This country has no choice but to increase the number of supreme court justices.

Good bye, time for you to move on, I have no responsibility to keep the scum here. in fact my responsibility to get rid of the people who don't contribute or try to hijack the thread. So this gumdrop has to go.
You can run from the point. But you can’t hide from the fact.

The US Supreme Court is NOT a "representative body".

The job of the US Supreme Court is merely to interpret the US Constitution.

Nine is a number big enough to ensure some diversity of opinion on the bench.

Nine is a number small enough to be manageable with regard to processes and logistics and outcomes.

The next time there is a vacancy and you have the power to elevate your candidate then you will add another voice.

Until then... wait your turn... just like everybody else does. :47:

9 is way too small for the size of your population, and it's a small enough number to easily corrupt.
9 is way too small for the size of your population, and it's a small enough number to easily corrupt.
"Our" population?

As in you are not one of "us"?

Then you have no say in the matter that needs to be accorded the slightest attention.


The size of the population does not dictate nor even correspond to the requisite size of the US Supreme Court.

It would function properly and well even with a smaller number of justices on the bench.

All that is required is a modest number of Constitutional experts well-versed in interpreting that document as needed.

Nine is big enough to ensure some diversity of opinion.

Nine is small enough to make it manageable with respect to case load, outcomes, processes and logistics.

Nine has worked for the United States for 155 years and it's working just fine right now - it's working as intended.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" --- and it ain't broke.
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and it will be done to overturn the destruction of the values ,law and democracy of this country perpetrated by a corrupt paid for lying supreme court. They get paid by corporations and people to make their decisions in behalf of those corporations and people. That never was the idea of our finding fathers for this court. That will be accomplished by adding 4 new justices selected by Biden. and completely overturn the last multiple decisions over the last few decades. Maybe a good place to start erasing is corporation being people. Including every decision that were made during this last session. The court and law has to be revised so that it isn't owned by the money that is strained into it.
Onward, comrade!
Dems begged Ginsburg to step down while Obama was in office so he could replace her. She didn't so Trump got to pick the replacement.
The Federalist Society picked Ginsberg's replacement, not Trump. He just went along with the program. The only thing Trump can pick & get it right is his ass. :dance:
The Federalist Society picked Ginsberg's replacement, not Trump. He just went along with the program. The only thing Trump can pick & get it right is his ass. :dance:
If you think anyone was "running" Donald Trump when he was President like Joe Biden is being "run"'re incredibly naive! There was no "program" when Trump was in office! Like him or loath him...HE was calling the shots in the Trump Administration!
and it will be done to overturn the destruction of the values ,law and democracy of this country perpetrated by a corrupt paid for lying supreme court. They get paid by corporations and people to make their decisions in behalf of those corporations and people. That never was the idea of our finding fathers for this court. That will be accomplished by adding 4 new justices selected by Biden. and completely overturn the last multiple decisions over the last few decades. Maybe a good place to start erasing is corporation being people. Including every decision that were made during this last session. The court and law has to be revised so that it isn't owned by the money that is strained into it.
/----/ Translation: Keep changing the rules so democRATs always win elections and get their way.
and it will be done to overturn the destruction of the values ,law and democracy of this country perpetrated by a corrupt paid for lying supreme court. They get paid by corporations and people to make their decisions in behalf of those corporations and people. That never was the idea of our finding fathers for this court. That will be accomplished by adding 4 new justices selected by Biden. and completely overturn the last multiple decisions over the last few decades. Maybe a good place to start erasing is corporation being people. Including every decision that were made during this last session. The court and law has to be revised so that it isn't owned by the money that is strained into it.
In other words the constitution is being followed, and the left can't legislate form the bench, that is all you really had to say.
I understand she is in Canada. Why bother with her views?
How drastically do you think that view would change if the GOP takes control of government in four months? This whole notion of "packing" the Court so you can push your agenda through blows up in your face if you lose the election!
How drastically do you think that view would change if the GOP takes control of government in four months? This whole notion of "packing" the Court so you can push your agenda through blows up in your face if you lose the election!
She is actually smart. I won't predict what she does. But she probably considers this fun and games for her.
The Federalist Society picked Ginsberg's replacement, not Trump. He just went along with the program. The only thing Trump can pick & get it right is his ass. :dance:
They have the resources to examine candidates from A to Z. Democrats have their own version so things are pretty equal.
Yea & he failed miserably.
You had the same information we had about Trump. And Trump was already an effective person due to his job experiences. How dare you claim he failed.

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