Zone1 Question for Christianity based Trump supporters.

Because he and his family are Jewish . Though he also knows that votes lie with Christians as well as huge Jewish donors .

As a front man for the Republicans, but a true Deep State asset , his assumed true motivations and beliefs have little to do with middle of the road Cult Christianity .
He represents ,imho , a less disastrous faction within Deep State than the Dumbocrats , in short hand terms , but that is about all .
If your Christianity causes you to support trump because his family is Jewish, then that answer is on subject. If not, it is not on subject. This is about Christianity based reasons to support Trump.
You ask why some posters think your OP is funny? I’m not one of the ones who put a laugh icon on it, but I’ll tell you why I would find it funny.

Bulldog, do you realize that your avatar is revenge porn? Even worse than that, because the person who hurt you is not Melanie, but her husband Donald. For that alone, any questioning of other people’s Christian morality or motivation is laughable.

But they may be laughing at. Your questions about “if Donald Trump did not support those positions, would you support him?

Just a word about such hypotheticals in general: People resist agreeing that under some hypothetical they would change their mind, because people don’t like to concede any point in a debate. Especially since so many of the hypotheticals are actually rhetorical gambits in which the questioner will then say that the hypothetical is true. AND say that you must prove it is not.

Recent example: “Would you support Joe Biden over Trump if you knew that Biden had actually brought inflation down, from the Trump Era?” Of course the real

But I’ll answer it: No.

If Trump did not want to put America first, if he wanted to continue the massive giveaway of NATO as it stands now? If he would not stand up the child transgenderization movement? If he wanted to continue the Biden tradition of jailing political opponents instead of running against them, if he wanted to spend, spend, spend, like their ain’t no end? Especially, if he wanted to leave the borders open as they are now, or claim to have his hands tied by lack of legislation?

No, of course I would not support him.
Well you might be Satanic if you think WWIII or another bioweapon or EMP false flag is a viable alternative to a free, fair and accurate election
hmmm "free and fair election?" or "wwiii, plague, and the end of civilization .

i'll, have to think about that for a while.
i'm just wondering if my vote for "free and fair election" will count or if the machine will change my vote into "wwiii and the rest"
This is a straightforward question without any GOTCHA purpose or goal.
It's a fact that a large part of trump's support is from the Christian community. Even though this group admits he is flawed, the fact that he furthers Christian goals is enough to garner votes. A common remark is "God is using this flawed man to further Christian ideals." Many mention his stance on abortion, gay marriage, and Christian curriculum in schools, as well as other religion-based ideals as reason for their support. You may have other reasons to support Trump, but this thread is not about those other reasons, and it is not about the validity of your Christian ideals, pro or con, and I will report anyone who tries to hijack this thread for that purpose.
I have two questions.

1.Which Christianity based ideals do you consider to be your reason to vote for this admittedly flawed candidate. (more than one is acceptable)
2. Would your Christianity require you to vote for him, if he didn't support those ideals?
I got news for ya, God can use anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Imagine, for example, had Hitler not done what he did to the Jews. To this day they would not have a country and continue to be at the mercy of Europe which treated them like hell for centuries.

Funny that.
You ask why some posters think your OP is funny? I’m not one of the ones who put a laugh icon on it, but I’ll tell you why I would find it funny.

Bulldog, do you realize that your avatar is revenge porn? Even worse than that, because the person who hurt you is not Melanie, but her husband Donald. For that alone, any questioning of other people’s Christian morality or motivation is laughable.

But they may be laughing at. Your questions about “if Donald Trump did not support those positions, would you support him?

Just a word about such hypotheticals in general: People resist agreeing that under some hypothetical they would change their mind, because people don’t like to concede any point in a debate. Especially since so many of the hypotheticals are actually rhetorical gambits in which the questioner will then say that the hypothetical is true. AND say that you must prove it is not.

Recent example: “Would you support Joe Biden over Trump if you knew that Biden had actually brought inflation down, from the Trump Era?” Of course the real

But I’ll answer it: No.

