Zone1 The easiest way to figure out if a black or white is racist.

The trusted ways of throwing them in ponds while weighted with a few rocks , or just sticking red hot things up their bottoms , always seemed to work well .

Never change a winning formula .
Thank you for the feedback. <sarcasm>In the future I will explicitly label my sarcasm.<\sarcasm>
How are we supposed to know it’s sarcasm? You ARE a liberal, and it wouldn’t be the first time a liberal excludes a white and/or Christian from consideration. And now, given the Jew-hate among them, I’m certain there are many who wouldn’t vote for a Jew.
The Blacks that fled the oppression of the South were solidly GOP. When they arrived they found a very different Dem party from the Dixiecrats they left behind.
Because the Democrats hung, burned and raped Blacks. The South became GOP after Carter was president. Carter won the South due to Democrats. Dixie Crats vanished after they lost in 1947. Your history is like Jello and as effective.
Same as it has always been

If you start out by saying

“I’m not a racist… but”
Same as it has always been

If you start out by saying

“I’m not a racist… but”
There is one party that has a super long history as racists. And it is the Democrats.
They were the slavers. They had the laws that hung blacks, kept them from vital jobs, yet they want to pin their crimes on Republicans? fuck that jack.
There is one party that has a super long history as racists. And it is the Democrats.
They were the slavers. They had the laws that hung blacks, kept them from vital jobs, yet they want to pin their crimes on Republicans? fuck that jack.
Cool story bro

What does that history lesson have to do with my post?

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