Why many on the left irrationally fear "fascism"

As has been mentioned to you numerous times, fascism is centralized authroitarian control just like communism is...It only varies by superficial content, not overall top-down despotic structure.

Everything else is navel gazing nonsense.....Which is why it works on you.

Your education is poor. Fascism was embraced by hard right Italian conservatives.
Your education is poor. Fascism was embraced by hard right Italian conservatives.
My education is far superior to yours, along with my IQ.....You can screech "FAR RIGHT!" all you want, it doesn't change the nature of anything.

Just STFU....You haven't the first idea.

The 1952 polio epidemic in the United States was the worst in the country's history, with 57,628 cases reported, 3,145 deaths, and 21,269 cases of mild to disabling paralysis. The epidemic had a devastating impact, filling large hospital wards with patients on respirators, and many survivors faced lifelong consequences.

History of polio - Wikipedia
In the United States, the 1952 polio epidemic was the worst outbreak in the nation's histo...

The epidemic heightened public awareness of the need for a polio vaccine, and in 1955, the first poliovirus vaccine became available. Jonas Salk's inactivated vaccine, followed by Albert Sabin's live-virus vaccine, were so effective that by 2002, there were no new cases of polio in the United States.

Polio is a disabling and sometimes fatal disease that's transmitted through contact with people, usually via nasal and oral secretions or contaminated feces. Initial symptoms include fever, fatigue, headache, vomiting, neck stiffness, and limb pain. One in 200 infections lead to irreversible paralysis, usually in the legs, and 5 to 10 percent of those paralyzed die when their breathing muscles become immobilized.

During the 1950s epidemic, communities struggled to understand how polio spread because it could be transmitted without symptoms, and families were often separated during the early stages of the disease. This contributed to intense fear of the disease, which led to the closure of public places like schools, churches, theaters, and swimming pools. Some people also avoided crowds and public gatherings.

During the 1950s epidemic, communities struggled to understand how polio spread because it could be transmitted without symptoms, and families were often separated during the early stages of the disease. This contributed to intense fear of the disease, which led to the closure of public places like schools, churches, theaters, and swimming pools. Some people also avoided crowds and public gatherings.
My education is far superior to yours, along with my IQ.....You can screech "FAR RIGHT!" all you want, it doesn't change the nature of anything.

Just STFU....You haven't the first idea.

Nope. But keep trying to fake it. Trump thinks he's smart and well educated because his uncle was at MIT. My father got a full scholarship to MIT.😂

The 1952 polio epidemic in the United States was the worst in the country's history, with 57,628 cases reported, 3,145 deaths, and 21,269 cases of mild to disabling paralysis. The epidemic had a devastating impact, filling large hospital wards with patients on respirators, and many survivors faced lifelong consequences.

History of polio - Wikipedia
In the United States, the 1952 polio epidemic was the worst outbreak in the nation's histo...

The epidemic heightened public awareness of the need for a polio vaccine, and in 1955, the first poliovirus vaccine became available. Jonas Salk's inactivated vaccine, followed by Albert Sabin's live-virus vaccine, were so effective that by 2002, there were no new cases of polio in the United States.

Polio is a disabling and sometimes fatal disease that's transmitted through contact with people, usually via nasal and oral secretions or contaminated feces. Initial symptoms include fever, fatigue, headache, vomiting, neck stiffness, and limb pain. One in 200 infections lead to irreversible paralysis, usually in the legs, and 5 to 10 percent of those paralyzed die when their breathing muscles become immobilized.

During the 1950s epidemic, communities struggled to understand how polio spread because it could be transmitted without symptoms, and families were often separated during the early stages of the disease. This contributed to intense fear of the disease, which led to the closure of public places like schools, churches, theaters, and swimming pools. Some people also avoided crowds and public gatherings.

During the 1950s epidemic, communities struggled to understand how polio spread because it could be transmitted without symptoms, and families were often separated during the early stages of the disease. This contributed to intense fear of the disease, which led to the closure of public places like schools, churches, theaters, and swimming pools. Some people also avoided crowds and public gatherings.
Nor EVEN equivalent to the Whuhan Flu hoax.

Now be gone, sub-imbecile.
Nope. But keep trying to fake it. Trump thinks he's smart and well educated because his uncle was at MIT. My father got a full scholarship to MIT.😂
Like his uncle isn't him, your father isn't you.

You're easily in the top 5 if dumbest posters here...Now go the fuck away, dullard.
Nor EVEN equivalent to the Whuhan Flu hoax.

Now be gone, sub-imbecile.

The US population was smaller then..polio was worldwide.

Fascism is a far-right form of government in which most of the country's power is held by one ruler or a small group, under a single party. Fascist governments are usually totalitarian and authoritarian one-party states.
Like his uncle isn't him, your father isn't you.

You're easily in the top 5 if dumbest posters here...Now go the fuck away, dullard.

Yes. I know. I didn't go to MIT or Harvard. That was my father. Trump doesn't know that simple fact.

They don't fear it....They're embracing it, while accusing all who stand in opposition to them of being fascists.

Liberoidals are nothing without their lack of introspection and projection.

Trump's friend Steve Bannon claims to be a Leninist.

Marxism–Leninism was practiced by the Soviet Union (USSR) after the Bolshevik Revolution. It was also practiced by the Stalinists in the USSR. The purpose of Marxism–Leninism is to turn a capitalist state into a socialist state. This is done by a revolution by the proletariat to overthrow the old government.
Trump's friend Steve Bannon claims to be a Leninist.

Marxism–Leninism was practiced by the Soviet Union (USSR) after the Bolshevik Revolution. It was also practiced by the Stalinists in the USSR. The purpose of Marxism–Leninism is to turn a capitalist state into a socialist state. This is done by a revolution by the proletariat to overthrow the old government.
How do the two words "BE GONE!" escape your comprehension?
Funny how the same people that bitch about fascism are the same ones that want a bigger and more intrusive gov't.

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