Gen Z

The losing side is always looking for a trend or a gimmick that might rescue them from defeat. It doesn't look like it's gonna happen this go-round.
thats funny you think kids living in their parents basement will take time from their video games to read my posts,,
That's all Trump and his cult project. Hate, disdain, fearmongering, whining.

You aren't the only one who does it. In fact, it was entirely predictable a Trump cult member would make the post you made.
That's all Trump and his cult project. Hate, disdain, fearmongering, whining.

You aren't the only one who does it. In fact, it was entirely predictable a Trump cult member would make the post you made.
so trump has a porn star speak and you think thats based on hate??

and isnt this whole thread about fear mongering??

truthfully to me it seems youre scared and doing everything you can to deflect away from your lack of a competent candidate,,
so trump has a porn star speak and you think thats based on hate??

and isnt this whole thread about fear mongering??

truthfully to me it seems youre scared and doing everything you can to deflect away from your lack of a competent candidate,,
Neither candidate is my candidate. I'm writing in the names of a couple I know, just for the fun of it.

I can't stand Trump or his cult, and I can't stand the Democrats.

This thread is about Gen Z. Try to catch up.
Neither candidate is my candidate. I'm writing in the names of a couple I know, just for the fun of it.

I can't stand Trump or his cult, and I can't stand the Democrats.

This thread is about Gen Z. Try to catch up.
that sounds even worse,,,

you are campaigning for biden by attacking trump and not even going to vote for,,OH sorry forgot ,,

youre campaigning for kamala by attacking trump,,
that sounds even worse,,,

you are campaigning for biden by attacking trump and not even going to vote for,,OH sorry forgot ,,

youre campaigning for kamala by attacking trump,,
As I have explained at least a hundred times, who would you hate more. Someone who came into your neighbor's house and shit on their furniture, or someone who came into YOUR house and shit on YOUR furniture?

Your answer will explain all of my posts.

All caught up now?
As I have explained at least a hundred times, who would you hate more. Someone who came into your neighbor's house and shit on their furniture, or someone who came into YOUR house and shit on YOUR furniture?

Your answer will explain all of my posts.

All caught up now?
you shouldnt be shitting on anyones furniture,,
23 million Gen Z people will be eligible to vote in the next election. That's a lot of potential voters. And young people trend to the left.

Voters under 30 are trending left of the general electorate

But as Bernie Sandier often said, young people have poor turnouts in elections. Usually.


Gen Z Voted at a Higher Rate in 2022 than Previous Generations in their First Midterm Election

And this:

Nearly 40K new voters registered in 48 hours after Biden’s exit

Of the new voter registrations, 83 percent were from people aged 18-34, according to the voting registration nonprofit group.


Donald Trump Is Crushing Kamala Harris Among Younger Voters

The poll, conducted by Quinnipiac University between July 19 and 21, found that among the 18-34 age group, Trump fared better than Harris, with 58 percent of those surveyed supporting the former president compared to Harris' 39 percent.

We'll see if Harris can turn that around. She's just getting started and she has much more youthful energy than Trump.

And better dance moves.

Much better dance moves.

I think a big factor in this election will be the ground game. The Democrats have a huge organizational advantage over Trump. Especially since Trump has been stealing vast sums of campaign donations to pay his legal bills and other personal expenses.

Trump's biggest fundraising day was, what, $35 million?

Harris raised $81 million right out of the gate, and the Democrats raised another $90 million the same day.

The battle for Gen Z is on.
Harris "raised" ZERO. That was money the donors were withholding from Biden until anybody else was announced. But you just want to bleev that Harris has any chance in the general election.
Nope. Not really. Want one to work hard then pay up. Want me to work hard then up the pay. Pretend to pay me then I won't put in effort. That's ad american as it gets.
No effort, then you get fired and make $0 per hour. And no unemployment either.
you shouldnt be shitting on anyones furniture,,
Are you really this obtuse? Or just stupid?

Trump invaded the Republican Party and took it over. He saw its weaknesses and how it had been taken over by psychos, retards, bigots, and hypocrites. And like any world class con man, he switched parties and exploited that weakness.

Trump shit all over the Republican Party and they ate it up, throwing every last avowed principle out the window with gusto. They joined Trump in shitting all over their own furniture.

That's why I finally left the party. That's why I'm a Never Trumper.

I thought after the violence of Trump's coup that everyone would finally wake up and realize just how fucked in the head and how far off the reservation they had gone.

And for about five minutes, they did.

Their their insanity was too far progressed. They chose to become a full blown cult, and now Trump's cult has an honest-to-God mental illness.

They worship an adulterer, a thief, a liar. A man who doubled the deficit and ran up $8 trillion in debt in half the time it took Obama. Obama, whose spending they virulently attacked for his debt!

A man I warned in 2016 was far left limousine liberal Democrat and would not change his far left ways.

They worship a con man who lied right to their faces about having a beautiful replacement for Obamacare.

A man who attempted a coup and prevented a peaceful transition of power for the first time since our nation's founding.

And you, right now, are blowing all of that off in your mentally ill mind as you read this. Because you are a cult member.
Are you really this obtuse? Or just stupid?

Trump invaded the Republican Party and took it over. He saw its weaknesses and how it had been taken over by psychos, retards, bigots, and hypocrites. And like any world class con man, he switched parties and exploited that weakness.

Trump shit all over the Republican Party and they ate it up, throwing every last avowed principle out the window with gusto. They joined Trump in shitting all over their own furniture.

That's why I finally left the party. That's why I'm a Never Trumper.

I thought after the violence of Trump's coup, that everyone would finally wake up and realize just how fucked in the head and how far off the reservation they had gone.

And for about five minutes, they did.

Their their insanity was too far progressed. They chose to become a full blown cult, and now Trump's cult has an honest-to-God mental illness.

They worship an adulterer, a thief, a liar. A man who doubled the deficit and ran up $8 trillion in debt in half the time it took Obama. Obama, whose spending they virulently attacked for his debt!

A man I warned in 2016 was far left limousine liberal Democrat and would not change his far left ways.

They worship a man who lied right to their faces about having a beautiful replacement for Obamacare.

A man who attempted a coup and prevented a peaceful transition of power for the first time since out nation's founding.

And you, right now, are blowing all of that off in your mind as you read this. Because you are a cult member.
I just dont understand why you would run around shitting on other peoples furniture,,

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