Trump says he"ll debate Harris

Yeah, he is forced to step down by his own party, which is why we now have Harris.
You are a bad faith poster. You know that has nothing to do with anything, but you are having reflexive convulsions because someone called out your mangod and your dumb comments.

Now, back to Trump saying he would consider a national.abortion ban. Did you not know that?
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Except Trump DIDN'T shred Biden. Biden kinda defeated himself. And the only reason Trump's pathological lying and lack of policy substance wasn't a bigger issue, was because of Biden's performance. :)

Harris is gonna pick him apart. Trump's only defense will be to start riffing, interrupting, and talking over her and the moderators.

That is precisely what shredding is .
Letting the opponent defeat them self .

Just standing quiet and listening to a stumbling , bumbling old dodderer commit public suicide .
You are a bad faith poster. You know that has nothing to do with anything, but you are having reflexive convulsions because someone called out your mangod and your dumb comments.

This is pathetic behavior, for a grown man.

Now, back to Trump saying he would consider a national.abortion ban. Did you not know that?
You are a bad faith poster. Always have been and always will be.

He made a major mistake by listening to Jr. and picking Vance as VP candidate. He made another one by agreeing to debate Harris, a former prosecutor.
She will carve him up on abortion, immigration, the robust Biden economy, and Trump's love affair with Putin. He will need much more against her than a polished, expert ability to lie his head off. She won't let him get away with it; she is so much smarter.
LOL You don't recall Tulsi Gabbard grinding her to fine dust in the 2019 primary debate?
You are a bad faith poster. Always have been and always will be.
Your tantrum won't help you.

Back on the subtopic.

So, Trump said he would consider a national abortion ban.

Did you not know that, when you lectured the other poster?

("good faith poster" - injects relevant facts

"Bad faith poster" - posts half truths and falsehoods

That's free advice that you need)
Your tantrum won't help you.

Back on the subtopic.

So, Trump said he would consider a national abortion ban.

Did you not know that, when you lectured the other poster?

("good faith poster" - injects relevant facts

"Bad faith poster" - posts half truths and falsehoods

That's free advice that you need)
He said that long ago, before finally deciding that he wanted no such ban and this is in the Republican platform. No ban. But you knew that and want to lie about it, just as Kamala Harris does. So, you are a bad faith poster. As I said, you have always done this and always will.
Trump is very capable of botching this. Either of these two should be easy pickings for a real debater. He should be able to make her look as bad as Gabbard did. You can bet that the Harris camp is coming up with all the possible come backs to "Define what a woman is!" and "How can you be considered 'black'?" He should steer clear of these, but is likely to fall squarely into a trap of his own making.
They are both so vulnerable that it could finally be clear they are hopeless. Voters may come away again shaking their heads and wondering how they let the duopoly screw them so thoroughly.

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