New discovery Hey, more ice .... not less and here is proof

I care about my family and the rest of humanity. Why are you so willing to take the word of a discredited loner against the word of thousands of scientists when the question under consideration is the future in which your children will live? Does that really seem like the place to take a risky bet?
It's emotional for you.

Look at the temperature data and show us the last time the Earth's temperature rose as rapidly as it has risen in the last century. Look at the CO2 data and show us the last time levels have risen as fast they have in the last century. Look at the ocean pH data dn show us the last time they have dropped as precipitously as they are dropping now. This is no fucking cycle. This is a goddamn catastrophe in the making and you're one of the idiots telling us not to worry.

My children's world is going to be a pile of shit that could have been stopped, that could have been prevented were it not for worse than worthless shit-for-brains assholes like you.

I think we've already fucked this up and we'll continue to fuck this up mostly do to so many spineless fools and cowards in the human species. We will never put in the money and effort actually required to prevent this catastrophe so we and our descendants for the next thirty generations will get to suffer the conseqences.

The world is getting warmer due primarily to human GHG emissions and the increased temperatures are going to fuck us up. It is almost guaranteed that humans will be like you and will not do what needs to be done to avoid this catastrophe and the cost will be astronomical. Our grandchildren and their children and their children and their children and their children will blame people just like YOU for the misery of their lives. They will spend generations trying to figure out how anyone could have been so incredibly oblivious. But, hey, your call.

climate scientists offer us is the knowledge necessary for allowing us to avoid world wide catastrophe from rising temperatures and sea level.
It's emotional for you.
Would you like to suggest that you're my superior because you don't give two shits about your children or anyone else's but instead attach the highest priority to your long-bruised ego?

And, your collection of that many quotes from my posts indicates a REALLY unhealthy obsession son.
Would you like to suggest that you're my superior because you don't give two shits about your children or anyone else's but instead attach the highest priority to your long-bruised ego?

And, your collection of that many quotes from my posts indicates a REALLY unhealthy obsession son.
It's more indicative of a simple search feature and it's pretty clear that you are the one who sees himself as morally superior. I just see myself as someone who believes the climate community has gotten it all wrong.
It's more indicative of a simple search feature
You executed the search.
and it's pretty clear that you are the one who sees himself as morally superior.
It's pretty clear that I care about my children and others and that I feel that your choices tell me you do not; that the choices of you and yours put mine at increased risk.
I just see myself as someone who believes the climate community has gotten it all wrong.
Now, if only you actually had some justification for having thought that.
You executed the search.

It's pretty clear that I care about my children and others and that I feel that your choices tell me you do not; that the choices of you and yours put mine at increased risk.

Now, if only you actually had some justification for having thought that.
I'm not political. You are.

I'm not emotional about this. You are.

I don't believe in catastrophic warming from CO2. You do.

I don't see a problem. You do.

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