Putin has authorized stealing USA technologies in the production of weapons. I Moscow empire is lying about its economic strength

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you're provoking the proverbial bear.
I am a strong , DESALINATED, determined , anti- 🇷🇺 colonial FIGHTER .

MEANWHILE you are 1) 🇷🇺Ivan 2) useful idiot 3) both

MASKAL MEME logo.jpg

I am a strong , DESALINATED, determined , anti- 🇷🇺 colonial FIGHTER .

MEANWHILE you are 1) 🇷🇺Ivan 2) useful idiot 3) both

View attachment 983764
swearing now?
maybe you're afraid you've already lost this argument, which you have, btw.
you see, i'm neither a commie nor a fool tool. i'm an amateur diplomat. a western-freedoms oriented hawkish one, and i speak out for the west plenty of times per week.

but look nitwit, you fail to comprehend such simple principles as 'respect for a multi-polar world order'.
but so do the Russians and Chinese.
considering that fact, i'll let you continue to post pro-uni-polar western world views on this forum uninterrupted, which btw, are quite emperial.
swearing now?
maybe you're afraid you've already lost this argument, which you have, btw.
you see, i'm neither a commie nor a fool tool. i'm an amateur diplomat. a western-freedoms oriented hawkish one, and i speak out for the west plenty of times per week.

but look nitwit, you fail to comprehend such simple principles as 'respect for a multi-polar world order'.
but so do the Russians and Chinese.
considering that fact, i'll let you continue to post pro-uni-polar western world views on this forum uninterrupted, which btw, are quite emperial.
bunch of RT.ru propaganda

the reality :
commie han- China has ALREADY declared part of Moscow empire as its territory on new official maps China's state-owned Standard Map Service has presented a set of geographic maps for 2023, on which for the first time part of Moscow's territory is indicated as part of China. It is about the Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island on the Amur River.
Moscow wants to allow deforestation and transfer of land near Lake Baikal to private ownership (read- into commie China´s hands )

China take advantage of Moscow empire 's weakened position. Believe nothing else! Its not personal. Its strictly business....
Muscovy is now a Chinese colony — while still foolishly dreaming of empire


Probably 🇷🇺 tried to pay in rubles :auiqs.jpg: :thup:

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