The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

CNN was not lying... they had all the fact-checkers point out his lies not just their fact checkers all of the fact-checkers...
“Fact checkers” 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

The fact that you actually believe that is testament to your immaturity. Come back here when you’ve actually graduated high school, Mac.
hate to tell you, it's illegal to kill babies after they are born ...trump claims Democrats kill babies after they are born ... this never happens ...
Oh really? Then why did Republicans have to pass a ‘Born-alive’ bill if that “never” happens, my little teenie-bopper friend? And why did fascist Democrat Chuck Schumer rail against it??
"American women deserve to have their right to healthcare protected, not undermined," Schumer said in a statement.
If it “never happens”, then Democrats wouldn’t care that there was a bill to prevent something that never happens anyway. Oops!! Why do you insist on showing everyone that you don’t know a damn thing about this subject matter?

it does do that fool ... I don't care if it's capitalized... only people like you can't seem to answer the question... you start on spelling, grammar, and capitalizing a word in the first of the sentence ... I refuse to comply with your childish rant ... you can't defend yourself and you do this to make yourself feel superior... answer the questions ...
Sadly, you also refuse to comply with the basic rules of proper grammar due to the fact that you’re profoundly uneducated 😂
it does do that fool ...
Snowflake, if you were using Grammarly you would have known it was Grammarly and not “grammarty” 💀

For fucks sake, you even lie about your lies.
I don't care if it's capitalized...
That’s what every uneducated idiot on the left says. Liberalism lowers the bar until society collapses (see Venezuela, the former U.S.S.R., etc.).

Civilized, evolved, educated people absolutely care about proper grammar. It matters.
you start on spelling, grammar, and capitalizing a word in the first of the sentence ... I refuse to comply with your childish rant ... you can't defend yourself and you do this to make yourself feel superior... ...
It’s not about me being “superior” (🙄). It’s about exposing you for the uneducated child that you are.
it's not me who has this problem's you who has a problem ....get over it... it's not going to change ... this is the last I am going to speak about this pathetic attempt of yours trying to dodge the questions
It… is …you …who …has …the …problem

You also have a fucking ellipsis problem. I’ve seen crack addicts who aren’t addicted to crack even half as much as you are to ellipsis 🤣
yeah that's why they start on your spelling, and grammar cause they can't answer the post
I’ve not only answered everything you’ve asked, I’ve owned you on it all. I’ve pummeled you into the corner with fact after fact after fact backed up with link after link after link.

Leaving you literally crying “but Democrats never said they wanted to do that”, like the fuck’n child that you are
one more thing here you have Trump charity was shut down because of fraud... whose university was shut down because of fraud ...whose business was convicted off multiple fraud accounts ...
Meanwhile, Biden was caught selling access to the Office of the Vice President to Ukraine and China (violation of the Emoluments Clause).

Then Biden insisted he never had a single conversation about his son’s “business dealings”. His piece of shit son admitted under oath in a court of law that his dad was deeply involved in all of it.

Show me a Democrat…I’ll show you a dirt-bag every time.
Given the Fascist violence now openly discussed and encouraged against Trump and Republicans, this was prophetic squared
I wish I could tell you I was “prophetic”, but the truth is all you have to do is believe a liberal when they tell you who they are.

Before Trump even got elected, the fascist left blocked the roads to his campaign rally in Arizona. I was stunned. Never thought I would see that in the United States. That’s shit that you would see in Venezuela, Iran, etc.

Fast forward a month or so, and the fascist left actually shut down his campaign rally in Chicago. Got it shut down. Never ever thought I would see that day in the U.S.

