Zone1 "White privilege" does not exist, it is a lie.

Well, race realism has been "debunked" and "disproven" a long time ago...
When did that happen? How did it happen? Where is there evidence that Negroes and whites have equal or even comparable levels of intelligence and criminal behavior?

You can come up with excuses for average, intrinsical racial inequality. You cannot deny that it exists.
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Sure you did.

"Jews are satisfied with their lives" is hardly a scientific revelation.
The articloe also says this:

As a whole, U.S. Jews are a relatively high-income group, with roughly half saying their annual household income is at least $100,000 – much higher than the percentage of all U.S. households at that level.

When did that happen? How did it happen? Where is there evidence that Negroes and whites have equal or even comparable levels of intelligence and criminal behavior?
I will tell you why Jews are generally satisfied with their lives. First, educated people earning comfortable livings tend to be happier, for obvious reasons. Then, we tend to have tight-knit families. Third, we have support from the local Jewish community, via our shuls. And fourth, our faith in Gd helps us withstand challenging times.
When did that happen? How did it happen? Where is there evidence that Negroes and whites have equal or even comparable levels of intelligence and criminal behavior?

It happened when everyone looked at the racist crap that Murray and his ilk were putting out, discovered massive flaws in their methodology, and then concluded they were racist idiots.

I'm sorry you missed it.

I will tell you why Jews are generally satisfied with their lives. First, educated people earning comfortable livings tend to be happier, for obvious reasons. Then, we tend to have tight-knit families. Third, we have support from the local Jewish community, via our shuls. And fourth, our faith in Gd helps us withstand challenging times.

If you are satisfied, why are you on here every day whining? "Wah, the College kids hate us because we are committing Genocide!!!"

As a whole, U.S. Jews are a relatively high-income group, with roughly half saying their annual household income is at least $100,000 – much higher than the percentage of all U.S. households at that level.

Um, yeah, Hitler killed all the poor Jews, so you are only left with the rich ones... I'm sure the poor Jews were pretty nice people.
It happened when everyone looked at the racist crap that Murray and his ilk were putting out, discovered massive flaws in their methodology, and then concluded they were racist idiots.

I'm sorry you missed it.
Explain in your own words how Murray's methodology was wrong. Describe his errors.

This is what Charles Murray has said:

Blacks tend to be less intelligent than whites. They are more inclined toward crime.

I have demonstrated that several times on the U.S. Message Board using information I have found on the internet. Do I really need to do that again?
I have demonstrated that several times on the U.S. Message Board using information I have found on the internet.

Guy, you can prove Bigfoot exists using 'information I found on the internet".

Look, there he is!!!


This is why Scientific study isn't done on "Stuff I found on the internet".
Guy, you can prove Bigfoot exists using 'information I found on the internet".

Look, there he is!!!

View attachment 973630

This is why Scientific study isn't done on "Stuff I found on the internet".
That is an inappropriate comparison. Where is there evidence that whites and blacks have comparable levels of intelligence and crime? The overwhelming evidence is that they do not.
That is an inappropriate comparison. Where is there evidence that whites and blacks have comparable levels of intelligence and crime? The overwhelming evidence is that they do not.

Again, the problem is you think correlation equals causation... it's a major flaw.

Black people are more likely to be poor due to 400 years of systematic racism, not because they are "genetically inferior".

Environment has a lot more to do with who you turn into than genetics.
It happened when everyone looked at the racist crap that Murray and his ilk were putting out, discovered massive flaws in their methodology, and then concluded they were racist idiots.

I'm sorry you missed it.

If you are satisfied, why are you on here every day whining? "Wah, the College kids hate us because we are committing Genocide!!!"

Um, yeah, Hitler killed all the poor Jews, so you are only left with the rich ones... I'm sure the poor Jews were pretty nice people.
There is NO genocide, you antisemite.

But go back to railing against bigots.
No, he was banned for speaking highly of Jews. I’m sure with your antisemitism, you’d be welcome.

Well, probably not, because I think very highly of Asians and Blacks.

Here's the thing. My problem with you isn't your race.

My problem is with your entitled religion which tells you that you can do whatever you want because you are God's Special Retards.
I'm proud of my common origin.

My dad had a HS education. He served his country in WWII and worked hard his entire life. Joined a union, raised five kids to be solid citizens, died at an early age due to a work-related carcinogen. (He was also a little racist, but product of his time!)

And you weren't fit to carry his lunch box.
My father earned a PhD in economics. He was a lieutenant in the Army during World War II.

After the War he worked for a department in the federal government as an economist. Two black men came to his wake. One had earned a PhD in economics from Berkeley. The other earned his PhD in economics from the University of Chicago. They got these PhD's years before affirmative action, so they earned them.

They told me that they were the first economists hired by the governmental department my father worked for, and that my father hired them and mentored them.

I did sort of the same thing when I worked for a high tech firm. When my boss hired a black computer programmer I mentored him, although I had not been told to.

He told our boss. Our boss told me, "It is my responsibility to train the people I hire, but I do not always have time. You are making my job a lot easier."

JoeB131, you weren't fit to carry my father's briefcase.
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Again, the problem is you think correlation equals causation... it's a major flaw.

Black people are more likely to be poor due to 400 years of systematic racism, not because they are "genetically inferior".

Environment has a lot more to do with who you turn into than genetics.
Jews have experienced 2000 years of systemic racism.
They convicted Serbian leaders of Genocide for a LOT less than what the Zionists are doing.

The “Zionists” (code word for Jews that antisemites use) have left alive 99.5% of Palestinians. There’s no genocide.

Now go back to bitching about bigots.
My father earned a PhD in economics. He was a lieutenant in the Army during World War II.

That makes you sound like more of a failure, doesn't it? It doesn't sound like you've accomplished all that much in life, despite supposedly "good genetics".

I did sort of the same thing when I worked for a high tech firm. When my boss hired a black computer programmer I mentored him, although I had not been told to.

Isn't this the one you consistently whine about getting paid more than you do?

Come on, keep your story straight, bud.

You think you deserve credit for being a decent coworker?

Anyway, let's move on to Lisa, shall we?

Jews have experienced 2000 years of systemic racism.

No, they've experienced 2000 years of RELIGIOUS discrimination. Which I don't feel THAT bad about because the Jews (or more precisely, the Hebrews) hard-wired all that religious intolerance into the Abrahamic Religions to start with. The OT is full of religious intolerance of all sorts.

Of course, as an atheist, people murdering each other to please an imaginary fairy in the sky is silly, but here we are.

The “Zionists” (code word for Jews that antisemites use) have left alive 99.5% of Palestinians. There’s no genocide.
The Serbians left 99% of Croats and Bosniaks alive, but they were still found guilty of Genocide.

There isn't a percentage number you have to hit before you "unlock" genocide.

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