Have you noticed?

Except with all those historical facts. :itsok: :laugh:
Slavers held slaves captive, yes, but the idea that the 2A supported and or allowed, you have done nothing of the sort. It is your opinion. That is it. Provide one resource that is unbiased and peer reviewed and then we will talk. Until then....
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I already went over this with another moron. All the second amendment allowed the population of deplorable white settler Americans to do is enforce tyranny. At no point did they use their second amendment rights to fight their own tyrannical regime. You're arguing with fantasy and cosplay about what you wish America was rather than what it actually was. The slave state they created was just as brutal, if not more so, than the monarchy they were trying to divorce themselves from.
And it was radically transformed by, you guessed it, a whole lot of men who brought their guns with them into a very bloody war that eliminated the slave state.
Washington and gun toting white Americans were brutal dictators.
You seem angry. Maybe you should talk to someone about that.
That's a different argument and I don't think I need to change it. I think packing the court with enough Justices who'll interpret it our way will suffice.
That's a dumb way to do anything, because the next president who disagrees with you will just add more until he gets the rulings he want. IOW, you want the executive branch to control the judicial one, and that won't fly.
Slavers held slave captive, yes, but that the 2A supported and or allowed, you have done nothing of the sort. It is your opinion. That is it. Provide one resource that is unbiased and peer reviewed and then we will talk. Until then....
What are you talking about moron? Do we agree that Americans owned slaves? That they owned guns? And that the 2nd protected their right to use these guns against their property? What part is history are you trying to deny?
And it was radically transformed by, you guessed it, a whole lot of men who brought their guns with them into a very bloody war that eliminated the slave state.
And created yet still another tyrannical regime in its place with Jim Crow and segregation.
You seem angry. Maybe you should talk to someone about that.
Why should I be if these are the best argument that you have? :dunno: :laugh:
That's a dumb way to do anything, because the next president who disagrees with you will just add more until he gets the rulings he want. IOW, you want the executive branch to control the judicial one, and that won't fly.
And? How does that effectively change anything for the worse? How bad are you at simple calculations? If a Democratic President changes things for the better, even briefly, before a Republican one changes them back then there is still the brief respite of something better. Even my 2 year old grandson could do that calculation you Simp. :laugh:
What are you talking about moron?
Reported. Done with you making insults. It only proves you have no logical arguments.
Do we agree that Americans owned slaves?
Of course I've stated that.
That they owned guns?
Yes, long before the 2A was instituted. Long before the Long gun was invented, slavers had slaves.This means that the moral code of slavers, and their inability to see Africans as equal is the root cause. How did slavers enforce slavery before the long gun? The point is that slavery and the institution of slavery was brought about from the terrible perception of seeing another human as sub-human. That has nothing, nothing to do with Guns or the 2A.

Then let's fast forward to 1776, slavery has now been around for 150 years plus. Do you honestly think the 2A is the reason slavery was further enforced and it's not the condition of a man's heart?
And that the 2nd protected their right to use these guns against their property? What part is history are you trying to deny?
Slavers used guns to against slaves long before the 2A. The fact that as Americans we didn't see that as Murder, is the travesty.
Reported. Done with you making insults. It only proves you have no logical arguments.

Of course I've stated that.

Yes, long before the 2A was instituted. Long before the Long gun was invented, slavers had slaves.This means that the moral code of slavers, and their inability to see Africans as equal is the root cause. How did slavers enforce slavery before the long gun? The point is that slavery and the institution of slavery was brought about from the terrible perception of seeing another human as sub-human. That has nothing, nothing to do with Guns or the 2A.

Then let's fast forward to 1776, slavery has now been around for 150 years plus. Do you honestly think the 2A is the reason slavery was further enforced and it's not the condition of a man's heart?

Slavers used guns to against slaves long before the 2A. The fact that as Americans we didn't see that as Murder, is the travesty.
Well then I've proven my argument you moron. You just agreed with every aspect of it. My argument has nothing at all to do with when they started being slavers or whether they used guns prior to the second amendment. It has everything to do with the condition of men's hearts. I don't believe everyone is pure of heart and with good reason as I and history have shown.
Why wouldn't they? Democrats aren't the hypocrites that Republicans truly are. Democrats called for gun control after Steve Scalise was shot too.
Republicans aren't hypocrites, as i said in my OP, which you could read if you even bothered, we aren't calling for gun control simply because we aren't hipocrites.
Tell us again how Republicans reacted when Paul Pelosi was nearly beaten to death???? Trump was still making jokes about that at the convention a couple of weeks ago.
Irrelevant nonsense.
Crime of all kinds.

