The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

what a joke ... you find nothing but bullshit stories if anyone is a pathological liar, that would be you ...... you have shown us nothing here just right-wing nonsense distorting a video ...
Hey … you … spelled … “bullshit” … properly … after … I … taught … you … you … also … cut … down … on … your … disturbing … obsession … with … using … ellipses 😂

Looks like you can learn some basic things with enough training and repetition!
… you call it proof…What’s happening in that video that you call Joe Biden voice … Joe is talking to reporters about the uallegation and he states it… the people making the video that you call proof, cuts it off when it has a appearance of Biden is admiring to it … he’s not admitting to it … if you read my previous post on these matters it tells you what they did… the patched videos to fit their narrative …he wasn’t admitting to it he was stated what was being said…
More atrocious grammar aside, why can’t you post the full video of Biden’s press conferences that doesn’t cut off? Why can’t you back up your outrageous claims (ie lies)?

You won’t denounce Biden because you’re a fellow raging racist who loves the fact that Biden (and the Dumbocrat Party) hates black people as much as you do 🤷🏼‍♂️

What happened, billyerock123 (aka Mac)?? You were challenged to show proof of your outrageous lie that the audio was “edited” and you ran away.

Come on…post the actual video proving your outrageous lie.

You’re so thoroughly defeated right now, it’s not even funny. I even made you fuck up and expose your burner account 😂
Somewhere along the line, they lost the ability to discern any distinction between wild hyperbole and fundamental reality.

Virtually everything is 100% for them. Nuance and complexity confuse and confound them. Don't agree with them, and you're a pure commie or a pure fascist. Or, somehow, both.

There are no colors or shades in their worlds, only stark, simple, shallow black and white.
winner winner chicken dinner.

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