The new Harris assistant press secretary is a drag queen

P01135809 was fucking a porn star while Melania was pregnant. He also fucked a Playboy Model. He cheated on each of his wives and boasted about grabbing Women, "By Their Pussy". He attended at Jeffery Espstein's home in Florida where under age girls were made available. But you're alright with all of that, and bitch about one man, who you cannot prove anything about maybe.....maybe being a drag queen. Your source is questionable and highly biased.
Uh, it's raw footage from CNN. Kids. Do you support that?
A porn star was a featured speaker at the Trump convention and you all were fine with that.

Hell, even bible-thumper Mike Johnson was enthusiastically applauding her.

And of course, Trump himself has a thing for porn stars.

There's a deep sickness in the Trump party.
Adults are not kids.
zerohedge - non-fact based, pay by the word Reich Wing website. No real supporting evidence at all. Find a better source. You're attacking staff? Meanwhile you diaper wearing want to be fascist dictator who cannot drink a glass of water with two hand on that glass. He needs help to walk down a ramp. You have nothing. You know you have nothing and you are so fucking pathetic about it,
Right. I made it all up. The guy does not even exist! :rolleyes:
I just honestly don't understand their obsession with drag queens, fags, trannies and tranny kids.

Is there is something to be gained that I don't understand?
will Harris [the border czar] be able to distance herself from the Briben policies that destroyed his candidacy ?? me thinks not .

It was his age and weak debate performance that destroyed his candidacy.
what is it with the demonRats? they have a fetish for freaks..... like this one ... like the new Harris assistant and others....:cuckoo:

mercy Lord


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