A good bit of black america does NOT support Kamala Harris

As San Francisco district attorney, Harris declined to seek the death penalty for a man who had murdered police officer Isaac Espinoza with an AK-47 in 2004. At Espinoza’s funeral, Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein called on Harris to seek the death penalty and received a standing ovation from police officers in attendance. “This is not only the definition of tragedy, it’s the special circumstance called for by the death-penalty law,” Feinstein said. California enacted a law in 1977 allowing the death penalty only in special circumstances, including when a police officer is murdered. In early April of this year, Espinoza’s widow spoke on camera for the first time. “She did not call me,” Renata Espinoza said of Harris in a tearful interview with CNN. “I felt like she had just taken something from us. She had just taken justice from us.” When Harris ran for attorney general in 2010, the only time she has faced a Republican in a statewide election, her handling of the Espinoza case was a major campaign issue. She won the election by less than one percentage point while every other Democrat running for statewide office won by double digits.
Fox News. :auiqs.jpg:

"A good bit of black america does NOT support Kamala Harris" :laughing0301:

Boy are you in for a big surprise.

By the way, California elected Harris to the US Senate.
All of America not just CA is my point. She can't get all of the country backing her. She lost when she ran against Biden as you must recall.

All of America not just CA is my point. She can't get all of the country backing her. She lost when she ran against Biden as you must recall.

That was then this is now Biden is no longer candidate.

Dems are more than happy to have Kamala running

As are women and blacks and young folks whether they be Dems or not

That does not include ancient Trumpers like you
Southerners, yes (D) at the time, started the KKK.
These Southerners are Conservative Confederates and support todays Right Wing.
Parties changed, people didn't.
The ONES fighting FOR slavery were right wing Southern Confederates.

So you can take your fake rage that todays (D) are racist.
The support of the KKK is a right wing thing Robert.

See trump and Nick Fuentes.
What upsets you so much when you get told you defend Democrats but despise Republicans? Republicans fought against Slavery. They went wild supporting civil rights when Johnson or Kennedy was president. Evidence of this was when Eisenhower was president. You are trying to divert this to your topic. Hatred of the so called Conservatives by you when you tell the forum you don't like both parties. But then you attack just Republicans.
That was then this is now Biden is no longer candidate.

Dems are more than happy to have Kamala running

As are women and blacks and young folks whether they be Dems or not

That does not include ancient Trumpers like you
I wasn't pleased Trump beat Biden until he was president and then he was a supreme president. We must quit failing by having either Biden or Harris remaining in power. Boot them both out.
What upsets you so much when you get told you defend Democrats but despise Republicans? Republicans fought against Slavery. They went wild supporting civil rights when Johnson or Kennedy was president. Evidence of this was when Eisenhower was president. You are trying to divert this to your topic. Hatred of the so called Conservatives by you when you tell the forum you don't like both parties. But then you attack just Republicans.
Oh the irony.

You accuse Dems of despising Republicans (we don’t…at least not on that basis) and then illustrate your OWN hatred of Dems… yes on that basis alone
YOU sound racist as hell
She married a white man. You mean she sounds racist as hell. And she looks like a lot of white women. You must be attacking her for that.
Oh the irony.

You accuse Dems of despising Republicans (we don’t…at least not on that basis) and then illustrate your OWN hatred of Dems… yes on that basis alone
I was a long term Democrat. I reformed. Can't be in that racist party again. Winco tells me he hates Democrats too. But here he rushed to work for them. It means he needs to be honest. You are. You do hate Republicans. Way way out there.
I was a long term Democrat. I reformed. Can't be in that racist party again. Winco tells me he hates Democrats too. But here he rushed to work for them. It means he needs to be honest. You are. You do hate Republicans. Way way out there.
You’ve often expressed your hatred of Dems. You’re kidding no one

I do not “hate” Republicans. I disagree with them on most issues and find them generally dishonest

People like you… bigoted , old, pompous liars… yeah

I hate you
You’ve often expressed your hatred of Dems. You’re kidding no one

I do not “hate” Republicans. I disagree with them on most issues and find them generally dishonest

People like you… bigoted , old, pompous liars… yeah

I hate you
I have read your lies but so far have not wanted to hate you. You thrive on hating Republicans then whine when Republicans return that favor.
You’ve often expressed your hatred of Dems. You’re kidding no one

I do not “hate” Republicans. I disagree with them on most issues and find them generally dishonest

People like you… bigoted , old, pompous liars… yeah

I hate you
It seems you want me to hate Republicans again. Sorry you can't talk me into hate.
Oh the irony.

You accuse Dems of despising Republicans (we don’t…at least not on that basis) and then illustrate your OWN hatred of Dems… yes on that basis alone
It bugs me that Democrats are still racists.
It seems you want me to hate Republicans again. Sorry you can't talk me into hate.
See. Politics for you is about hatred. Of Republicans when you were a Dem and now of Dems since you are a Republican

Normal people don’t think like that
Bingo, again you rushed to defend Democrats. Supposedly you don't like that party.
Grow up OLD man.
You say I won't attack (D), but in reality you refuse to attack (R).
So there is that. ^^^^^^^

I have started threads on Biden needing to drop out, "Who Replaces Biden" because Biden was getting worse. And you dismiss this. WHY.

Trump is mentally unstable, you won't acknowledge that FACT.
What upsets you so much when you get told you defend Democrats but despise Republicans? Republicans fought against Slavery. They went wild supporting civil rights when Johnson or Kennedy was president. Evidence of this was when Eisenhower was president. You are trying to divert this to your topic. Hatred of the so called Conservatives by you when you tell the forum you don't like both parties. But then you attack just Republicans.
I do Despise TRUMP.
It's easy, he's a total POS, lying Con Man.
I dare you to say ......

"Yes, trump has committed adultery". but you're OK with that FACT.
"Trump LIES constantly." and I won't deflect to (D) to defend trumps LIES.
It bugs me that Democrats are still racists.
Horse shit

That’s not why bugs you since you ARE a racist yourself and Dems aren’t racist.

Funny though. When you were a Dem there was a strong element of SOUTHERN racism in the party. That’s gone from the Dem party and strangely… so are you
It bugs me that Democrats are still racists.
Let's talk about Nick Fuentes.

1). Is Nick Fuentes Racist?
2). Is Nick Fuentes a supporter of (R)?

Two simple questions.
Answer the two questions, then deflect as you always do.
But ANSWER the two questions first.
I bet you won't.

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