Who will be President Kamala Harris’ VP?

I don’t think I said what you think I said.

FFI claimed that they posted it on X so the news would spread faster, it was to that I said I don’t buy it. It would have spread just as fast had they posted it on the official White House website.

As for his signature. There is speculation that he didn’t sign that letter.

View attachment 983353

Call it a conspiracy if you with, but there are those who think Biden didn’t step down of his own free will. He was given an ultimatum. Now, we have no proof of that, but, considering many top democrats were calling for him to step down, up until the Friday before, Biden was adamant he was staying in the race, the announcement made on X instead of white house website, and the mismatched signature might be an indication that this was put out “on his behalf” and not by Biden himself.

Oh, its one of the dumbest conspiracies in recent memory. Just a chewtoy for morons. Again, who is saying that the signature was forged?

Not Biden. Not the White House. Not anyone in Biden's presidency or anyone associated with the campaign.

Just dipshit conspiracy trolls, pretending they are handwriting experts, citing themselves. And they don't know a goddamn thing.

Worse, the conspiracy is completely unnecessary. As why 'forge' a letter outlining Biden's exit from the campaign when Biden actually exited the campaign?

But dipshits are gonna dip, I guess.
Oh, its one of the dumbest conspiracies in recent memory. Just a chewtoy for morons. Again, who is saying that the signature was forged?

Not Biden. Not the White House. Not anyone in Biden's presidency or anyone associated with the campaign.

Just dipshit conspiracy trolls, pretending they are handwriting experts, citing themselves. And they don't know a goddamn thing.

Worse, the conspiracy is completely unnecessary. As why 'forge' a letter outlining Biden's exit from the campaign when Biden actually exited the campaign?

But dipshits are gonna dip, I guess.

Again, who is saying that the signature was forged?

I’ve heard it on the radio and I think daily mail has an article on it. But the signature on the letter doesn’t match his signature that we can see other images of.

Not Biden. Not the White House. Not anyone in Biden's presidency or anyone associated with the campaign.

Of course, they are not going to come out and admit they are forcing him out of office..

Just dipshit conspiracy trolls, pretending they are handwriting experts, citing themselves. And they don't know a goddamn thing.
Don’t take my word for it, look it up yourself. Look at the letter and his signature on it, then google bidens signature and look at the images of things he’s signed before..they do not appear the same.

As why 'forge' a letter outlining Biden's exit from the campaign when Biden actually exited the campaign?

The conspiracy is that this wasn’t bidens idea..he was forced out by top democrats who are afraid his remaining on the ticket could cost them the election, so that letter was drafted and put out on X by somebody else who was a part of his ouster.

I’m not saying it’s true, nobody knows for sure, but it does raise some questions, especially since most of the top dems were calling on him to step out and the dems want to “win at all costs”
I’ve heard it on the radio and I think daily mail has an article on it. But the signature on the letter doesn’t match his signature that we can see other images of.

Yeah, the daily mail article is acknowledging that dipshit conspiracy theorists exist. They ran articles on QAnon and the FLat Earth too.

Alas, some internet randos pretending to be handwriting experts doesn't a conspiracy make. As they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

As NO ONE involved is claiming the letter or the signature in question was forged. Not Biden. Not the White House. No one.

Just the internet dipshits citing themselves.

But thanks again for showing us the utility of just making shit up. Namely, none.

Of course, they are not going to come out and admit they are forcing him out of office..

So we're supposed to be convinced by the stunning LACK of evidence supporting your latest conspiracy, used to explain away the humilating failure of your LAST conspiracy?

There's no degree of imagination that makes your imagination evidence. You're stuck circling the same failure of process, leaving a stain on the bowl as you do.

Yeah, I'm gonna stick with Biden on Biden's reasons for leaving. Rather than some internet rando just making shit up
Youe cackling is pretty funny. Official white Hiuse business would be expected to be performed thriough White House communication channels. Ole’Stumblebum likely never saw the Twitter text until after it was sent.

