Why Was An Aging Porn Star Speaking At the Trump Convention?

It seems every week the Trump Party sets a new low.

The party which claims Family Values and "Christian" nationalism seems to be oblivious they are serving darkness, hate, and fear. Their nominee is a serial adulterer, a prolific thief, a pathological liar, and a convicted felon who regularly violates eight of the ten commandments they claim to revere.

The cherry on top was asking a famous porn star to endorse Trump, wearing a painted on outfit and a tattooed face. Talk about a total lack of self-awareness! A porn star endorsing Trump!

Was this the only black woman they could find? Obviously.

Here's Trump glowing like a pervert, along with J.D. Vance and bible-thumper Mike Johnson applauding the hooker:


Here's Trump with the hooker and his wife. Note which one he is groping:


RNC plays rap video featuring Amber Rose after her speech

Once again, the willful blindness of the rubes manifests itself.

She is a porn star, fool. She's one of the biggest porn stars on OnlyFans. She's trying to rake in as much money as she can before she ages out.

The Trump party keeps sinking to lower lows every week.

This misogynist doesn't think women should control their own bodies.

I guess it should be explained to the weak-minded that Matt Walsh is being sarcastic.
Why do you keep posting things like this? Show is an article where she’s talking about how she’s sleeping with people for money on film.
You persisted in your stupidity, so I had to provide hardcore proof, idiot.
It's like you have to grab these tards by the neck to get them to finally admit something.

And then they inevitably find some excuse, any excuse, why it's cool to have a porn star seduce the Christian nationalists at their convention.

Just watch and see.
What's wrong with the Republicans also making a bid for the Smut Community?
You can't serve two masters.

We know which one Trump serves, and he is bringing the party with him down the road to perdition.

Get off that path while you can!
The D's have been celebrating "Stormy" for years and repeated her fake stories about Trump as if they were true.
Because they are true.
What's wrong with the Republicans also making a bid for the Smut Community?
Trump could literally molest children in the middle of 5th Ave. and not only would he not lose a single MAGAt vote but by the end of the day you cultroaches would have a story spun up about how the children "deserved it" or just made it up.
Because they are true.

Trump could literally molest children in the middle of 5th Ave. and not only would he not lose a single MAGAt vote but by the end of the day you cultroaches would have a story spun up about how the children "deserved it" or just made it up.

you don't know its "true" People who know Stormy knows she's a liar, like Mike Avenatti

If anyone doubts Amber Rose is a porn star, just go to Google Images and type "Amber Rose XXX" and turn off your Safe Search filter for a real eyeful!

This is the only black woman the Christians could find to endorse Trump.

Stormy Daniels was unavailable.


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