Would Dems have nominated Harris in an actual Primary?

The process is still open. All the candidates who were supposed to be challegers according to the media support Harris. So you can go looking for all the articles on earth to support or confirm your bias, but the reality is that Democrats are supporting Harris and the people will too. The international consequences of America electing a convict as president seems to be forgotten.

Imagine Trump trying to sit accross from the Iranian eader and telinghim how HE shoud abide by the law. How's that going to land? It won't. Seems that things like this are not being consdered by the group of Americans who have spent their lives watching John Wayne movies and who can only see as American somebody that looks like John Wayne.
A turnip would have beat her. I mean she did soooo well in the 2020 primary
This ain't 2020 and trump has never won the popular votein 2 elections.

Your ignorance has you unable to notice that she has been the VP. And despite the finest right wing propagada you read, she has been in on the policy making. That gives her a strong advantage over Democrats who have not. But you're a racist trump worshipper so talking facts to you is a waste of time.
No one serious would vote for Harris for anything serious. If Trump loses, it is due to voting against him, not for very much.
Sentimental attachment because of gender (she is defined by everyone as a woman) or skin color or that the poor old President had to quit doesn't serve the country well. Competence is what's needed. The duopoly has seen to it that this is not on offer from either of its candidates.
That pretty much sums it up. But as long as people keep voting for them, they'll serve us up the same crap.
The process is still open. All the candidates who were supposed to be challegers according to the media support Harris.
Yes. I suspect they "got the memo" - something like "go against us and you can kiss 2028 goodbye"
So you can go looking for all the articles on earth to support or confirm your bias ...
What bias are you presuming?
Imagine Trump trying to sit accross from the Iranian eader and telinghim how HE shoud abide by the law. How's that going to land? It won't. Seems that things like this are not being consdered by the group of Americans who have spent their lives watching John Wayne movies and who can only see as American somebody that looks like John Wayne.
You don't have to convince me that Trump will be terrible. You have to convince me Harris won't. I'm not seeing it.
Yes. I suspect they "got the memo" - something like "go against us and you can kiss 2028 goodbye"

What bias are you presuming?

You don't have to convince me that Trump will be terrible. You have to convince me Harris won't. I'm not seeing it.

There was no such memo. The party was asking a incmbent president with a great record to step down and you guys are running your mouths with this? She was part of that team. So there should have been all kinds of people contesting this since she was so terrible. Nobody was thinking about 2028. Harris is simply the best choice to beat Trump.

Name another Democrat who is better.

I know that Harris will be better than Trump. Nothing coud be worse. And don't repeat any of that right wing propaganda about Harris that has never been applied to any other VP in history. Although you are not right wing, I believe that is what guides your belief about her.
Not doing a poll. Just thought it would be an interesting discussion. I suspect they would not have nominated her. I'd like to think they would have nominated someone with broad appeal who could win independent and never-Trump Republicans votes. But the two-party shitshow doesn't really want candidates with broad appeal, so who knows.

What do you think?
No. No way.
There was no such memo. The party was asking a incmbent president with a great record to step down and you guys are running your mouths with this? She was part of that team. So there should have been all kinds of people contesting this since she was so terrible. Nobody was thinking about 2028. Harris is simply the best choice to beat Trump.
Mkay. I think you're (desperately) cheerleading. But we'll see soon enough.
Name another Democrat who is better.
Jared Polis seems reasonable to me. I'm sure there are others. They need someone who won't be seen as just another partisan, someone who will represent everyone, not just their party.
I know that Harris will be better than Trump. Nothing coud be worse.
Yeah. Every time we say that, it gets worse. This is how decades of voting for the "lesser-of-two-evils" plays out.
And don't repeat any of that right wing propaganda about Harris that has never been applied to any other VP in history.
OK. I won't.
Although you are not right wing, I believe that is what guides your belief about her.
If you say so.
Mkay. I think you're (desperately) cheerleading. But we'll see soon enough.

Jared Polis seems reasonable to me. I'm sure there are others. They need someone who won't be seen as just another partisan, someone who will represent everyone, not just their party.

Yeah. Every time we say that, it gets worse. This is how decades of voting for the "lesser-of-two-evils" plays out.

OK. I won't.

If you say so.
We aren't voting for the lesser of two evils and its time whites stopped looking only to white men as viable canddates. In my state we have a female that has defeated MAGA candidates twice and got the support and endorsements of Republican leaders twice n a state that vote for Trump twice. She would be a better choice than Polis.
We aren't voting for the lesser of two evils and its time whites stopped looking only to white men as viable canddates. In my state we have a female that has defeated MAGA candidates twice and got the support and endorsements of Republican leaders twice n a state that vote for Trump twice. She would be a better choice than Polis.
I disagree. Polis has the ability to address the concerns of those who disagree with him. He's not "woke" and he's not a socialist. I haven't seen that from Harris, but I'll hear her out. If she runs a campaign that shows something significantly different the usual Dem platform, I'll check it out.
Not doing a poll. Just thought it would be an interesting discussion. I suspect they would not have nominated her. I'd like to think they would have nominated someone with broad appeal who could win independent and never-Trump Republicans votes. But the two-party shitshow doesn't really want candidates with broad appeal, so who knows.

What do you think?
Well we know what happened, she ran, she didn’t even get 1 percent of the vote from the dems
Not doing a poll. Just thought it would be an interesting discussion. I suspect they would not have nominated her. I'd like to think they would have nominated someone with broad appeal who could win independent and never-Trump Republicans votes. But the two-party shitshow doesn't really want candidates with broad appeal, so who knows.

What do you think?
Fyi Harris didn't make through one primary.
Not doing a poll. Just thought it would be an interesting discussion. I suspect they would not have nominated her. I'd like to think they would have nominated someone with broad appeal who could win independent and never-Trump Republicans votes. But the two-party shitshow doesn't really want candidates with broad appeal, so who knows.

What do you think?
I don’t believe so, this is a golden opportunity for her because she can ride the wave that Biden created, but if her last campaign was any indication, no, they wouldn’t have.

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