Why Do Republicans Pretend to Speak for Americans When Most Americans Don't Vote for Them?

Yes, they have an Electoral College advantage. And the Electoral College is how power is defined in the American republic. But Republicans have only once represented the majority of Americans in 36 years.
States would not stand a chance to represent their citizens except the Electoral College gives all states standing. While some states still have more power, at least the Electoral college helps weaker states get a voice in Government officials at the Fed level. Notice states do not self govern using an electoral college system. Because the term is United States of America. States must be able to get a share of power. If we go to popular vote, most states will lose their power. Who but Democrats wants such an evil?
Why do Republicans pretend to speak for America? They have lost seven of the last eight popular votes.

Yes, they have an Electoral College advantage. And the Electoral College is how power is defined in the American republic. But Republicans have only once represented the majority of Americans in 36 years.

So why do they pretend to speak for Americans?

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Take out the anomalies of NYC and LA County, the entire rest of the county leans Republican.
Why do Republicans pretend to speak for America? They have lost seven of the last eight popular votes.

Yes, they have an Electoral College advantage. And the Electoral College is how power is defined in the American republic. But Republicans have only once represented the majority of Americans in 36 years.

So why do they pretend to speak for Americans?

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I really don't know much about what they say since I stay away from the Fox propaganda apparatus, I only follow ABC and NPR which are serious establishments, Fox in turn caters to ultra maga cult extremists...🐻
First of all, they aren't really Republicans any more. They went off the reservation during the Bush years and have only run farther and farther away from conservatism since. And they completely ignore the will of the People, which is why they consistently lost the popular vote these past 32 years.

As for Trump, this is the weirdest thing. I cannot understand this desire to see a complete and utter LOSER return.

Rapist Donald is a total loser. He's a disgrace.

Convict Donald's highest approval rating as President was 49 percent. That's the lowest high point since such measures have been taken.

You have to go all the way back to Hoover to find a president who lost the Senate, the House, and the Presidency.

Trump lost the popular vote. TWICE.

The list of incumbents who have lost re-election is very short, and Trump's on it.

He hired the biggest crowd of crooks since Harding. He overflowed the swamp with indictments, convictions, scandals, and embarrassments.

If it was up to this idiot, we'd all be injecting ourselves with disinfectant.

And ever since he lost re-election, he's attempted a coup, whines and lies, and whines and lies, and whines and lies.

He convinced the rubes to give money for a non-existent election defense fund and then distributed the monies to his friends and himself.

Trump is the biggest sore loser bitch boi. Ever.

And then there is all his personal baggage which has come to light. Paying off mistresses. Stealing from cancer kids. Stealing from the elderly at his fake university. Tax fraud. Insurance fraud. Election fraud.

Seriously. Why would anyone in their right mind want anything more to do with this total disaster?

Trump has lost over 60 court cases since 2020. Including the recent multiple-felony conviction. Loser, loser, loser, loser, ad infinitum.

You'd have to be one of the most submissive cucks in the history of mankind to idolize this LOSER.
find someone better to run and you wont have trump....
Harry DresdenI really don't know much about what they say since I stay away from the Fox propaganda apparatus, I only follow ABC and NPR which are serious establishments, Fox in turn caters to ultra maga cult extremists...🐻
Serious yes, non partisan, no

They are as lib as the day is long
find someone better to run and you wont have trump....
There are SEVERAL Republicans who are better in every way. In fact, EVERY other Republican in 2016 was a better Republican than Trump.

But like I said, the party was taken over by psychos, liars, bigots, and hypocrites long before Trump came along.

That's why he switched parties. That's why he became a birther. Trump has a supernatural ability to sense weakmindedness and take advantage of it.
Why do Republicans pretend to speak for America? They have lost seven of the last eight popular votes.

Yes, they have an Electoral College advantage. And the Electoral College is how power is defined in the American republic. But Republicans have only once represented the majority of Americans in 36 years.

So why do they pretend to speak for Americans?

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God not this Dem lie again. Was there a popular vote election? Nope! Hence your thread is shit and piss.
God not this Dem lie again. Was there a popular vote election? Nope! Hence your thread is shit and piss.
The point is that time is not on the Trump party's side.

When you lose the popular vote 8 out of 9 times, that does not bode well for the future of your party. The electoral vote will only save your ass so many times.

It means you aren't listening to the will of the people, and they will put up with that for only so long.

Trump lost the popular vote so badly in 2020, the EC flushed him.
Is this a Dem sheeple projection thread? Dems have claimed to know what's best for everyone for the last 50 years and the numskulls can't even nominate a candidate without it becoming a total shitshow.
Is this a Dem sheeple projection thread? Dems have claimed to know what's best for everyone for the last 50 years and the numskulls can't even nominate a candidate without it becoming a total shitshow.
I can smell your flop sweat from here.

Do you know how many times you parrots have posted this narrative in the past few days?

Do any of you have an original thought?

You descend from illegall aliens. So:

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So as a nation which exists in 2024, we are not allowed to have an Immigration policy? we might as well say fuck it because the original native Americans lost their homeland right? fuck it all.
Then lets also disband all our military because we have nothing to fight for? not unless we are decended from thise original peoples right? why were we even born? Why should we exist when our ancestors have done wrong?
How far can we take this?
No, honestly its jus that you like snappy bumper stickers and slogans that make you feel good.
Not really. California is part of the country and Trump didn't win 49 states.
If we use just the popular vote, then cities would control all of the elections. Also, the northeast is now in king George territory as 20 senators and most reps are voted in as Progs. So, we have small states land wise from therewith more power than the larger states land wise from other parts of the nation.
Republicans are the party of exclusion. Only they determine who are real Americans and even real Republicans.
Were any of their former presidents or presidential candidates at or even mentioned at their convention? I didn't watch so I'm guessing they were sweep under the rug in the convention so they could continue to pretend those folks weren't real.
There are SEVERAL Republicans who are better in every way. In fact, EVERY other Republican in 2016 was a better Republican than Trump.

But like I said, the party was taken over by psychos, liars, bigots, and hypocrites long before Trump came along.

That's why he switched parties. That's why he became a birther. Trump has a supernatural ability to sense weakmindedness and take advantage of it.
die hard party people on both sides have been taken advantage of....

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