Have you guys actually watched trump "jumping the shark"?


Help! Will My Electric Boat or Car Electrocute Me If It Sinks?

Fact-checking a Trump-inspired fear.​

Donald Trump Says Electric Boats Will Sink Because They're Heavy, And Then You'll Have To Decide If You Want To Get Electrocuted Or Face A Shark​

But that's just not how boats work in the real world​

How Do Boats Float? Understanding the Science Behind It​

How long will feckless Joe Biden ignore the grave threat of sharks and electric boats?​

Does Biden even care about patriotic Americans like us, the ones who might one day be forced to choose between boat-battery electrocution or death by shark?​

Maddow Blog | Why Trump’s weird rant about boats, batteries and sharks matters​

Surely by now you have come to understand that science plays little in the Trump Fanboy crowd.
Trump is entertaining. Is that the function of the US president?
What the hell, why not? :dunno:

From watching Joe? It is apparent that they aren't really the ones in charge anyway.


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