The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

It just doesnā€™t make sense why you fascists Democrats canā€™t see how immoral, crooked, and flat-out disgusting, Joe Biden is:
  • Sold access to the Office of the Vice President to China
you do realize everything you wrote about Biden were lies from Alexander Smirnov ...
Unfortunately, you donā€™t realize that Hunter Biden testified under oath that everything on the laptop was 100% true and that his dad was intimately involved in every part of his business dealings.

All you do is parrot the lies youā€™re told to parrot. And you canā€™t even do that using proper grammar šŸ˜‚

now answer my question... why do you allow Trump to tell you lie after lie??? full well knowing it was a lie the debate, he lied so many times and you came back here and said it was all lies made up by the left ...
I donā€™t. Why do you allow Joe Biden (and the entire Democrat Party) to tell you lie after lie after lie? And then, why do you repeat those lies knowing full well they are lies, as we have provided a mountain of indisputable evidence showing that they are lies? That really says a lot about you. It says youā€™re the worst kind of dirt-bag.
trumps very first lie was about abortion where he said babies who are born are aborted that was a lie ...
I already proved you wrong on that one šŸ˜‚
Meanwhile, Biden was caught selling access to the Office of the Vice President to Ukraine and China (violation of the Emoluments Clause).
never happened ...he was never caught selling access to the Office of the Vice President to Ukraine ... never happen that was a lie coming from Alexander Smirnov and you know it stop your lying
You truly are the absolute worst, Mac. There is no lie you will not tell. Common sense would tell you ā€œ10% for the big guyā€ was his father. The entire world knew it at that very moment. But Hunter Biden has since corroborated it under oath.

You truly are the absolute worst, Mac. There is no lie you will not tell. Common sense would tell you ā€œ10% for the big guyā€ was his father. The entire world knew it at that very moment. But Hunter Biden has since corroborated it under oath.

no he didn't but yiou keep on pushing your lies its all ya go

These claims are problematic for several reasons. First, Zlochevsky has explicitly denied that such a conversation ever occurred. In 2020, Politico asked Zlochevsky to detail any contacts he had with Joe Biden from 2013 to 2019. He replied that, "No one from Burisma ever had any contacts with VP Biden or people working for him during Hunter Biden's engagement."

Second, several individuals, including Shokin's former aide, said Shokin was not actually pursuing any Burisma investigation at the time of the alleged bribe. The Washington Post also reported that the investigation was dormant:

"Shokin was not investigating. He didn't want to investigate Burisma," Daria Kaleniuk, of the Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Action Center, told The Washington Post in July. "And Shokin was fired not because he wanted to do that investigation, but quite to the contrary, because he failed that investigation."

As for the alleged tapes, no organization or agency has confirmed they exist. Speaking on Newsmax, Comer said of the alleged tapes that, "We don't know if they're legit or not."

In sum, the FD-1023 form detailed by GOP investigators is unverified hearsay that rehashes old allegations that still make little to no sense when one considers that there was no investigation to halt with a bribe in the first place.

As mentioned above, however, the former Burisma founder who is now dead can only be Mykola Lisin. While observers have asserted that no public documentation supports the existence of a Lisin wife in the first place, Snopes has identified local Ukrainian reporting that names Lisin's now ex-wife as Maryna Lisina.

Lisin's son Mykyta was kidnapped for several days in 2014 ā€” an event that made national news in Ukraine. A report discussing that story identified the mother of Burisma founder Lisin's son (translated via Google, emphasis ours):

According to Serhiy Nenashev, the lawyer of the mother of the kidnapped Maryna Lisina, on the same day she turned to the police with a statement about the kidnapping of her son, despite the demands of the criminals not to do so. [...] They demanded that Maryna Lisina bring money in a bag, which she had to leave at a designated place near the highway in the Kyiv region. Maryna Lisina brought the money, and the kidnappers took it from the designated place. After that, on December 12, Mykyta Lisin was released, leaving him with his eyes tied with tape not far from the Vasylkovo river, just on the road.

By email, Snopes reached out to Giuliani to ask if he had any evidence that Maryna Lisina had ever been an accountant for any company. We also asked if he had evidence that Chief Accountant Volodarskaya had ever been married to Lisin. We have not received a response.

Because Giuliani appeared to be describing, at minimum, two separate individuals as if they were one person, it is hard to take these allegations seriously. In this case, like that of the FBI informant, there is no actual evidence ā€” merely the suggestion that there could be evidence if the FBI wasn't corrupt.

The Bottom Line

There is no evidence to suggest that Joe Biden, or the Biden family, received money in exchange for political actions. That fact remains unchanged despite the inconsistent and logically incongruous assertions of evidence presented by both Grassley and Comer, as well as Giuliani.

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@P@triotno he didn't
Huh. Fascinating. Maybe you can explain to the class how this is ā€œAlexander Smirnovā€? šŸ˜‚

you love to push your bogus videos ... I get it when you can't prove it you use a video that has nothing to do with anything you see, it never happens...

here's why you Republicans keep losing your elections lie too damn much and people are starting to see you for what you all are ...liars and they won't support you anymore...
Unfortunately, you donā€™t realize that Hunter Biden testified under oath that everything on the laptop was 100% true and that his dad was intimately involved in every part of his business dealings.

All you do is parrot the lies youā€™re told to parrot. And you canā€™t even do that using proper grammar šŸ˜‚

Here is why the voter doesn't trust you, republicans, anymore ... you just sit back and watch all the important things you Republicans should go after ... you started impeachment 2 weeks after January 6 to go after Joe Biden didn't have a leg to stand on ... here you keep trying to use these lies of yours told to you and you just can't seem to prove anything you have said here it's all a lie and you just can't take it ... give it up ... you're making a fool of your self by posting the same lie over and over... thinking it will start us to believe you, it won't ...


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