Biden’s mental decline jeopardizes national security. Democrats have one card left to play

Bottom line: DEM = CHAOS. Open borders, a floodof criminals pouring across, no bail even with 48 count rap sheets, men in dresses and beards given $250K bueauracratic jobs to represent America, naked parades in front of children, surgery on 12 yr olds, trannys sent out to mass murder, Black cities become killing fields, men in drag reading books th grade schoolers….America is lost.
Just sayin...... more and more, as time goes by - this cartoon I made in September 2023 is becoming reality.

It appears the article may already be outdated thanks to Trump's court.

The 37-count indictment of former President Donald Trump on federal charges of willfully retaining documents containing national defense information, refusing to return them, and obstructing related investigations, is a watershed moment. The implications are grave not just for the former president – they also serve as a litmus test for the rule of law and the democratic institutions charged with upholding it. The fact of this indictment is an important testament to the principle that no person, not even a former president, is above the law in a democracy; likewise, the process that follows will be a test of the constitutional requirement that all defendants, including Trump, are entitled to the law’s evenhanded application.

Nowadays Trump could sell national security secrets instead of fleecing the rubes for money and prosecutors would not be able to introduce evidence of motive or any communications he had with staff.
so you condone Biden maintaining classified documents?

Is that because he has a D behind his name?
The day the constitution was passed, do you believe the people that wrote it knew what it said? If they believed it said what you are saying, why did they still allow religion in school and in the public arena?

There were few public schools as we knew them
Most were run by religions or small communities

Even back then, you did not want to fuk with Christians
After seeing this latest slurred speech at the Juneteenth celebration, Democrats better start making their move away from Biden, before it's too late and they are stuck with him.
Both parties need to make sure going forward that their nominees are UNDER 80 years old! Under 70 preferably.

Trump is a shamble of incoherent babble every time he opens his mouth. A convicted felon, guilty of sexual abuse and more trials to come. MAGA only supports criminals

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