So Lets Examine This.

Black neurosurgeons were scarce as hens teeth, only the very best made it on their talent, BTW the same applied to white neurosurgeons. Cameltoe had her talents, the talents she used to kick off her political career were in a completely different realm. Also xiden made it clear from the beginning the criteria he was going to use for his VP pick. The first and foremost was it had to be a female with a large quantity of melanin in her skin. Actual qualifications were a distant 2nd. Didn't work out too well did it, she's one of the few people with a lower job approval than xiden. LMAO

Black lawyers are just as rare. Carson is only considered qualified to your punk ass because he says what you want to hear about blacks. It is more likely he was a so called DEI hire than Harris, because Harris was elected. That's being picked based on merit. Trump appointed Carsion to HUD because he was black. He was not qualified for that position, he was qualified to be Surgeon General.
Because he’s an accomplished physician. She got her start by putting her legs in the air.
Wrong. She didn't put her legs in the air to pass the bar exam. Cut the racism white boy. Because the only reason you say Carson is qualified is because he kisses your white asses.
It’s not uncommon to need to attempt the Bar more than once. Just notice that ACB didn’t need to… That’s the real reason they hate her.

That's not how it worked when they elected Reagan, Wilson or Swartzenegger for governor was it? Kneepads was never her nickname and knee pads didn't get her millions of votes. Your racism shows again.

No, the commiecrat machine got her elected, after she wore out a couple a pairs of kneepads on willie brown. Also why didn't address my post @#14? Was it beyond your intellect?

Was Ben Carson a DEI or Affirmative Action hire when he got a surgeons job? And if he wasn't why is he not a DEI hire while someone like Kamala Harris is?
Obamala Harris’s boss said he was hiring her for her skin color and vagina. That’s as DEi as it gets… no?
Was Ben Carson a DEI or Affirmative Action hire when he got a surgeons job? And if he wasn't why is he not a DEI hire while someone like Kamala Harris is?
Because he wasn’t towing the status quo. DEI is only for the devote. DEI is the rainbow that leads to the promised pot of gold.

Make up your mind where you stand on hiring someone based on the color of their skin.
Was Ben Carson a DEI or Affirmative Action hire when he got a surgeons job? And if he wasn't why is he not a DEI hire while someone like Kamala Harris is?

EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeverything about race, racist?

No, the commiecrat machine got her elected, after she wore out a couple a pairs of kneepads on willie brown. Also why didn't address my post @#14? Was it beyond your intellect?


I doin't have to answer everything you post white boy. The only reasin yuu say Carson is qualified is because he kisses your white ass.
Obamala Harris’s boss said he was hiring her for her skin color and vagina. That’s as DEi as it gets… no?
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Wrong. He picked her from a bunch of highly qualified women. Now white boy, you need to be quiet about this because a lot of unqualified white boys get hired.
If you weren’t fucking retarded you would know the answer after listening to each of them speak for two minutes.
I most certainly know why Harris is ar more qualified than Carson. You apparenty don't. You have never heard Harris speak. You hear clips that were edited. I've heard them both. Carson makes no sense but you think he is great because he's back a d says what you nned to hear.
Wrong. He picked her from a bunch of highly qualified women. Now white boy, you need to be quiet about this because a lot of unqualified white boys get hired.
Ben Carson once separated cajoined twins after hours of surgery. Another time Kamala got both of Willie’s balls in her mouth after minutes of slobbering.

See the difference yet?
Black lawyers are just as rare. Carson is only considered qualified to your punk ass because he says what you want to hear about blacks. It is more likely he was a so called DEI hire than Harris, because Harris was elected. That's being picked based on merit. Trump appointed Carsion to HUD because he was black. He was not qualified for that position, he was qualified to be Surgeon General.

Black lawyers represent about 5% of all US lawyers, about 1/4th of lawyers of color according to the ABA. That equates to about 65,000, so they aren't that rare. Where in neurosurgery, blacks only represent about 1.8%, Carson was at the top of the field. And tell the class how xiden's HUD Sec., Marcia Fudge, is more qualified than Carson, was she picked because she is black? BTW Fudge is leaving the job.

It’s not uncommon to need to attempt the Bar more than once. Just notice that ACB didn’t need to… That’s the real reason they hate her.

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My nephew passed on his first try. I've got a friend that took 3 shots to pass. And neither are practicing law now.

I most certainly know why Harris is ar more qualified than Carson. You apparenty don't. You have never heard Harris speak. You hear clips that were edited. I've heard them both. Carson makes no sense but you think he is great because he's back a d says what you nned to hear.
Wow, that sure says a lot about your intelligence. And none of it is good.

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