Zone1 What can we do to change this alarming statistic- Black fathers twice as likely as white fathers to live apart from their children

We can't do anything about till American society as a whole condemns "black culture". That also means telling blacks they need to be responsible for themselves, when they yell racism we ignore them or shut them up, it means getting rid of dei and demanding real equality, it means ditching welfare, it means punishing black criminals fully and so on.

Basically it won't end until we train those blacks to be better people or by weeding them out. They perpetuate their own misery and America does nothing to dissuade them.

No funding, no programs, no news reporting, no committees, nothing will change that until we change them and change how American society sees itself.

If you have a dog that won't behave in the house then you have to train it how to behave, or you put it outside permanently if it can't learn. Either the dog learns and can behave and conforms to the house, or it has to be sent out. Either way the end result is everyone in the house is better off.

We can't individualize one group of people when looking at the whole country. As a society it's what's best for the society, not the individual. The whole are what count, not the few. It's what's best for all 50 states and for the 300 million plus people, not what's the socially correct thing for a small portion.
Stop arresting black men for things when they would let a white man get probation or no charge at all.

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But now you're going to say that there is no systemic racism in the nation. I'll ask you to explain the statistic. You'll say something along the lines of, "well, they did the crime"....I'll say, yeah...but that isn't what the statistic reflects--it reflects arrests.

As I've pointed out--white privilege--is this. At Main and 1st street a purse is snatched. A guy at the corner of main and 2nd street is white and a guy at the corner of main and 3rd street is black. The police are overwhelmingly more likely to question the black guy than the white guy. Both are behind on their child support. However, since the black guy was questioned...he's in jail; the white guy who committed the same offense is going home to his family.

Presuming that those numbers are accurate, rational analysis going back several generations show that the War On Drugs was a very large factor in absentee fatherhood amongst blacks. Selling drugs on the street corner was very attractive to many, and so many went to prison leaving family behind. Prohibition destroys society, and we've had more than 100 years worth of destruction from drug policy.
Presuming that those numbers are accurate, rational analysis going back several generations show that the War On Drugs was a very large factor in absentee fatherhood amongst blacks. Selling drugs on the street corner was very attractive to many, and so many went to prison leaving family behind. Prohibition destroys society, and we've had more than 100 years worth of destruction from drug policy.
Let’s legalize heroin!

Do us all a favor, move to Antarctica.
Presuming that those numbers are accurate, rational analysis going back several generations show that the War On Drugs was a very large factor in absentee fatherhood amongst blacks. Selling drugs on the street corner was very attractive to many, and so many went to prison leaving family behind. Prohibition destroys society, and we've had more than 100 years worth of destruction from drug policy.
What numbers?

All we have is a screenshot not a link to the data
Presuming that those numbers are accurate,
They are.
rational analysis going back several generations show that the War On Drugs was a very large factor in absentee fatherhood amongst blacks. Selling drugs on the street corner was very attractive to many, and so many went to prison leaving family behind. Prohibition destroys society, and we've had more than 100 years worth of destruction from drug policy.
There is no question (I hope anyway) that incarceration leads to broken families. When 20+ percent of one race is being incarcerated, its definitely going to have an impact on the family unit.
What numbers?

All we have is a screenshot not a link to the data
There is a link in both screen shots I published. You can type them into your browser...but that would be an attempt to educate yourself.... I can understand why you’re so afraid; you’ve never done that before.
Here’s a novel idea...stick to the topic. We’re talking about incarceration; not the arrests. Stats show that if you’re black, you’re treated far more harshly than if you’re white.

If you don't get arrested you won't be incarcerated. Don't do shit to get arrested for.
If you don't get arrested you won't be incarcerated.
And if you’re white, you don’t even get stopped. You’re black and driving a car that is too nice for your color or if you’re in the wrong area of town...the cops pay more attention to you.
Don't do shit to get arrested for.
Black folks can’t do anything about their skin color.