If Trump did not want to put America first, if he wanted to continue the massive giveaway of NATO as it stands now? If he would not stand up the child transgenderization movement? If he wanted to continue the Biden tradition of jailing political opponents instead of running against them, if he wanted to spend, spend, spend, like their ain’t no end? Especially, if he wanted to leave the borders open as they are now, or claim to have his hands tied by lack of legislation?

No, of course I would not support him.
Not sure why my avatar might have anything to do with a direct question. In this thread I make no value judgements for or against any self-avowed Christian beliefs. I merely asked which of those beliefs demand support for Trump. An inventory, if you will, of Christian driven reasons to support trump. The border, or jailing opponents, no matter what your thoughts on them, have no bearing on the questions unless you came to your beliefs on those subjects based on biblical scripture. I won't blame you for not answering the hypothetical question. I don't care why you do or don't want to answer either of the questions. I only seek answers if you care to offer them. I don't care about the rest of that.

Ps. That is not Melania's titty. It's Ivanka's, and even better, it's from before she shot it full of silicone. Mmmmm Yummy
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I got news for ya, God can use anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Imagine, for example, had Hitler not done what he did to the Jews. To this day they would not have a country and continue to be at the mercy of Europe which treated them like hell for centuries.

Funny that.
You believe Hitler was God's fault? Is that why you think Christianity requires a vote for Trump?
Even though this group admits he is flawed
Your assumption is incorrect. He's no more flawed than you are. And far less flawed than Turnip Biden.
The left is eager to usher in the New World Order. The consequences of that are laid out in Revelation. 2 people on this earth refuse to give up their countries. Trump is one of the two. On the other hand, Biden can't wait to sign us up.
Trump `~ 2024 because he's not a Biden...
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/----/ Nope. I have as much right to be here as you do. And sadly, critical thinking is not your forte. You can't accept any criticism when someone refutes your premise.

Now, one more time: Adhering to Christian values is immaterial. If the policies are good, then I will support him. I won't vote for Biden because his policies are bad for America. The fact that he's a bad Christian doesn't enter the picture.
If your Christianity causes you to support trump because his family is Jewish, then that answer is on subject. If not, it is not on subject. This is about Christianity based reasons to support Trump.
/---/ Trump isn't Jewish. He is Christian. His daughter, SIL, and their kids are Jewish.
Acceptable answers are Christianity driven reasons you support trump.
/----/ "Acceptable answers are Christianity driven reasons you support trump."
Okey Doke -- there are no Christian driven reasons to support Trump. Is that an acceptable answer?
Your assumption is incorrect. He's no more flawed than you are. And far less flawed than Turnip Biden.
The left is eager to usher in the New World Order. The consequences of that are laid out in Revelation. 2 people on this earth refuse to give up their countries. Trump is one of the two. On the other hand, Biden can't wait to sign us up.
Trump `~ 2024 because he's not a Biden...
I made no claim of him being flawed. I merely referenced the often-repeated claim by Christians that he is a flawed man being used by God. Otherwise, thank you for your response. You answered the question as asked.
often-repeated claim
Often repeated my ass. Since in God's eyes, we are all flawed, no Christian is going to call out another's flaws.
This is just another Trump hit job.
What is often repeated by everyone is that Biden is not all there upstairs.
Vote Trump ~ because he's not a turnip.
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You believe Hitler was God's fault? Is that why you think Christianity requires a vote for Trump?
No idiot, I'm saying God can use anyone for his purpose even if they are not serving him.

It's called a no win situation for those who hate God.

And no, this election will not stop God. No matter who wins the election God's plan will still win out in the end.
No idiot, I'm saying God can use anyone for his purpose even if they are not serving him.

It's called a no win situation for those who hate God.

If God is God he doesn't need to kill millions and millions to accomplish his goals.
hmmm "free and fair election?" or "wwiii, plague, and the end of civilization .

i'll, have to think about that for a while.
i'm just wondering if my vote for "free and fair election" will count or if the machine will change my vote into "wwiii and the rest"
The machines need to be tossed into the gutter

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