Palestinian Flags Raised in US Capital as American Flags Burned

Calm down.

We're in America, not the mideast. Go volunteer to fight over there. Take the terrorist sympathizers with you. Leave the rest of us alone.

I'm just disgusted that Americans sit back and allow these scumbags to literally write the name of a terrorist organization on our statues, memorials, etc.

And NO I won't calm down.
The 1st Amendment guarantee of free speech only goes so far. Defacing monuments is a crime and tearing down the American flag and replacing it is more than a crime. It's an insult to everything America stands for. Too bad it took the Israeli Prime Minister to remind Americans of the courageous North Carolina students who saved the American Flag from a radical left wing mob.
So we have American Islamists, Islamists students, and brain dead Americans ..... want to destroy the ONLY democracy in the Mideast.
Believing the US is a Democracy is a proven chunk of fake news.

2019 kopiera.jpg

And the rest of us as usual sit back and let these pieces of shit do as they please!!
Where were you when the US lied about WMDs in Irak, invaded the country, occupied the country, murdered a million innocent men, women, children, and tortured God knows how many innocent men in Abu Graib and Guantanamo? Were you "sitting back letting the American pieces of shit" demolish the Iraqis and shouting for blood because the Irakis fought back the best they could?
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netanyahu was correct in calling the Hamas protesters “Iran’s useful idiots” ; especially, the ones posting “Gays for Palestine”.

Anyone want to take a stab how “tolerant” Palestine is?
So we have American Islamists, Islamists students, and brain dead Americans (mostly white women of course) siding with the Islamic world, and want to destroy the ONLY democracy in the Mideast.

Great to see the vermin of Nazisrael brought to their knees and the insane Hitler impersonator begging and being mocked . A Jewish Anti- Christ . Ironic .

When Nazisrael created the October7 False Flag they danced with the Devil but did not realise the tune that was being played .

Now tragedy is being played out-- -- pre-destined and therefore inevitable

The rest of the world watches in a mixture of disgust and amazement knowing all will be vanquished in their own blood .
Not the end of times but a finality approaches with the slow end of the US and Nazisrael.
I've no love for the zionists in our government here, but just who do you think you're going to impress burning our flag to point this out?

grow up

Typical white ignorant fools getting in bed with the people who would take away their freedoms! And the idiots want the only democracy in the Mideast removed from the map. Just embarrassing idiots!

Believing the US is a Democracy is a proven chunk of fake news.

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Where were you when the US lied about WMDs in Irak, invaded the country, occupied the country, murdered a million innocent men, women, children, and tortured God knows how many innocent men in Abu Graib and Guantanamo? Were you "sitting back letting the American pieces of shit" demolish the Iraqis and shouting for blood because the Irakis fought back the best they could?

First of all dumbshit, I was referring to 'Israel' NOT the U.S. You can prove this by looking at a map and noting that the U.S. is NOT in the Mideast!

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