JD Vance breaks polling records

Blah, you vote for the head of the ticket.....All is expected of the VP is that they be reasonably competent. No issues with Vance in that department.

I suspect the dems will be wishing before long that FJB had chose more wisely.....More like the party hacks that saddled him with FKH.
/----/ The DNC had to go with KamelToe to keep the $200 campaign donations otherwise, they would have to return the money and hope it would be given to KamelToe.
No, not every single time but the studies are many.

All the same, you are still making the argument that "you need to stay even though you are getting beat for the kids".

What a horrible argument.

Then I guess we don't need all those marriage councilors and social workers after all.

What he said was "This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, 'Well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. And so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that's going to make people happier in the long term. "And maybe it worked out for the moms and dads, though I'm skeptical. But it really didn't work out for the kids of those marriages."

"When Vice News asked Vance for comment at the time, he answered: "I reject the premise of your bogus question. As anyone who studies these issues knows: domestic violence has skyrocketed in recent years, and is much higher among non-married couples. That's the 'trick' I reference: that domestic violence would somehow go down if progressives got what they want, when in fact modern society's war on families has made our domestic violence situation much worse. Any fair person would recognize I was criticizing the progressive frame on this issue, not embracing it. But I can see that you are not a fair person, so rather than answer your loaded and baseless question, let me offer the following: I'm an actual victim of domestic violence. In my life, I have seen siblings, wives, daughters, and myself abused by men. It's disgusting for you to argue that I was defending those men."

What exactly JD Vance has said about women
What he said was "This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, 'Well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. And so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that's going to make people happier in the long term. "And maybe it worked out for the moms and dads, though I'm skeptical. But it really didn't work out for the kids of those marriages."

"When Vice News asked Vance for comment at the time, he answered: "I reject the premise of your bogus question. As anyone who studies these issues knows: domestic violence has skyrocketed in recent years, and is much higher among non-married couples. That's the 'trick' I reference: that domestic violence would somehow go down if progressives got what they want, when in fact modern society's war on families has made our domestic violence situation much worse. Any fair person would recognize I was criticizing the progressive frame on this issue, not embracing it. But I can see that you are not a fair person, so rather than answer your loaded and baseless question, let me offer the following: I'm an actual victim of domestic violence. In my life, I have seen siblings, wives, daughters, and myself abused by men. It's disgusting for you to argue that I was defending those men."

What exactly JD Vance has said about women

Thank you, I knew that Pknopp was lying.

On the heels of last week's Republican National Convention, the Ohio senator is the least-liked vice-presidential candidate since 1980, CNN found in a polling analysis. It noted the data applied to nonincumbents.

Since 2000, vice-presidential nominees typically have had a net-positive rating immediately following the convention, at plus 19 points. Vance, however, is polling at minus 6 points just one week after accepting the vice-presidential nomination and officially embarking on the campaign trail, the network found.
The freshman lawmaker's lower-than-normal approval ratings are not an anomaly, as Vance has long polled behind other Republicans.

Vance heavily underperformed in his 2022 Ohio Senate race, at least compared with how other Republicans performed in the state that year. Vance defeated his opponent, then-Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan, by only 6 percentage points. In comparison, Republican Gov. Mike DeWine crushed his Democratic opponent, former Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley, by 25 percentage points in that same cycle.

It really does make one wonder why Trump choose him.

I am of the opinion that Trump was so assured of his own victory in Nov that he choose Vance to take the mantel of MAGA in 2028.
Couldnt happen to a nicer group of MAGAts.
But you would vote for a cock-gobbling Sodomite who wants to legalize marijuana, right?

Okie dokie. :laughing0301:

Of course he would. He's constantly on here berating conservatives for talking about the sky falling, but does the very same thing re Trump. And t hen claims he's leaving the country upon retirement cause he hates it here so much, not sure why he doesn't have any balls and just leave now. Personally, I hope if Harris gets back in, his retirement account bottoms out and he's stuck here. I'm sure he has his mattresses stuffed with cash while he makes fun of those concerned about retirement holdings due to the corrupt piece of shit he defends every day in here.
Blah, you vote for the head of the ticket.....All is expected of the VP is that they be reasonably competent. No issues with Vance in that department.

I suspect the dems will be wishing before long that FJB had chose more wisely.....More like the party hacks that saddled him with FKH.
Democrats are in total disarray, the media is desperately trying to prop them up.
I say they brought all this upon themselves by cheating in a potato and then trying to do it again, so I'm just gonna sit back and watch them flop like fish out of water.

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