That was the day I knew the left had radicalized into true fascist extremists. And they’ve been at it ever since.
I just doesn’t make sense why don’t these maga republicans see oh immoral or how crooked trump is
It just doesn’t make sense why you fascists Democrats can’t see how immoral, crooked, and flat-out disgusting, Joe Biden is:
  • Sold access to the Office of the Vice President to Ukraine
  • Sold access to the Office of the Vice President to China
  • Made horrific racist statements over and over and over
  • Would climb in with his daughter whenever the poor girl showered
  • Gropes and sniffs any woman within arms reach
  • Had cocaine in the White House
  • Invited LGBT degenerates to the White House - who stripped on the lawn
On a side note though Mac, super proud of you for capitalizing the first letter of your sentence and for not using 17 ellipsis’. But, you still need to work on capitalizing proper nouns such as “Republicans” and “Trump”, and “MAGA” should be in all caps as it is an acronym.
It just doesn’t make sense why you fascists Democrats can’t see how immoral, crooked, and flat-out disgusting, Joe Biden is:
  • Sold access to the Office of the Vice President to Ukraine
  • Sold access to the Office of the Vice President to China
  • Made horrific racist statements over and over and over
  • Would climb in with his daughter whenever the poor girl showered
  • Gropes and sniffs any woman within arms reach
  • Had cocaine in the White House
  • Invited LGBT degenerates to the White House - who stripped on the lawn
On a side note though Mac, super proud of you for capitalizing the first letter of your sentence and for not using 17 ellipsis’. But, you still need to work on capitalizing proper nouns such as “Republicans” and “Trump”, and “MAGA” should be in all caps as it is an acronym.
as for captivating words, I don't have to and I never will... get off your high horse it's not going to happen ...

you do realize everything you wrote about Biden were lies from Alexander Smirnov ... he was to show up to the house and reveal all these things you keep pushing here What Biden was supposed to have done...Smirnov left the country he told the House they were all lies drummed up by the Russians ... you keep pushing these lies why do you keep insisting Biden did what you are saying ... when even the republican house has said it never happens... that they have no evidence that he did this ... you need to grow up it never happen ...

now answer my question... why do you allow Trump to tell you lie after lie??? full well knowing it was a lie the debate, he lied so many times and you came back here and said it was all lies made up by the left ... where you have been shown video after video of Trump telling you these lies during the debate ...why do you accept his lie is what I want to understand deny the lies you are telling here what Biden has done that's not true support their lies... why do you do that... trumps very first lie was about abortion where he said babies who are born are aborted that was a lie ... in every state in the union say that's murder and no doctor would perform that abortion and yet you call it a lie that we dems made it up in the video he makes a claim here he is on it saying it, he lied
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Meanwhile, Biden was caught selling access to the Office of the Vice President to Ukraine and China (violation of the Emoluments Clause).
never happened ...he was never caught selling access to the Office of the Vice President to Ukraine ... never happen that was a lie coming from Alexander Smirnov and you know it stop your lying
Then Biden insisted he never had a single conversation about his son’s “business dealings”. His piece of shit son admitted under oath in a court of law that his dad was deeply involved in all of i
Show me a Democrat…I’ll show you a dirt-bag every time.
he did no such thing ...Joe Biden's son Hunter "was in the room" as his father was preparing to deliver a prime-time address responding to the Supreme Court's opinion on presidential immunity.... That's all he admitted to ... why do you push these lies of yours knowing full well it's a lie ... he never admitted to anything in court under oath about selling access to the presidency or the vice presidency ... stop your lying ... you keep doing this
I’ve not only answered everything you’ve asked, I’ve owned you on it all. I’ve pummeled you into the corner with fact after fact after fact backed up with link after link after link.
what you have done is make a fool of yourself... posting conspiracy theorist Bull shit... that's all you have done ... and Buddy you never owned anybody they too made a fool of you and yet you keep c coming back with the same old lies ... it's like you are incapable of learning we all know you can't comprehend
Leaving you literally crying “but Democrats never said they wanted to do that”, like the fuck’n child that you are
yet you can't seem to learn that your posts are the posts of a fool ...who refuses to accept the truth ... instead of admitting you are wrong you attack the poster ... you try to make yourself into something you are not and that's educated ... we all sit and laugh at your childish rants and you conspiracy theorist post ... you have no clue how to do a proper research ...
“Fact checkers” 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

The fact that you actually believe that is testament to your immaturity. Come back here when you’ve actually graduated high school, Mac.
can't accept that I'm right ... I get it ... it's what you Republicans do attack the poster education and yet you still didn't answer anything... saying it's liberal lies is not answering the facts I gave you.... your comprehension skills, really bad...
as for captivating words, I don't have to and I never will... get off your high horse it's not going to happen ...
That really summarizes the left so well. Too lazy and too uneducated to even do the most basic things the right way. It’s no wonder why liberalism collapses societies.
It just doesn’t make sense why you fascists Democrats can’t see how immoral, crooked, and flat-out disgusting, Joe Biden is:
  • Made horrific racist statements over and over and over
you do realize everything you wrote about Biden were lies from Alexander Smirnov ...
Huh. Fascinating. Maybe you can explain to the class how this is “Alexander Smirnov”? 😂


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