House Democrats are “Bringing Out the Big Guns” to Allow Illegal Aliens to Vote in 2024 Presidential Election

There aren’t anything like that number in LA jails on TOTAL YOU FUCKING MORON

I told you to LAY OFF, asshole. You want more punishment? You've been lying through your teeth ALL FUCKING DAY starting at 6;this morning. You haven't told the truth ALL DAY

Go find out how many inmates are being sent to lock down rehabs because there's NO ROOM IN THE JAILS.

Are they inmates? Yes they are. Are they prisoners? Yes they are. Are they in Los Angeles County? Yes they are.

Give me a number. How many?

Do you have any idea what a Level 2 prisoner is? Level 3?

HOW MANY gang bangers don't qualify because of that asshole Gascon?

You're in way over your head. HOW MANY prisoners in US population centers? Answer: well over 2 million. If you think LA only has 10,000 of them you're dumb as a stump.

But I guess we already established that at 6am.
When you registered to vote, what was required of you?
I did it at the driver's license place, with my mom by my side and had to prove I was 18, I used my birth certificate, and my mom verified my address with the agent there....this was decades ago, before computers

Election officials are suppose to verify applications... For the18 or older age requirement, citizenship, present address, not a felon or ex felon, not already registered etc...
Yeah, but it's not funny.

Scruffy happens to know a whole lot about this particular topic.

In 2006 the CA prison population was something like 175,000, now it's down to about 130,000 and that's only because federal judges demanded they alleviate the overcrowding. Even at 130k they're still at 140% of capacity, so they can't take anyone new - but they have to, so what they do is release the tame ones early and slough off the "almost tame" ones to rehabs. There's a lock down rehabs just miles from my house, they have 73 beds and 71 of them hold prisoners. And there's HUNDREDS of these places in the county, there's about 20 of em in a 10 mile radius from our house. And don't even start me on the youth facilities, that's where they send all the "young" gang bangers. Everyone around here knows where to go if they want to score dope at midnight with no connections. Then we have a small subset of these people that are tasked with managing other outpatients, so to speak. I personally know of one running a "shared living" house in LA, they have 14 prisoners sleeping in 3 rooms. It's par for the course for illegal gang bangers, they have weapons, drugs, the whole nine yards. They don't care, they get to out gang banging during the day, they only come back to crash. All they have to do is be there for bed check. Reality is very unlike a random Google report.
I did it at the driver's license place, with my mom by my side and had to prove I was 18, I used my birth certificate, and my mom verified my address with the agent there....this was decades ago, before computers

Election officials are suppose to verify applications... For the18 or older age requirement, citizenship, present address, not a felon or ex felon, not already registered etc...
That's not how it works anymore.

It works off the "voter rolls", which are whatever's in the computer. You can walk into any polling place, spell your name for them, and if they can find you in the computer you can vote. The workers are untrained, they don't ask "what was your last address", they ask "did you live in Pasadena".

It's even worse than that. They have so many people named "Juan gonzalez" the workers get exasperated, they turn the screen around so the voter can see it and say "which one are you". If you point to one, you can vote.

It's even worse than THAT. Every time you move the post office sends a change of address to the county. The county workers are stupid and lazy, and they like their union lunch breaks, so they scan the new information without taking the old address off the books. So when the voters show up, they can vote 2, 3, 4 times. All they have to do is pick a different day or a different polling place.

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