Other nations count "violent" crime much differently than Americans. In Canada, a fist fight outside a bar where two drunks exchange a few blows is counted as a "violent" crime. In the USA, these crimes aren't counted.

"In the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Violent crimes are defined in the UCR Program as those offenses that involve force or threat of force."

In Great Britain, violent crime is defined as:

"The legal definition of violent crime refers to any act that involves the use or threat of force against another individual or property. It includes offenses such as homicide, assault, robbery, and sexual offences. Under UK law, violent crimes are categorised based on the severity and nature of the act."

Because other crimes aren't included in American "violent crime statistics", it's impossible to compare your crime rates with other nations.

And here you are, again spouting irrelevant nonsense and previously debunked bull shit. Left win loons like you aren't worth arguing with. It's a waste of time. Your argument has been debunked so many times now yet you still say it. Why would anyone waste time doing anything but pointing out what an idiot you are.

Ignorant and stubborn is no way to go through life. Be better.
No, but I have seen a Trump supporter call for people to be jailed for criticizing Trump.
as always, no link, no evidence provided. It's like dims are always saying

Believe everything I say.. no proof needed.

I mean, who the hell are YOU anyway, that anyone should believe you? :banghead: just on your word (ha ha ha...) :auiqs.jpg:
Well then I've proven my argument you moron. You just agreed with every aspect of it. My argument has nothing at all to do with when they started being slavers or whether they used guns prior to the second amendment. It has everything to do with the condition of men's hearts. I don't believe everyone is pure of heart and with good reason as I and history have shown.
You just moved the goal posts. Ugh... are you really this ignorant. You have, the entire time been saying the 2A is a primary reason slavery was maintained.
And created yet still another tyrannical regime in its place with Jim Crow and segregation.
Which was again replaced. The point has not been sullied, the 2nd Amendment has worked.
Why should I be if these are the best argument that you have? :dunno: :laugh:
You're to one being very angry about things that didn't happen to you.
And? How does that effectively change anything for the worse? How bad are you at simple calculations? If a Democratic President changes things for the better, even briefly, before a Republican one changes them back then there is still the brief respite of something better. Even my 2 year old grandson could do that calculation you Simp. :laugh:
And you would destroy the credibility of the court. People would stop paying attention to what they rule. You really don't look at the long term, do you?
as always, no link, no evidence provided. It's like dims are always saying

Believe everything I say.. no proof needed.

I mean, who the hell are YOU anyway, that anyone should believe you? :banghead: just on your word (ha ha ha...) :auiqs.jpg:
ask and ye shall receive.

The lies are coming from you side. I say the next liberal who says Trump is a threat to democracy, or a Hitler, should be arrested for inciting violence against the former, and likely future, U.S. President.
ask and ye shall receive.
So you’re saying that our country would not completely fall if we just went around giving our money to anyone who asked for it?

It’s past time you ideological leftists grew up and learned that people who earn $50,000 aren’t entitled to have people earning $90,000 pay for them to live in luxury apartments,
You just moved the goal posts. Ugh... are you really this ignorant. You have, the entire time been saying the 2A is a primary reason slavery was maintained.
You're argument has been that the second amendment is needed to guard against tyranny. My counter argument to that is that the right to bear arms was used to enforce tyranny. That's a historical fact.

I've said repeatedly I don't trust a group of armed white men to protect the equal rights of black people. Why should I?
You seem like a fool.
I think you replied to the wrong post. What you asked has nothing to do with what I stated, nor have I ever implied anything in your bizarre question which does not have anything to do with the thread.
Which was again replaced. The point has not been sullied, the 2nd Amendment has worked.
Not by armed revolution but by peaceful protest that lead to legislation.
You're to one being very angry about things that didn't happen to you.
You're the one doing narration rather than rationalization.
And you would destroy the credibility of the court. People would stop paying attention to what they rule. You really don't look at the long term, do you?
The court has already lost its credibility in the eyes of many and regardless that's a feeling. I don't care about your feelings. I'm more of the might makes right/hook or by crook school of political theory.

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