Trump is suffering serious dementia.

Just to remind you, the Orange Shit Gibbon did NOT bring the cost of insulin, that happened with President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act.

President Trump Announces Lower Out of Pocket Insulin Costs for Medicare’s Seniors​

May 26, 2020

Today, under President Trump’s leadership, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that over 1,750 standalone Medicare Part D prescription drug plans and Medicare Advantage plans with prescription drug coverage have applied to offer lower insulin costs through the Part D Senior Savings Model for the 2021 plan year. Across the nation, participating enhanced Part D prescription drug plans will provide Medicare beneficiaries access to a broad set of insulins at a maximum $35 copay for a month’s supply, from the beginning of the year through the Part D coverage gap. The model follows on the Trump Administration’s previously announced 13.5 percent decline in the average monthly basic Part D premium since 2017 to the lowest level in seven years.

Trump is in far worse cognitive decline than Biden.
Biden pisses on the Constitution blatantly, and you're obfuscating Biden' crime with petty false narrative claims on his opponent, President Trump? Good grief.
That's a mirror you're looking into son. Either that or you have a video feed from Biden's office. LMAO. It'll all be better when he goes back to DE for good. Tissue?
Is some ways I hope Trump wins just to see you MAGA cult types subjected to his derangement along with the rest of the country who knew better.

But, but, just keep bleeeevin'!
He gave an hour and a half talk last night. Have you seen your guys (yes your guy) speak off script for longer than two, maybe three minutes.

Talking trash? If Trump was prepared he would have spoken for 30 minutes instead of his rambling fuckwittery and conspiracy theories.
Talking trash? If Trump was prepared he would have spoken for 30 minutes instead of his rambling fuckwittery and conspiracy theories.
You prefer drooling incoherence from the leader of the free world. To each his own.
Compared to Joe Biden, Trump is Mark Twain.

Nope. Trump is severely dyslexic and can't read. Trump is a complete fraud.

Trump managed to evade service in the armed forces due to a favor thst that a Podiatrist owed his father. He was deemed ineligible with a diagnosis of bone spurs in his feet. In recent years, Trump has been critical of some who actually saw combat, referring those who were taken prisoner as “losers.”

The height issue is curious, since he was recorded to be 6'2" at his 1964 military physical. All these years later, he should have shrunk 1/4″ - 1/3″ every decade after the age of 40. At 70, the process escalates, so that would place him far south of 6'3". His recent physical revealed an attention getting blood pressure (too high), a weight problem and only slightly elevated total cholesterol. I guess if you choose a doctor with flexible standards, you can be declared in “excellent” health too!

The letter that was released read like Trump wrote it himself. His blood pressure is not within normal limits. 120/80 is the acceptable standard, although some docs think that 120 is on the high side. Trump's was 143/91. With his obesity, uncontrolled hypertension can cause cataclysmic events. He is far heavier than reported and if he were assessing a female with the same medical status, you know that he'd be calling her a “pig" or a “cow.”

The only “exercise” he gets is golfing. He could burn as many calories playing video games. I'm stymied by the comprehensive negative impact that one person has had on America and the world.

He is not special or even average. He's all bravado and con man. I don't understand why people continue to support a lying sack of crap who wants to snuff out our Democracy and take over as the sole leader/decision maker who could very well have an urge to round up people who live on odd numbered streets in states that start with the letter “A.” Yes, I'm being hyperbolic, but it's what he plans to do with his enemies. It's arbitrary and should scare the s**t out of every American. Do not give him another chance to finish what he tried to do in his last term.
Yeah yeah, Trump this and that...yet he's kicking the Dem's ass! :muahaha: Our REVENGE on Democrats will be sweet. I can't wait to watch them cry and suffer.

As public speakers go, Trump is a disaster. What is your profession? I'm surprised you're impressed with Trump.

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