Border Czar Kamala Harris never once spoke to heads of US Border Patrol.

Ok Moroner, I realize the word Czar triggered you so I will stipulate for my discussion with you she didn’t get the Czar badge.

So let’s run with your CBS spin. She was tasked with flying down to a few Central American shithole countries and use her foreign policy prowess to stem the tide of illegals from those countries. Right?

Ok, her solution was to go down there a fling a shit-ton of taxpayer dollars around to make the problem go away. What happened?

The number of illegals from those countries has skyrocketed, which is why you refuse to post the numbers.

You may call that a success, but anyone with a brain would call it an abject failure, as I did in the OP.

I think we are done here, Moroner.
Yes, we successfully proved your thread is based entirely on lies.

Thread is over.
She was given a foreign policy task to negotiate with central American states to find ways to improve conditions at home to reduce the desire for people to travel to the US.

It had nothing to do with the Border Patrol or US immigration policy.
Post the numbers of that “reduced desire”, Moroner.

Watch this.
Ironically, the push from the democrats will likely be for everyone to focus on her sex life so they can ignore her record.
LOL. I doubt the Democrats will do that. And Republicans won't be smart if they do that as the media will just portray it as misogynistic and/or racist which is how that would look.
I wonder why the trumpers aren't going after the border security heads?

I guess it doesn't personally involve the orange mangod.
Mayorkis has been there numerous times, Dumbass.
Great! What did Congress propose as solutions, other than a fake impeachment for the rubes and saying, "close the border:, like a bunch of 9 year olds?

Becausebthe only proposal I saw was.implwmented by Biden.
Great! What did Congress propose as solutions, other than a fake impeachment for the rubes and saying, "close the border:, like a bunch of 9 year olds?

Becausebthe only proposal I saw was.implwmented by Biden.
Quid Pro and Cackles didn't have any ideas of their own?
Great! What did Congress propose as solutions, other than a fake impeachment for the rubes and saying, "close the border:, like a bunch of 9 year olds?

Becausebthe only proposal I saw was.implwmented by Biden.
Look it up, Simp All i did was educate you.
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