GOP files articles of impeachment against Kamala Harris

Moron, thats NOT THE SAME as Hunter personally being investigated.

When you've said prosecutor investigated Hunter you were posting bullshit and desrvingly got called on it. Case with prosecutor's office was on matters that well predate Hunter's employment with the company.

And to repeat:

All that is moot. There was a legitimate foreign policy interest of United States to have this corrupt prosecutor removed. Removing him was job well done for any VP. So you would need a lot more than just circumstantial evidince to prove that Biden specifically pressured Ukranian parlament for inapropriate reason, while he had all the apropriate ones.

You'll defend anything just the same as Trump supporters. It was NONE of Joe's business who Ukrainian prosecutors were investigating.

None!!. Zero , zilch.
You'll defend anything just the same as Trump supporters. It was NONE of Joe's business who Ukrainian prosecutors were investigating.

None!!. Zero , zilch.

You are clueless. Wrong, wrong and wrong again.

Of course it's our government's job to ensure that billions we spend in countries like Ukraine are conditioned on curbing corruption.

Thats exactly why REPUBLICANS urged Ukraine to reform this prosecutor's office.

February 2016 bipartisan letter signed by several Republican senators that urged then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.

You are going to tell me that it wasn't their job and they were also in on helping Hunter make a few bucks?
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We have NO business sending billions to other countries like this.

Like Trump supporters, you'll defend anything.

Parrot wants a cracker?

I've carefully explained to you why you are wrong and now you are just down to mindlessly repeating exactly same garbage while cutting out that explanation out of my post.
Parrot wants a cracker?

I've carefully explained to you why you are wrong and now you are just down to mindlessly repeating exactly same garbage while cutting out that explanation out of my post.

You've made excuses. We never should be sending billions to Ukraine and we have NO business who they are investigating.
You've made excuses. We never should be sending billions to Ukraine and we have NO business who they are investigating.

Whats your excuse for REPUBLICANS urging Ukraine to reform this prosecutor's office? They were in on conspiracy to help Hunter make a few bucks? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I've posted in good faith what I consider true, along with reasons why I belive it. You haven't been able to do that.
Whats your excuse for REPUBLICANS urging Ukraine to reform this prosecutor's office? They were in on conspiracy to help Hunter make a few bucks? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I've posted in good faith what I consider true, along with reasons why I belive it. You haven't been able to do that.

And yet I have. What I consider true is we have NO business sending Ukraine billions of dollars and NO business telling Ukrainian prosecutors who they should be investigating.
And yet I have. What I consider true is we have NO business sending Ukraine billions of dollars and NO business telling Ukrainian prosecutors who they should be investigating.


Your complaint against Biden (and Republicans) is legitimate funding of Ukraine, while impeachment charges against Trump is abusing his office by illicitly withholding congressionally approved aid to extort Ukranian president.

When you've said that one is like the other, you were obviously wrong.

Your complaint against Biden (and Republicans) is legitimate funding of Ukraine,

There is no such thing as a legitimate funding of Ukraine.

while impeachment charges against Trump is abusing his office by illicitly withholding congressionally approved aid to extort Ukranian president.

When you said one is like the other, you were obviously wrong.

And yet it's irrelevant. Both parties completely suck.
There is no such thing as a legitimate funding of Ukraine.

Ignoramus, of course there is.

Congress and President have legal power to fund many things, including aid to Ukraine.

It doesn't make it right or wrong, but it does make it legitimate

Trump did not have legal right to withold aid to Ukraine without providing official reason to Congress. Hence, his extortion scheme was illegal.
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Nice try. This is the beginning of the end for Republicans. Kamala, is da man! It is the prosecutor vs the convict. Trump is a fraud and she is going to tear him a new asshole.

Now you fuckers have the old man!

Oh, BTW, this impeachment shit is just nonsense.
Harris was the anti-prosecutor. She dropped any case that wasn’t a slam dunk in order to inflate her numbers.
Ignoramus, of course there is.

Congress and President have legal power to fund many things, including aid to Ukraine.

It doesn't make it right or wrong, but it does make it legitimate

Legally being able to does not make it right.

Legally the KKK has as much of a right to free speech as anyone but it doesn't make it right.
WAY overdue, but it's necessary now more than ever.

Harris' intentional failure to uphold our immigration laws, and her role in the cover up of Joe Biden's cognitive failure are the issues at hand.

On Tuesday afternoon, Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Kamala Harris for high crimes and misdemeanors. Such a move comes just days after President Joe Biden exited the presidential race on Sunday and endorsed Harris not long after. She also earned enough delegate support on Monday night to become the nominee.
Convicted rapist, felon donald j thug and his stupid ultra maga cult are desperate, they feel the end is near, and will attempt anything knowing the election of Kamala is certain...
Legally being able to does not make it right.

Legally the KKK has as much of a right to free speech as anyone but it doesn't make it right.

Dummy, thats exactly what I said.

Biden's actions were in furtherance of legitimate policy (even if you don't happen to agree with it)

Trump's actions were illegal and contradictory to our foreign policy goals. It was only in his own electoral interest.

Only one of those is impeachable. What don't you get?
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Dummy, thats exactly what I said.

Biden's actions were in furtherance of legitimate policy (even if you don't agree with it)

Trump's actions were illegal and contradictory to our foreign policy goals. It was only in his own electoral interest.

What don't you get?

None of it is defendable. I'm not trying to defend Trump unlike you trying to defend Democrats getting us into billions of dollars of debt over things that are none of our business.
None of it is defendable. I'm not trying to defend Trump unlike you trying to defend Democrats getting us into billions of dollars of debt over things that are none of our business.

....only one of those is impeachable.

Disagreements over policy are not grounds for impeachments. Can you get that part?
WAY overdue, but it's necessary now more than ever.

Harris' intentional failure to uphold our immigration laws, and her role in the cover up of Joe Biden's cognitive failure are the issues at hand.

On Tuesday afternoon, Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Kamala Harris for high crimes and misdemeanors. Such a move comes just days after President Joe Biden exited the presidential race on Sunday and endorsed Harris not long after. She also earned enough delegate support on Monday night to become the nominee.
And how far is that going to go?

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