It's the Ocean not the Atmosphere, dummy!

I guess I should fuck off then ... my claim is we treat the ocean surface as our blackbody radiator, and use radiative physics to model the energy transfer through the atmosphere ... the oceans are great moderators of temperature, for the reasons you point out ... but they have no effect on wind direction, and wind causes currents, you have that backwards in your OP ...

Where the atmosphere and oceans meet is a very special place ... and special things happen there ... just a few molecules thick on either side ... like magic until the QM freaks spoiled everything ...

Climate begins after the water molecules evaporate ... and ends once the water molecules are returned as precipitation ... the rest is hydrology and more akin to geology, or so I would guess ...
I think it would be more accurate to say that predominant wind patterns are a product of climate rather than vice versa.
It's an interconnected system. Change any one aspect, and the rest follow to one degree or another. Our job is to identify which parts we are capable of changing to maintain the best overall effect. The goober was right in that the oceans maintain their thermal state longer, but it's goofy to say that is the only determining factor.

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