Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

she hasn't received one fking vote!! not demcracy voting.
Except from the delegates.

The horror.gif
Although, only one party tossed aside the primary votes of Dem voters when the polls showed Biden was losing so he was kicked to the curb along with those voters
They followed delegates' votes. Isn't that the system?
If Harris is leading Trump, more people need to pay attention to their grocery bills.

Prices are still going up, and up, and up. Election Day will show how smart or how stupid voters are.
After they spend a little time listening to her mouth, her poll numbers will drop. She is in the "honeymoon phase" and thinks literally overnight she is a success!
Inflation is coming down and down.
Wages are going up and up.
Energy is way down.
UE is very low.
We are producing more energy than ever.
We can afford to deport kyzr to his country of heritage.
You can type bullshit. I shopped for groceries today, and the prices are going up, and up, and up.

Biden and Kamala are disasters. No prices are coming down you fucking Low-IQ moron.

You can type bullshit. I shopped for groceries today, and the prices are going up, and up, and up.

Biden and Kamala are disasters. No prices are coming down you fucking Low-IQ moron.

I definitely don't spend an extra grand a month--and my lifestyle has not changed a whit. House is still paid for..as is car.
I shop at Winco..my groceries have gone up by $60 per visit. Gas is a wash..as it just keeps rising and falling. Streaming bill has gone up. As that's a luxury--not sure if it really counts. My local coffee house dropped their prices for an Americano..from $5 to $4.25.
Cars and property are a lot more expensive..if you can even find a house. Not sure if that's an inflation thing though..more supply and demand?

Point is, here in Twin Falls Idaho, It's not that bad. Of course, the state goes to Trump..so politically, it's irrelevant.

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