Vice President Kamala Harris will not preside over or attend Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's joint address to Congress

That would be funny if Biden forgets that he stepped down and has a tantrum and wants his place back for another 4 years....poor Whore Kamala., :)
She is pro hamas and hates Israel. These commies do. Her parents were radicals. She was educated with and associated with radicals and communists...she formed clubs that promoted radicalism and communism. She hates America as it is. She wants to change it to be like a third world shithole. Even you kamala lovers are going to be hurt.
I have a theory about Kamala based on persons from India
(including Mysore) I have known. well---here it is---marriage
to a non-hindu is not an entirely socially acceptable thing
in India---(her mother married a non-hindu which makes her
A NOTHING) Her political ideology is based on early childhood
trauma----it's a theory known to psychiatrists who recognize
"primal psychiatry"

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