Biden’s mental decline jeopardizes national security. Democrats have one card left to play

Crazy Donnie is afraid of electric boats because if they sink he will be electrocuted or eaten by sharks.

I guess that is a better way to go than Windmill Cancer
you continue to make a fool of yourself on this forum, its amusing to watch you and the other resident libs lie and scramble. you are losing and you don't know what to do about it, the country is waking up to your socialist bullshit, its over, we are returning to the constitution and the rule of law.
It is amusing to the sane here to watch Redfish try to rectify the stupid sayings of MAGA here or their behavior.

Oklahoma and Florida are trying to force scripture into the classrooms, particularly this one, Ezekial 23: 20 “There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.”

These people are nutty,
It is amusing to the sane here to watch Redfish try to rectify the stupid sayings of MAGA here or their behavior.

Oklahoma and Florida are trying to force scripture into the classrooms, particularly this one, Ezekial 23: 20 “There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.”

These people are nutty,
no one is trying to force anything on anyone, The founders got it right, freedom of religiion, not freedom FROM religion, no one is forced to practice any religion, unlike the muslim countries that you libs want to emulate.
It is amusing to the sane here to watch Redfish try to rectify the stupid sayings of MAGA here or their behavior.

Oklahoma and Florida are trying to force scripture into the classrooms, particularly this one, Ezekial 23: 20 “There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.”

These people are nutty,
particularly this one, Ezekial 23: 20 “There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.”

where is that particular passage being forced on students?

or are you painting with a broad brush?
you continue to make a fool of yourself on this forum, its amusing to watch you and the other resident libs lie and scramble. you are losing and you don't know what to do about it, the country is waking up to your socialist bullshit, its over, we are returning to the constitution and the rule of law.

Just repeating how ignorant Trump is when it comes to science and medicine

He obviously didn’t pay attention in school
Biden is obviously in much better shape than Dementia Don.

You may be not the brightest , Horsey Horse , but actually I can see that you loathe what you have become . You are frightend that you are another Piss Pot

Don't give up on yourself even if you are mid eighties .
no one is trying to force anything on anyone, The founders got it right, freedom of religiion, not freedom FROM religion, no one is forced to practice any religion, unlike the muslim countries that you libs want to emulate.

You still don’t get it
The Constitution also establishes Freedom FROM Religion

Congress shall pass no laws regarding establishment of religion
no one is trying to force anything on anyone, The founders got it right, freedom of religiion, not freedom FROM religion, no one is forced to practice any religion, unlike the muslim countries that you libs want to emulate.
Forcing religion into the curriculum is forcing religion. If you give an opt out or opt in, then I will support it as an alternative.
not physically

not mentally.

and NEITHER are fit to hold they job they want,

Physically, or mentally.

National Security Implications of Trump’s Indictment: A Damage Assessment​

A list of the Trump administration’s security breaches so far​

Trump sides with Russia against FBI at Helsinki summit​


National Security Implications of Trump’s Indictment: A Damage Assessment​

A list of the Trump administration’s security breaches so far​

Trump sides with Russia against FBI at Helsinki summit​

And of course, Biden retaining security documents going back to his days as a senator wasn't any kind of breach?
Biden is obviously in much better shape than Dementia Don.

This board is loaded with desperate trolling imbecilec buffons like Slow brain Horse posting nonsense repeatedly. They were not bright before now completely lost and out of ideas. Their leaders are not providing their usual talking points they all would normally spew in pathetic lockstep.
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You still don’t get it
The Constitution also establishes Freedom FROM Religion

Congress shall pass no laws regarding establishment of religion
The day the constitution was passed, do you believe the people that wrote it knew what it said? If they believed it said what you are saying, why did they still allow religion in school and in the public arena?
I'd say the ENTIRE CURRENT FEDERAL G'MENT jeopardizes America's national security. I'd say 45-55 yrs. of age for a first term POTUS is close to centered between 18 yrs. of age & 85 yrs. of age.

It’s been straight downhill at an ever-increasing rate since the Deep State killed housing and the $11.5T muslim got in office, using off budget stimulus to fortify deep state.

The likes of Code Pink, Occupy WS, BLM, ANTIFA made out to be heroic when sent out by the MSM-Deep State to assist destruction of America. Relentless 1-way attacks by the filthy commee MSM have made it impossible for an outsider to risk trying for any office. We end up with D idiots in charge of Trillions.

Things have now increased up to now a full blown NAZI style Police State, kicking in doors at 3AM, ex-Presidents hauled in on weird paperwork fantasy crimes, opposition locked away 18 yrs on a TXT message, 72yr olds harrassed for years then finally locked up 6 months for what is normal practice by the Demonic party.
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And of course, Biden retaining security documents going back to his days as a senator wasn't any kind of breach?
It appears the article may already be outdated thanks to Trump's court.

The 37-count indictment of former President Donald Trump on federal charges of willfully retaining documents containing national defense information, refusing to return them, and obstructing related investigations, is a watershed moment. The implications are grave not just for the former president – they also serve as a litmus test for the rule of law and the democratic institutions charged with upholding it. The fact of this indictment is an important testament to the principle that no person, not even a former president, is above the law in a democracy; likewise, the process that follows will be a test of the constitutional requirement that all defendants, including Trump, are entitled to the law’s evenhanded application.

Nowadays Trump could sell national security secrets instead of fleecing the rubes for money and prosecutors would not be able to introduce evidence of motive or any communications he had with staff.

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