medical and who should pay for it.

I was told by the MAGAs that all life was sacred. Denying medical care can end that life. Therefor a true MAGA who is against abortion must be for healtchare for everyone.
Medical care is available to everyone. You can receive medical care any number of ways. Employer paid insurance, personally paid insurance, Obamacare, medicaid if you have no money or insurance, VA, or medicare. Which one do you fall under parasite?

Five Socialized Medicine Programs Around the World that Work​

Is healthcare a fundamental human right?

More than thirty countries with socialized medicine feel it is necessary, while in the U.S., the debate remains hotly contested. Fears of the specter of communism, unmanageable costs, and raising taxes keep Americans divided almost in half as to whether everyone deserves coverage.

The best way to find out if socialized medicine programs work (and how) is to analyze countries that have had them in place for an extended period. But what countries have socialized medicine?

Through examples of Germany, Israel, Norway, Japan, and Austria, we can determine why socialized healthcare works so well and how it can benefit the population.

That’s why several nations worldwide have adopted a public healthcare system. Countries with socialized medicine fund all medical facilities and expenses through a public insurance plan. Most people pay for the same healthcare, which gives the state more negotiating ability when discussing prices with medical companies or drug manufacturers.
Five Socialized Medicine Programs Around the World that Work - Healthcare Management Degree Guide
It is not enumerated in the constitution,

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


However, healthcare is available to all--

with lots of caveats.

regardless of ability to pay in the US currently.

with lots of caveats - some ending in bankruptcy, then medicaid. IF that is available at all.

Sorry it doesn't fit your communist definition.

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Without Medicare people would have to work longer. That's immoral. Wrong, and anti Christian. Unless one is only for the upper class

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