Kamala Harris’ much older lover gave her a BMW and salary-boosting job as she climbed Democratic Party ranks

Coronation Complete: Harris Sole Candidate to Qualify for DNC Roll Call​

I think it's only fair that the politburo bosses decide who the Dem/ Socialist minions are allowed to vote for.

It’s official. Vice President Kamala Harris will be the only candidate on the Democratic National Committee (DNC) virtual roll call ballot for president after her effortless rise to become the party’s standard-bearer.

Her unchallenged solo position comes after party grandees successfully pushed President Joe Biden to one side and installed her unopposed as the presumptive candidate in the 2024 race for the White House.

“Our Party has met this unprecedented moment with a transparent, democratic, and orderly process to unite behind a nominee with a proven record who will lead us in the fight ahead,” DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison said in a statement Tuesday night confirming her unchallenged place.

Convention delegates will begin voting on Harris’ nomination on Thursday and finish by Aug. 5.
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When you flunk the BAR exam, you need a little help.... which includes sucking a nautical mile of party boss cock.

The Butterfly Effect responsible for this slow-witted fluffer getting to this level needs to be studied by scholars for decades.... to ensure it never happens again.

kam and willie brown.jpg
Trump ain't no choir boy neither.
There is a massive difference in abilities between Harris and Trump. Lifetime politicians have no answers but to kill people when things get nasty. For they put themselves first and kill off the competition and their peasants to keep power. It can happen here.
Poor Willie. This is the thanks he gets.

Willie Brown on Kamala Harris: ‘She’ll Deport My Ass’​

It's merely an observation just as the OP professes. Don't be such a naive prude about what humans do.

You're jealous that you got nothing for your liasons with Willie Brown?

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