Yeah, let me guess...this is the ONLY time that has ever happened; right?

Now what if Blake had a warrant or something. He gets arrested for this “mistaken identity” (make me laugh harder will you) and is suddenly tagged for the warrant as well.

My point is that every white tennis player in that hotel doesn’t have to worry about wrongful arrest. Why? Because they’re not black.
And if you’re white, you don’t even get stopped. You’re black and driving a car that is too nice for your color or if you’re in the wrong area of town...the cops pay more attention to you.

Black folks can’t do anything about their skin color.

Neither can Asians, but it doesn't happen to us.

There is a link in both screen shots I published. You can type them into your browser...but that would be an attempt to educate yourself.... I can understand why you’re so afraid; you’ve never done that before.
I am particularly suspicious of the “study”
Of course. It challenges your bigotry
Some of us are in touch with our society in personal ways, while others rely of academic studies to inform or misinform them

Its a fact that blacks have double the single parent households than whites

But the study tells you that its only because the racist white judicial system locks up innocent black fathers

And you fall for it
Some of us are in touch with our society in personal ways, while others rely of academic studies to inform or misinform them

Its a fact that blacks have double the single parent households than whites

But the study tells you that its only because the racist white judicial system locks up innocent black fathers

And you fall for it
Those are the things not to pay any attention to. And why we continue to have problems. The media and Hollywood pump up the idea that white privilege or racism is responsible for the fact that blacks by groups are the lowest income learners, most likely to be in prison, most likely not to have a father figure at home.

It’s actually a form of evil people to try and blame it on white folks. No different than blaming mass school shootings by young white males on blacks for reason we can think of.

The black nuclear family was much stronger 100 years ago, and that was during the era of Jim Crow. So for left-wing fanatics to blame modern day struggles of blacks on white people is devoid of any logic. But also to that point in the 1930s there was legalized slavery and Ethiopia other areas of the world. Even with the Jim Crow era, America was the most sought after nation by immigrants.
I think what’s going on in the USA, especially in the past few years is a psyop to weaken society. To attack masculinity and American history. We have had significant changes in the past few years that favor the radical left like for example the idea that a man can get pregnant.

Additionally Take a look at the destruction of historical statues of white men in recent US history. Destruction of statues of people like Andrew Jackson, St. Louis or Christopher Columbus. A lot of young Black people destroyed those statues along with whites that support radical leftism. They were Filled with rage and hatred and commited a hate crime by Destroying statues of people that don’t look like them.

It’s an extreme form of racism because it’s no longer just a racist ideal, but actually putting them into physical action by destroying the statues of white men. Or they’ve been brainwashed to do that no different than if you had a group of white young men filled with rage destroying a statue of an African who may have owned white slaves 500 years ago.
the radical left-wing are either a part of the problem reaping in benefits due to DEI or their brainwashed and just don’t know any better. They’re told to join a candlelight vigil and hold hands for George Floyd, the man who committed tons of crimes and once held a gun to a pregnant lady’s stomach. And they convinced themselves in other words they brainwash themselves to believe “white supremacy” is a problem in 2024 when by all logic it’s not.

In the first place when a criminal commits a crime it’s on them. Because even in the most poorest countries of the world, poor people don’t commit crimes because of family or religious values. I’ve seen this in Cambodia due to Buddhist values. But in the USA the radical left especially rich privileged Democrats living in mansions providing us DEI policies… are also in part to blame for the high rate of absent black fathers
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Never forget who the "Left" are,,,,,,,they are the super wealthy old money families that created and kept Communism alive.

Communism is their blueprint for their world government and the biggest enemy of these "Royals" are the MIDDLE CLASS which they have been working to end. They push FAUX LIBERALISM in order to garner political power and they sure have plenty of "Useful Idiots" .

The Royals have been waiting for decades in order to have the sufficient technology needed to have COMPLETE CONTROL OVER ALL RESOURCES AND LIVES,,,,They now have that tech as we are witnessing its power over the Chinese.

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