today and a lot of it is for the worse.

We have record numbers of the young white man and black were single. Was that a good thing? Will that number continue to grow or will it level off or will it lower?

Yes, some women are happy never having kids. I never said otherwise. It is a fact though that there are women who take to social media to start crying and regretting their earlier decisions. Now today we have tons and tons of women who are prostitutes on Instagram and the question is, what will happen to those women 10 20 , 30 years down the road?

And will more women take to Instagram and only fans to become online hookers? How is that a good thing for the community?

The point Andrew Tate made about Trump is quite straightforward. He believes Trump is the guy who could at least slow down the decay of the USA. Not necessarily stop it but slow it down. I’m interested in folks opinion on that.

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