How long do democrats want Trump put in prison?

America is a banana republic. Consider the company we're now in:

NICARAGUA — Just a few months ahead of a national election in 2021, Nicaraguan police arrested seven opposition leaders within a single week, all of them for the superlatively vague crime of acting “against the independence, sovereignty and auto-determination” of the country.
In response, the Biden Administration slapped sanctions on the Nicaraguan regime for this anti-democracy maneuver.

GEORGIA — In early 2021, Georgian police dragged opposition leader Nika Melia out of his party’s headquarters in a violent raid. The case against Melia was rooted in allegations that he incited violence during street protests by his supporters against the government (gee, sound familiar?).

The U.S. State Department complained that arresting Melia needlessly raised political tensions in a divided country.

BOLIVIA — At the end of 2022, the left-wing government of Bolivia arrested Luis Fernando Camacho, the right-wing governor of the country’s largest state, on charges of “terrorism” stemming from his support for 2019 protests that toppled the country’s then-leader Evo Morales. Camacho has remained in prison ever since.

The Biden State department didn't say much, likely because Camacho is a conservative.

UGANDA — In May of 2016, Ugandan presidential candidate Kizza Besigye was arrested on election day, and subsequently charged with treason for encouraging “illegal protests” and challenging the legitimacy of Uganda’s election results. At the time, the Obama administration didn’t like it at all.

“The United States condemns the detention of opposition presidential candidate Kizza Besigye while voting and tallying is going on. Such an action calls into question Uganda’s commitment to a transparent and free election process, free from intimidation,” State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters.

AMERICA — May 30, 2024 the leading opposition candidate for president, Donald Trump was convicted in a sham trial, before a corrupt judge, and at the hands of a prosecutor that was the #3 official in Joe Biden's DOJ. The novel legal theory was concocted by a Soros-funded DA who ran on turning America into a banana republic by "getting" Trump.

--Charlie Kirk
It does not matter what Democrats want. It boils down to Merchan. I am still betting on long probation and fines, at least to cover investigation, prosecution, and probation supervision expenses.
America is a banana republic. Consider the company we're now in:

NICARAGUA — Just a few months ahead of a national election in 2021, Nicaraguan police arrested seven opposition leaders within a single week, all of them for the superlatively vague crime of acting “against the independence, sovereignty and auto-determination” of the country.
In response, the Biden Administration slapped sanctions on the Nicaraguan regime for this anti-democracy maneuver.

GEORGIA — In early 2021, Georgian police dragged opposition leader Nika Melia out of his party’s headquarters in a violent raid. The case against Melia was rooted in allegations that he incited violence during street protests by his supporters against the government (gee, sound familiar?).

The U.S. State Department complained that arresting Melia needlessly raised political tensions in a divided country.

BOLIVIA — At the end of 2022, the left-wing government of Bolivia arrested Luis Fernando Camacho, the right-wing governor of the country’s largest state, on charges of “terrorism” stemming from his support for 2019 protests that toppled the country’s then-leader Evo Morales. Camacho has remained in prison ever since.

The Biden State department didn't say much, likely because Camacho is a conservative.

UGANDA — In May of 2016, Ugandan presidential candidate Kizza Besigye was arrested on election day, and subsequently charged with treason for encouraging “illegal protests” and challenging the legitimacy of Uganda’s election results. At the time, the Obama administration didn’t like it at all.

“The United States condemns the detention of opposition presidential candidate Kizza Besigye while voting and tallying is going on. Such an action calls into question Uganda’s commitment to a transparent and free election process, free from intimidation,” State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters.

AMERICA — May 30, 2024 the leading opposition candidate for president, Donald Trump was convicted in a sham trial, before a corrupt judge, and at the hands of a prosecutor that was the #3 official in Joe Biden's DOJ. The novel legal theory was concocted by a Soros-funded DA who ran on turning America into a banana republic by "getting" Trump.

--Charlie Kirk
Mexico does it right.

If the drug cartels don't like you, they just shoot you.

They must like the New socialist President.
Judge Merchan will coddle Trump?


You do realize that everyone else has gotten no jail time for this sort of misdemeanor, right?
no one has gotten jail time except bernie madoff and ken lay and such. trump is a multiole offender, trump u, the trump foundation, and that video mlm scheme have all been found "fraudulent"

and seriously?? disrespect to the judge, contempt of court, gag order violations etc etc etc. should every defendant get to act like that?

precious snowflake cult feelingz > the rule of law
No so you'd notice. Besides, he isn't elected, but appointed and doesn't seem very political. Heck, he only donate $35 bucks during the last presidential election.
I agree

Unless Trump continues his courtroom antics and forces the judge to give jail time
I hear ya. He's not too bright, but surely he knows not to intentionally piss off the sentencing judge further, before sentence is pronounced. If he intentionally does, all bets are off.
I hear ya. He's not too bright, but surely he knows not to intentionally piss off the sentencing judge further, before sentence is pronounced. If he intentionally does, all bets are off.

Normally, a convicted felon at sentencing is given a chance to speak, ask for mercy, give contrition for the crime, offer a reason for a light sentence.

If Trump continues his rants, calls the judge corrupt and inept, makes subtle threats…….I could see jail time
Now is your time to put a verdict on Trump before your peep Merchan does

How long should Trump be in prison, or do you favor the death penalty?

Now is your time to put a verdict on Trump before your peep Merchan does

How long should Trump be in prison, or do you favor the death penalty?
For the 34 felonies? I dunno. First time offender and these were lowest level of felony? I would imagine months, maybe? The 34 charges lumped into one concurrent sentence? Maybe even probation or house arrest?

Pretty much a slap on the wrist, in all likelihood.

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