How long do democrats want Trump put in prison?

They Hate him. Of course he is going to jail. How long will be determined by POLLS
how long, for we non elite would be determined by sentencing guidelines. 34 counts at 4 years per count is only 136 years.

trump's courtroom behavior has certainly earned him that and a contempt of court kicker.

if polls determined the outcome, trump's immense popularity, dare i say " celebrity," would get him off free, wouldn't it?
how long, for we non elite would be determined by sentencing guidelines. 34 counts at 4 years per count is only 136 years.

trump's courtroom behavior has certainly earned him that and a contempt of court kicker.

if polls determined the outcome, trump's immense popularity, dare i say " celebrity," would get him off free, wouldn't it?
Thats funny. I have nothing but contempt for it too. You and yout party.

Corrupt to the core Nazi wanna bees
Putting him in prison doesn't solve the larger problem, and will only make things worse on balance.
Rigged trial. Used cohens conviction to say he was trying to cover up Cohens crimes??

BS. Same as Impeachments.

Pissing a Very Large number of Americans off. Who now want payback
Putting him in prison doesn't solve the larger problem, and will only make things worse on balance.
We don't avoid putting criminals in prison because we're afraid of what their sycophants will do. That's nonsense. That said this is a non violent felony, if he wasn't such an unrepentant fucktard who hadn't attacked the process the entire way I'd say fine him but since he did do all those things I think a year is probably warranted.
Putting him in prison doesn't solve the larger problem, and will only make things worse on balance.
Mac can I ask how he could make it worse? We have seen how the right reacts regardless. I can even write the arguments for them.

Option 1: Trump is let of with a fine.

"See! The left has spent all this time and recourses for a crime that even a corrupt leftwing judge couldn't punish by more than a fine. Next time they'll put him on trial for jaywalking."

Option 2: Trump is sentenced to jail bit he's released pending appeal.

"See! This judge has just thrown the book at him because he's corrupt. And he knows that'll be thrown out at appeal, but now the left can claim he will go to jail."

Option 3: Trump is sentenced to jail and immediately remanded.

"See how corrupt this judge is. He's putting him in jail so he can't campaign."

The right has no interest in being either honest or reasonable about any conviction and will argue that no matter what Merchan does he is politically motivated regardless of what it is. So if that's the case why not simply not consider the politics and just make the ruling that you would have made without politics?

When in doubt, tell the truth. Or in this case do the right thing.
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Now is your time to put a verdict on Trump before your peep Merchan does

How long should Trump be in prison, or do you favor the death penalty?

How long will you continue to pray to your orange god?

For me, 6 months is fine. It gets the point across, although I won't cry if he gets longer, however either scenario seems very unlikely. One of the factors in deciding on a sentencing, for many judges is, determining if the defendant is genuinely remorseful and shows some contrition for what they've done. It definitely depends on the crime. For many cases this won't matter. If a defendant comes to the courtroom all cocky and boastful that he won't see jail time there's a good chance he will get some jail time even if the crime doesn't necessarily warrant it. What has Trump done since this trial has started and ended? He is that cocky and boastful idiot i described earlier. He even attacks the judge and his family. This is not a man who has accepted what he has done, nor is he remorseful or contrite. He's dangerous and he's basically daring the judge to send him to jail. I don't know what's going to happen. Honestly, the judge seems pretty weak. I think Trump will get off with a $100 fine and 6 months probation.
Mac can I ask how he could make it worse? We have seen how the right reacts regardless. I can even write the arguments for them.

Option 1: Trump is let of with a fine.

"See! The left has spent all this time and recourses for a crime that even a corrupt leftwing judge couldn't punish by more than a fine. Next time they'll put him on trial for jaywalking."

Option 2: Trump is sentenced to jail bit he's released pending appeal.

"See! This judge has just thrown the book at him because he's corrupt. And he knows that'll be thrown out at appeal, but now the left can claim he will go to jail."

Option 3: Trump is sentenced to jail and immediately remanded.

"See how corrupt this judge is. He's putting him in jail so he can't campaign."

The right has no interest in being either honest or reasonable about any conviction and will argue that no matter what Merchan does he is politically motivated regardless of what it is. So if that's the case why not simply not consider the politics and just make the ruling that you would have made without politics?

