Its not inflation, its price-gouging

Of course, of course. It's all our fault that the power mongers can't get their fill.
I don't know what you're talking about. I'm talking about the need for a regulated state. If you equate that to "power", that's your own perspective. If it's a power, then it is one that is there for the common good, and one that was ratified by voters, who coincidentally, want clean air and water. For some reason.
I've noticed. But you're a statist. Have you ever met an intrusive regulation you didn't like?
Define an intrusive regulation. Give me an example. Then maybe, for good measure, you can try to find where any Republican introduced legislation to fix whatever onerous burdens you are imagining, rather than just rail about doing away with it entirely.

If a regulation requires undo amounts of paperwork, fix that.

I'm happy that there's an OSHA. I don't want young auto mechanics breathing in brake liner dust because the owner of the shop is too stupid or too cheap or too evil to put in safety measures on his own. If that's being under the boot of Uncle Sam, tough shit. Like I said, be better people.
Define an intrusive regulation.
Nah. I'm not gonna chase you around the denial bush.
Give me an example. Then maybe, for good measure, you can try to find where any Republican introduced legislation to fix whatever onerous burdens you are imagining, rather than just rail about doing away with it entirely..
I'm not interested in a partisan circle jerk either. I'm not a Republican.
It's always easier to make an allegation than back one up. I understand.
You understand very, very little about my political views. Our values are just different. I value peace and liberty. You value authority and control. Just different perspectives on government.
More evidence every day that corporations are making record profits.

Exxon Mobil: highest profit in 7 years
Chevron: highest profit in 7 years
Shell: highest profit in 7 years
BP: highest profit in 8 years
Gas prices: highest in 7 years
Start your own business Alchoholic.

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