Poll: How did Joe Biden do in his Address to the Nation Tonight?

Strongest economy…even stronger than China
First time this century we didn’t have combat troops in a war zone
16 million jobs
Most people covered by healthcare
Lie - economy isn’t strong
We lost how many troops in the botched Afghanistan withdrawal? He is responsible for two global conflicts and billions of dollars wasted.
Bounce back jobs from covid
Covered with highest copays in history

His approval rating was below 40%

You are a clown.
The one thing you should pay attention to in that speech, above all else is his talk of Supreme Court reform. Expect an expansion of the Supreme Court soon, just a hunch.

When he said "Supreme Court reform" he really meant packing the court by trying to increase the number of Justices.

As if that's ever going to happen. I can't think of a single sport where you just put a bunch more players on the field when you're losing.
How do you figure that? Did I somehow miss that they eliminated the filibuster?

Republicans are adamant about maintaining a 60-vote threshold for legislation. But they actually nuked the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees during the Trump administration, so confirmation takes only a simple majority.

What republicans did under Trump to remove the filibuster in scotus judges could come back to bite them.

??? You seem confused. He's not proposing the nomination of a Judge. He's proposing legislation, statutes, for things like term limits for SC Justices that are subject to the filibuster.

What republicans did under Trump to remove the filibuster in scotus judges could come back to bite them.
Sorry, Harry Reid nuked the filibuster for Presidential nominations in 2013.
??? You seem confused. He's not proposing the nomination of a Judge. He's proposing legislation, statutes, for things like term limits for SC Justices that are subject to the filibuster.

Sorry, Harry Reid nuked the filibuster for Presidential nominations in 2013.

??? You seem confused. He's not proposing the nomination of a Judge. He's proposing legislation, statutes, for things like term limits for SC Justices that are subject to the filibuster.

I’m sure that will be a part of it, but bidens on his way out, he’s likely not going to let this opportunity pass him by.

Sorry, Harry Reid nuked the filibuster for Presidential nominations in 2013.

They nuked filibuster for scotus judges during trumps term
a) so well he should remain in office.
b) so poorly, that he should step down now, or be Article 25'd.

I see no third option. Either Joe Biden is fit to be president, and he should run for a second term, or he is unfit to be president and should step down or be Article 25'd immediately for the good of the nation.

Remember, if you want to propose a third option, you must explain how he will be unfit starting in January, but he is fit now.

He is fit now but he has decided to retire.
Nuff said.
Get the fuck over it.
I’m sure that will be a part of it, but bidens on his way out, he’s likely not going to let this opportunity pass him by.
Again, without the House and a filibuster proof Senate, he's simply blowing smoke up your collective asses in order to instill yet more and more division. He's a master at it.

They nuked filibuster for scotus judges during trumps term
OK I tried to help you, since you didn't seem to know the history.
Again, without the House and a filibuster proof Senate, he's simply blowing smoke up your collective asses in order to instill yet more and more division. He's a master at it.

OK I tried to help you, since you didn't seem to know the history.
Did you not read the CNN article I posted?

How about this one:

The first change came in 2013, when Democrats, stymied by Republican filibusters against President Barack Obama’s judicial nominees, unilaterally changed the rules to allow most executive branch nominations to skirt an attempted filibuster with a simple majority of 51 votes. Supreme Court nominees were not included.

After Donald J. Trump’s inauguration in 2017, Republicans moved quickly to expand the filibuster exemption to cover nominees to the Supreme Court, clearing the way for Mr. Trump to fill three vacancies and leaving Democrats with no recourse to stop him.
It was a beautiful speech. Our President, a true American.
A true American TRAITOR, just like his puppetmaster, the Tan effing Messiah. I hope karma takes both of them down slow...and painfully...
They have the senate right now, and if the independents vote with the dems, they have a simple majority. That’s all they need to confirm all the justices they need.
They have to get it past the House though. And there is no way Speaker Johnson or and Republican will vote for Biden to appoint more justices than he already has.
a) so well he should remain in office.
b) so poorly, that he should step down now, or be Article 25'd.

I see no third option. Either Joe Biden is fit to be president, and he should run for a second term, or he is unfit to be president and should step down or be Article 25'd immediately for the good of the nation.

Remember, if you want to propose a third option, you must explain how he will be unfit starting in January, but he is fit now.


B--so poorly China and Russia attempted some monkey business just before he spoke.

Well done, Democrats. I'd ask if you were proud but you don't care about the nation at all. You used to, a long time ago. No more.
Seems to be a bit of confusion here, at least to me. To clarify:

1. The Senate only needs 51 votes to confirm a Supreme Court Justice. The House does not vote on that.

2. The Senate needs 60 votes to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court. The House would have to vote on that.

3. However, it could be that the next time a democrat wins the White House and they have a 51-vote majority in the Senate that will change the Senate rules to abolish the filibuster, then they would only need 51 votes to do whatever they want, provided they can also pass legislation through the House. And THAT is the real threat to democracy.

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