Poll: How did Joe Biden do in his Address to the Nation Tonight?

Strongest economy…even stronger than China
First time this century we didn’t have combat troops in a war zone
16 million jobs
Most people covered by healthcare

Just BS on top of BS.

The first 18 months were jobs that came back from COVID, since then a plethora of part-time jobs, loss of full-time jobs.

He has nothing to do with so-called healthcare (and what sort of "care" do they get?).
I think she will get many more votes than Trump. Nobody likes a bully.

Even fewer people like an incompetent cackling twat whose entire career was founded on the fact that she gave oral pleasure to an old, married black man who was in a position of power.
He can't win and was unraveling at an accelerating rate. So he stepped down at the urging of those who love him and want his legacy to be continued Democratic rule.
Why does this get you is such a flutter..after all, in the same situation, with your guy, you'd go for in a minute if you thought you were going to lose, now wouldn't you?
I've never ever heard of any nominee, much less a nominee who is also the incumbent, stepping down because "He can't win." He was only trailing Trump by two percentage points. Greater leads have been overcome before.

No, the immediate media outcry for him to step down was too pat, too seemingly coordinated to be coincidence.
I'm a little amazed that you would call for his resignation. Harris in the White House is a plus for her. It gives her the bully pulpit...a platform to campaign from..and a historic positioning. I was, in fact, a bit surprised he didn't resign..as that would have pulled the rug right out from under Trump..and MAGA.
I call for him to resign for the good of the country, regardless of how it may effect the next election. I said so in another thread.

Harris would be a horrible president in my opinion. But she would be a president.

As of now, we effectively don't have one. Good time for this clip:

Who will the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs go to when he hears of a nuclear attack and needs a decision?

I would hate for it to be Harris, but much worse would be no one at all, or someone that no one ever voted for pretending to speak for our incapacitated president.
a) so well he should remain in office.
b) so poorly, that he should step down now, or be Article 25'd.

I see no third option. Either Joe Biden is fit to be president, and he should run for a second term, or he is unfit to be president and should step down or be Article 25'd immediately for the good of the nation.

Remember, if you want to propose a third option, you must explain how he will be unfit starting in January, but he is fit now.


The one thing you should pay attention to in that speech, above all else is his talk of Supreme Court reform. Expect an expansion of the Supreme Court soon, just a hunch.
The one thing you should pay attention to in that speech, above all else is his talk of Supreme Court reform. Expect an expansion of the Supreme Court soon, just a hunch.

The democrats don't have the muscle to get it done and they're likely going to lose more senate seats
Even fewer people like an incompetent cackling twat whose entire career was founded on the fact that she gave oral pleasure to an old, married black man who was in a position of power.
She's part of team RETARD. She will have to defend the Biden/Harris shit show of the past 4 years.
The one thing you should pay attention to in that speech, above all else is his talk of Supreme Court reform. Expect an expansion of the Supreme Court soon, just a hunch.
Can't do it. No support in Congress. He's simply blowing smoke up the lefties asses to create more division.
a) so well he should remain in office.
b) so poorly, that he should step down now, or be Article 25'd.

I see no third option. Either Joe Biden is fit to be president, and he should run for a second term, or he is unfit to be president and should step down or be Article 25'd immediately for the good of the nation.

Remember, if you want to propose a third option, you must explain how he will be unfit starting in January, but he is fit now.


No new information. Basically a mini SOTU speech that didn't answer a single question re why within the scope of a few hours he was absolutely staying in to he was stepping down to save our democracy. He was more coherent than usual but just as non transparent as usual.

Literally was one of those move along, nothing to see here, scenes for real.
No new information. Basically a mini SOTU speech that didn't answer a single question re why within the scope of a few hours he was absolutely staying in to he was stepping down to save our democracy. He was more coherent than usual but just as non transparent as usual.

Literally was one of those move along, nothing to see here, scenes for real.
Apparently then, our Democracy was in grave danger until Biden pulled out of the campaign. :auiqs.jpg:
Strongest economy…even stronger than China
First time this century we didn’t have combat troops in a war zone
16 million jobs
Most people covered by healthcare

The economy sucks. Just because a bunch of Wall Street traders are making money doesn't mean the rest of America is doing well. Besides, China is in the midst of a recession.

You can thank Trump for us not having combat troops in a war zone. And if Biden hadn't fucked up the Afghan withdrawal Trump handed to him, 13 America soldiers would still be alive today.

Your jobs numbers are bogus. First of all, it's only natural that everyone would go back to work after a global pandemic subsided. And second, Biden's "job growth" consisted of mostly inflationary government jobs and jobs filled by illegals.

And as far a "healthcare", all they've done was put more people on Medicaid and other government healthcare programs, which are also inflationary.
The democrats don't have the muscle to get it done and they're likely going to lose more senate seats
They have the senate right now, and if the independents vote with the dems, they have a simple majority. That’s all they need to confirm all the justices they need.

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