When in doubt, tell the truth. Or in this case do the right thing.
I agree and understand for the most part. One of Trump's primary superpowers is putting people in impossible situations and taking advantage of it for his own benefit. So the judge is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. I can even understand the argument that says "if there's going to be widespread terrorism anyway, let's get it over with".

Truth be told, I'm a little exhausted by this whole disaster, and I suspect a lot of other Americans are too. I mention all the time that I learned in 2016 that America isn't what I thought it was, and I've pretty much come to terms with that. The far bigger problem here is that so much of America is willing to hand their lives over to someone like this. That won't be fixed any time soon, and not by this election.
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I agree and understand for the most part. One of Trump's primary superpowers is putting people in impossible situations and taking advantage of it for his own benefit. So the judge is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. I can even understand the argument that says "if there's going to be widespread terrorism anyway, let's get it over with".

Truth be told, I'm a little exhausted by this whole disaster, and I suspect a lot of other Americans are too. I mention all the time that I learned in 2016 that America isn't what I thought it was, and I've pretty much come to terms with that. The far bigger problem here is that so much of America is willing to hand their lives over to someone like this.
So why not simply do the right thing?

The way I see it, is that the only way to not fall into the trap of getting numb to it all is to hold on to your own principles. If nothing else you can at least say that you did your best.

The problem is that, and this is very understandable, people try to find a way to put Humpty Dumpty back together by accomodations to those that actively want to destroy it all. But there's a reason you don't negotiate with people like that.
So why not simply do the right thing?

The way I see it, is that the only way to not fall into the trap of getting numb to it all is to hold on to your own principles. If nothing else you can at least say that you did your best.

The problem is that, and this is very understandable, people try to find a way to put Humpty Dumpty back together by accomodations to those that actively want to destroy it all. But there's a reason you don't negotiate with people like that.
I wouldn't complain if he were tossed into the pokey. I would just have to hope that no one looked at this as some kind of solution. Do the crime, do the time. I get that.
Now is your time to put a verdict on Trump before your peep Merchan does

How long should Trump be in prison, or do you favor the death penalty?

I think they won't dare now. Poll results coming in: at least in MI, most voters are unchanged or MORE likely to vote Trump because of the verdict. Jail him for this and it's all over.

Stupid Dems.
I wouldn't complain if he were tossed into the pokey. I would just have to hope that no one looked at this as some kind of solution. Do the crime, do the time. I get that.

Of course you wouldn't Mac; you hate American principles.
I wouldn't complain if he were tossed into the pokey. I would just have to hope that no one looked at this as some kind of solution. Do the crime, do the time. I get that.
It's not about a solution. It's about following a principle. In my book the only thing you can personally go by.

I wouldn't complain if Trump gets off with a fine, just like you wouldn't complain if he's jailed. Because neither you or me I think really mistake their opinion with facts, or are naive about how the world works.

If there was a chance that leniency would change a single mind, not taking a principled stance would make sense. The sad truth is that there isn't.
I think forever is best, especially being Hitler and all.

But so far they only want Trump behind bars for only one little year

What is up with that?

It is a good question, considering many of these people, and their hatred for Trump, would have led you to believe they wanted him in prison forever.
There have to be decent, intelligent conservatives to run for office. I've never seen a group of clowns and parasites as this Trump gang.

Let me guess, a “decent, intelligent conservative” would be someone like Romney, right? Or anyone who pretty much won’t fight against the democrat agenda? Is that what would qualify?
No so you'd notice. Besides, he isn't elected, but appointed and doesn't seem very political. Heck, he only donate $35 bucks during the last presidential election.
Which is $35 more than he is allowed to give. It’s my understanding, judges are not supposed to give political donations.

Besides, it’s not what he gave, it’s to whom. To bidens campaign, to an organization called “stop republicans”.

I mean, it’s amazing how people just dismiss these things when it works in their favor. The left “got Trump” so they will ignore any and all hints of corruption, anything to not shine a light on some of the bs antics they have been pulling.

Will they be so approving if/when it’s one of their people in the spotlight?
Republicans are whining about $35?


Republicans defend hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts Clarence Thomas received from political donors yet are outraged by a $35 political donation

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