Actuarial Tables: 50% chance Trump is dead before his term is out, 5% he doesnt make inauguration

Actuarial Tables: 50% chance Trump is dead before his term is out, 5% he doesnt make inauguration​

Actually, the odds of Trump making it to inauguration are much worse. He's probably going to be beaten like a drum by Harris.
It is just math. Statistics really. Based on mountains of data according to actuarial tables an obese Trump has a 5% chance to be dead by his election, 7% by his inauguration, and a 50% chance to be dead before his term is out. If he were in average shape chances of death would be almost half as much.

A vote for Trump is really a vote for J. D. Vance. Yep. That buffoon is very likely your guy.

Nice VP pick morons!

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Trump in his seventies has more vigor and energy than the twenty year old blue haired lazy slobs that make up a significant amount of democrat voters.
Dem headquarters issued the new talking point, talk about Trump's age now that sharp as a tack Biden quit like a bitch.
Republicans made the issue Bidens age. So stop whining about what you started.
Trump in his seventies has more vigor and energy than the twenty year old blue haired lazy slobs that make up a significant amount of democrat voters.
No he isn't. I'm 63, don't have blue hair, and Trump would die if he tried doing my workout.
Trump in his seventies has more vigor and energy than the twenty year old blue haired lazy slobs that make up a significant amount of democrat voters.
Speaking of 20-year-olds another ends up dead on the altar of political sacrifice in Michigan after running over a senior citizen for putting up a Trump sign. The police tracked him down and found that he had blown his own brains out. This is a very disturbing trend. These are just kids for crying out loud.
Actually, the odds of Trump making it to inauguration are much worse. He's probably going to be beaten like a drum by Harris.
Do you think Hawk Tua Harris can pull more votes than Cankles even though people like her even less?
Are Presidents made of different material?

They have the benefit of exceptional doctors, preventative care, and virtually limitless resources, of course.

Recent presidents are doing pretty well compared to averages...


Trump will probably be around annoying Dems for another 15-20 years. :)
The MFer was a radical white far rightwing gun nutjob.

The usual suspect in almost every US mass killing.

Nope. Worthless Quitter *Joes FBI not realeasing the crazy leftists social media and other info tells you the assign was a crazy leftist nut job.
You seem to live in an alternate reality

He was bullied
He tried to join the rifle team and was rejected

And if you dispute what I posted … prove it

If he was bullied in High School that’s a strong indicator he’s a weak frail leftist.
They are struggling, they spent a huge amount of money and effort telling us that an Old Guy shouldn't be President.

Now they are the ones with the Old Guy...

JD Vance was a moment of arrogance... Trump picked him presuming he would win and he would be no threat to him. Democrats consider him empty suit much like Pence... Vance is there for loyality and nothing else.

They wanted to weaken and weaken him... I was not uprised Biden pulled... I was expecting it last year to happen in convention and Michelle Obama to jump in...
I think it was smart of Dems... Hillary was the most popular major politician in US in 2013 at 65% approval. By 2016 the RW attack machine had her painted as dying crank... They spent months and months hammering the same message to the point it even got moderates and left believing them.
They did the same with Biden. They are so vicious, they ridicule anyone who tries to point facts and truth. This is straight out of the Goobles playbook. Lie and repeat the lie until true. Facts are Biden gave a press conference a couple of weeks ago for an hour where he gave details which Trump would never be able to give. But if he stumbles over one word he is crucified...

So what did Dems do? Drop in someone late, the RW haven't the time to set up the myth. They haven't really done the job on Harris, they were busy attacking Biden...

Remember: To MAGA this isn't about finding the better candidate or who is better for America. It is about winning and scorch earth if they don't...
Nope. We told you leftards for the past four years Worthless Quitter *Joe is dementia riddled . We of course are right as usual. You of course are clueless as usual.
Republicans made the issue Bidens age. So stop whining about what you started.
They made an issue of Biden’s dementia that he has had for the last four years, it was obvious to many people regardless of political affiliation, but Democrats and the left wing media lied and once the debate exposed his issues and could no longer lie to the American people, he was polling poorly and was losing in all swing states, otherwise they would have still propped up Joe. Personally I am glad he is leaving, I watched my mom deteriorate from dementia and the stress he had put on him was terrible, he deserves better.

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