With a win, will we be calling her 'President Default'?

I have been really surprised that there has been this mad rush to endorse Harris. I would have thought there would be some back and forth of arguments in coming up with a way to hold a mini-primary with several candidates, or an old school fight at the convention involving those candidates.
The fact that it's quickly becoming a coronation, makes me very suspicious. This is Democrats after all!

Makes me wonder, that instead really rallying behind her, they are actually endorsing her, figuring Trump will probably win, and she would have taken her shot and then she'll be out of the way going forward. She was viewed by many as the 'Kamalla problem' in that many viewed other candidates as being stronger, but they didn't want to be seen as daring to look beyond the 'woman-of-color' which as we all know, as Democrats these people view everything through the lens of racial equity, and even if Lincoln or JFK were standing right in front of them ready to serve, they wouldn't dare go past that aforementioned black woman.

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I’m still sticking with Hawk Tua Harris. It rolls of the tongue niceley.

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