Kamala's Extramarital Affair Turns Trump Liability into a Trump Advantage

Public health is a good reason to give healthcare.
Not to illegals. It’s preferable to deport them.

And as far as citizens, where will the money come from the “give” health care? We already give Medicaid to those who won’t get jobs.
and you know this how?
I dont think either of them has said otherwise have they? This isnt a new thing. Their relationship hasnt been questioned. Do I know the frequency of the dick sucking? No. But I think everyone got that it was just a euphemism.
I dont think either of them has said otherwise have they? This isnt a new thing. Their relationship hasnt been questioned. Do I know the frequency of the dick sucking? No. But I think everyone got that it was just a euphemism.

So, you made it up.

That is what I assumed, just wanted to clarify.

Thanks, have a great day.
Even though Joe Biden also had an extra-marital affair with the still-married Jill Stevenson, the media brushed it aside because they ended up getting married and because, well, only Republican sex scandals get covered.

But Kamala's situation is a bit different. She was the "side-chick" of the still married Willie Brown, and just as bad, got TWO political appointments because of the affair. To quote Brown: "Yes, we dated.....Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker." So not only was Harris in an adulterous affair, she got "paid" for it. In that regard, is she really any different from Stormy Daniels?

Leftwing "fact checker" Snopes tries to excuse this affair as only a half-truth since Brown and his wife were "only separated and Harris and Brown openly appeared together". So according to a fact checker, it's not an adulterous affair if people are only separated, AND if the affair was over when Kamala first sought election. Huh? Talk about screwed-up twisted hocus-pocus. But this is the way the leftwing media will dismiss this. Discussion of it will also be called racist and sexist.

But the fact is, it will hurt Harris with the rank-and-file Christian voting populace. They don't go for women who wreck homes, especially for political benefit.

Morality Advantage: Trump.
um... dude..

No Christian was planning on voting for kamelhead anyway

Wait... to clarify: No REAL Christian... Fake ones may vote for her, I'm sure
Well I am a Christian so it is straightforward for me.
It’s straight forward to take money from American taxpayers struggling to buy food and groceries and use it to give free food to illegal aliens?

Aren’t you so high-and-mighty? You’re not even an American. You’re a British Muslim immigrant who wants to see our country fail.
"So get off your high horse....."

Ummmm, good poster Lisa, lemme offer this bit of free advice..... worth its cost:

Anyway, height is relative.
I mean by that, if you are convinced that poster Tommy is high, then, ipso facto, you are low, lowest. (??)

And we don't mean that disrespectfully nor pejoratively.......just helpfully.

Ahh yes the inability to argue the point
And good poster Potato's sad point seems to be a public obsession with fellatio, coitus, and penises. Which, to my poor avatar seems a tad inappropriate for responsible adult discourse. But, this is a big tent forum, and much can be tolerated, if not admired nor condoned. Too, it defines the endemic misogyny of the MAGA movement.

Yes, it is sad.....and more than a bit icky.
No REAL Christian... Fake ones may vote for her, I'm sure

How does one tell the difference?

And too, the noted Mahatma Gandhi once observed of those Christians.....real and fake:

""I like your Christ, but not your Christianity."

ps......out of curiosity, poster Fork, is it "Christian" to call Vice President Kamala Harris a whore, a "c*cksucker", a slut?
And if that behavior ain't Christ-like, well then, we all can well understand Mahatma's point.
How does one tell the difference?

And too, the noted Mahatma Gandhi once observed of those Christians.....real and fake:

""I like your Christ, but not your Christianity."

ps......out of curiosity, poster Fork, is it "Christian" to call Vice President Kamala Harris a whore, a "c*cksucker", a slut?
And if that behavior ain't Christ-like, well then, we all can well understand Mahatma's point.
Gandhi never said it.
So, you made it up.

That is what I assumed, just wanted to clarify.

Thanks, have a great day.
LOL. Are you really on here acting like they werent dating for a year? Seriously? Wow. You should put down the copium and go back to eating crayons.
LOL. Are you really on here acting like they werent dating for a year? Seriously? Wow. You should put down the copium and go back to eating crayons.

