Zone1 What can we do to change this alarming statistic- Black fathers twice as likely as white fathers to live apart from their children

What stats are you basing your opinion on?
Bureau of Justice stats I cited twice in this thread alone. There was also a Duke University study showing the different sentences when the defendant is black vs when the defendant is white for identical crimes.
Stop arresting black men for things when they would let a white man get probation or no charge at all.
Stop arresting black men for things when they would let a white man get probation or no charge at all.

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But now you're going to say that there is no systemic racism in the nation. I'll ask you to explain the statistic. You'll say something along the lines of, "well, they did the crime"....I'll say, yeah...but that isn't what the statistic reflects--it reflects arrests.

As I've pointed out--white privilege--is this. At Main and 1st street a purse is snatched. A guy at the corner of main and 2nd street is white and a guy at the corner of main and 3rd street is black. The police are overwhelmingly more likely to question the black guy than the white guy. Both are behind on their child support. However, since the black guy was questioned...he's in jail; the white guy who committed the same offense is going home to his family.

Do you think that if "the thug life" wasn't the culture and what is "cool" among the young males, that might change?



Do you think that if "the thug life" wasn't the culture and what is "cool" among the young males, that might change?



The real question for candycorn is: if you believe this why did you not only vote for Biden, but are on here bragging about what a great president he is?

She/he/it can't answer, so I have a whole thread made about me heh
Now find something current; this is 2024.

Blacks commit more crimes; for young black males, it shows how MACHO you are.

Who wrote the Crime Bill that handed down far more severe sentences based on their opioid drug of choice?

Who signed that bill into law?

Who pushed for and then signed the legislation reversing that gross injustice?
Now find something current; this is 2024.

Blacks commit more crimes; for young black males, it shows how MACHO you are.

Who wrote the Crime Bill that handed down far more severe sentences based on their opioid drug of choice?

Who signed that bill into law?

Who pushed for and then signed the legislation reversing that gross injustice?
If anything, racism is much worse than it used to be (racism of all types). This board proves it daily. MAGA posters prove it by the minute.
Bureau of Justice stats I cited twice in this thread alone. There was also a Duke University study showing the different sentences when the defendant is black vs when the defendant is white for identical crimes.
Dont be shy

Show us what you have
A lot of lefty and multimillionaires and Hollywood will never give us a solution to this. They call people names or they deny the stats. In the American Past we did not have these types of unfortunate numbers. None of this has anything to do with “systemic racism” which is a fake nonstarter because again the Indian, the black that you the white, you name it all of us come from slaves and slave owners.

One might make the argument that the black nuclear family was a bit stronger than the white nuclear family 100 years ago. There was actually a time for a few years in those days where the black divorce rate was lower than that of the white divorce rate.

With Father’s Day approaching, this is really unfortunate for the men black kids across the country, whose fathers are completely and totally out of the picture. Some of them might be in jail or just completely gone not even paying child support.

Let’s hear some solutions….

According to a 2011 Pew Research Center study, the likelihood of a father living apart from his children is strongly associated with race and ethnicity:
  • White fathers: 21% live apart from at least one child
  • Hispanic fathers: 35% live apart from at least one child
  • African American fathers: 44% live apart from at least one child

As people move away from Christian values society will continue to decay further. It is the cause and effect.
As people move away from Christian values society will continue to decay further. It is the cause and effect.
I see your point but one doesn't have to be a Christian to make good decisions. Stay single until one has a big pit of money saved, like mid to late 30s. Then find another partner in the same position. Then perhaps get married. Imagine if every young person did this....alot of problems go away.
Its the Democrats fault,,,,,,LBJ to be exact with his family wrecking welfare that said NO MAN CAN BE IN HOME.
Of course the Libtards will blame TRUMP.

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