You should hear it now, after Biden's press secretary confirmed Biden dropped out, and the nationally televised speach where Biden discussed YET AGAIN why he dropped out.

Thank again y'all for demonstrating what MAGA imagination based reasoning is good for.
Yeah, the daily mail article is acknowledging that dipshit conspiracy theorists exist. They ran articles on QAnon and the FLat Earth too.

Alas, some internet randos pretending to be handwriting experts doesn't a conspiracy make. As they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

As NO ONE involved is claiming the letter or the signature in question was forged. Not Biden. Not the White House. No one.

Just the internet dipshits citing themselves.

But thanks again for showing us the utility of just making shit up. Namely, none.

So we're supposed to be convinced by the stunning LACK of evidence supporting your latest conspiracy, used to explain away the humilating failure of your LAST conspiracy?

There's no degree of imagination that makes your imagination evidence. You're stuck circling the same failure of process, leaving a stain on the bowl as you do.

Yeah, I'm gonna stick with Biden on Biden's reasons for leaving. Rather than some internet rando just making shit up

I’m not trying to convince you of anything, that would be fruitless, instead, I just conveyed the opinions of some people who looked at what was going on, the situation as it was unfolding, and noticed something didn’t appear right.

You make of it what you will. You believe whoever you want, I’ll just read people who are trying to find answers.

If you believe everything the Biden administration tells you lock stock and barrel, that fine, but in any element of reasoning you have to question oddities that present themselves and try to look deeper, and let the evidence bear out the truth. So far, you are just taking a letter at face value, where as I am looking at all the evidence, from the mismatch signature, the letter coming out on X rather than through official White House channels, the recent urging of top democrats and many in the media saying that Biden needed to step aside, that Biden, as late as Friday, was adamant he was staying in the race, then 2 days later had a “change of heart”, I mean, those are all questions for me.

I don’t know the truth, but I’d rather ask those questions and find out the truth one way or the other, then just blindly accept that did this on his own, in spite of these other issues.

I’m not trying to convince you of anything, that would be fruitless, instead, I just conveyed the opinions of some people who looked at what was going on, the situation as it was unfolding, and noticed something didn’t appear right.

Laughing......with some batshit conspiracy trolls pretending to be handwriting experts, all apeing the exact same picture in a conspiracy that doesn't make a goddamn bit of sense?

Again, why would anyone bother to forge a document outlining Biden's withdraw from the campaign when Biden ACTUALLY withdrew from the campaign?

Anyone? Bueller?

Your conspiracy is entirely pointless. In addition to be fact free and contradicted by overwhelming evidence. Again, WHO is claiming that the document is forged? Not BIden? Not the White House. Not anyone associated with his presidency or his former campaign.

Its just a handful of Dunning-Kruger internet dipshits play-pretending that they know a thing about handwriting.

Yeah, I'll stick with Biden on Biden....rather than internet randos who say they know better.
You make of it what you will.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with what Biden said about his own withdraw from the election rather whatever nonsense you make up.

Your imagination may be infallible proof inside your echo-chamber. But outside it, its just meaningless conspiracy rambling backed by nothing
Laughing......with some batshit conspiracy trolls pretending to be handwriting experts, all apeing the exact same picture in a conspiracy that doesn't make a goddamn bit of sense?

Again, why would anyone bother to forge a document outlining Biden's withdraw from the campaign when Biden ACTUALLY withdrew from the campaign?

Anyone? Bueller?

Your conspiracy is entirely pointless. In addition to be fact free and contradicted by overwhelming evidence. Again, WHO is claiming that the document is forged? Not BIden? Not the White House. Not anyone associated with his presidency or his former campaign.

Its just a handful of Dunning-Kruger internet dipshits play-pretending that they know a thing about handwriting.

Yeah, I'll stick with Biden on Biden....rather than internet randos who say they know better.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with what Biden said about his own withdraw from the election rather whatever nonsense you make up.

Your imagination may be infallible proof inside your echo-chamber. But outside it, its just meaningless conspiracy rambling backed by nothing

Ok, so you don’t question anything, that’s fine. You do you 🤷‍♀️

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