I have to admit I have no actual knowledge of the dating life of Harris from 30 years, but thank goodness there are people like you who care so much about these things to keep me up to speed.

You are so handy to have around.
Likewise Harpy .. your future includes expressions like, “Damn .. she’s IS annoying, I wish she’d just shut the hell up .. 😉”.

I have been saying that about every POTUS (change the she for a he) this century. Could not stand to listen to a single one of them speak.
They are?

What is debatable are Republican allegations against Kamala and accusations of her being a whore

Melania was a porn model who Trump made First Lady

Glass Houses my friend
Eh .. I’d much rather appreciate her beauty and mind than go to one of your dangling gay pride parades but each to his/her own.
weird link....with that said I am sure Trump has more then "Laughin Kamala" and "Lyin' Kamala" - the second though, is pretty much all he needs though.

She undermined the Covid vaccine all though 2020, which help lead to the record covid deaths under her and joe admin, she lied about Joe's fitness for office and keep that fraud going on the american people, she had a complete dereliction of duty when she was placed in charge of the border...that's just what she's done while VP, prior to that she directly help fund the 2020 insurrections across this country, leading to billions in damage, loss of life, assaults...and other criminal activity. She is a clear and present danger to the United States of America
how did ms harris "undermine " a vaccine that had not yet been developed?
of i remember correctly, WE rolled out the vaccine and were undermined by "conservatives" parroting putin disinformation. then, and now, deaths are predominately among the unvaccinated as "conservatives' continue to kill americans with anti vax propaganda.
You brought up Daniels, not me. Sorry but zero evidence he had sex with her; she was a hooker looking to from the publicity. I believe you know you're full of shit.
lolol zero evidence? and ms caroll? zero evidence?
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Even though Joe Biden also had an extra-marital affair with the still-married Jill Stevenson, the media brushed it aside because they ended up getting married and because, well, only Republican sex scandals get covered.

But Kamala's situation is a bit different. She was the "side-chick" of the still married Willie Brown, and just as bad, got TWO political appointments because of the affair. To quote Brown: "Yes, we dated.....Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker." So not only was Harris in an adulterous affair, she got "paid" for it. In that regard, is she really any different from Stormy Daniels?

Leftwing "fact checker" Snopes tries to excuse this affair as only a half-truth since Brown and his wife were "only separated and Harris and Brown openly appeared together". So according to a fact checker, it's not an adulterous affair if people are only separated, AND if the affair was over when Kamala first sought election. Huh? Talk about screwed-up twisted hocus-pocus. But this is the way the leftwing media will dismiss this. Discussion of it will also be called racist and sexist.

But the fact is, it will hurt Harris with the rank-and-file Christian voting populace. They don't go for women who wreck homes, especially for political benefit.

Morality Advantage: Trump.
Jill was divorced. And Harris was not a porn start who had sex when she really didn't wantto because she knew she had put herself in a bad situation. She did not get paid for her relationship wth Brown. There is no kind of sane comparison to the things trump has done in regards to cheating on 3 different wives. Brown was separated and unmarried. So try again.
The racism form the scumbag section is not surprising.
They are micro dick incels and lack the general skills to appeal to women. Any women. You can see that their leader can only fuck a woman that he pays. The War on Women will stop under Prez Kamala.
That’s silly.. Democrats used to suck Trump’s toes for political contributions and considered him a dashing playboy most every liberal women would gladly welcome to the pleasure patch.
Jill was divorced. And Harris was not a porn start who had sex when she really didn't wantto because she knew she had put herself in a bad situation. She did not get paid for her relationship wth Brown. There is no kind of sane comparison to the things trump has done in regards to cheating on 3 different wives. Brown was separated and unmarried. So try again.
jesus im2. are all their megachurches like this? gossip?excessive interest in an adult's sex life?they are still demand ing proof that trump had sex with a porn star or not. how insane is that?:

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