Tuberville on migrants: ‘Most of them are garbage'

My wife is originally from Peru. We're about to take our 14th trip down there to visit with her family. Crime in Peru has increased a bit in the last few years, and this is most directly a result of Venezuelans entering Peru illegally and engaging in all kinds of crime to survive. They prey on both Peruvians and international tourists. regularly.
I have an Hispanic contractor (US Citizen) that does some work for me from time to time. Of course his whole crew is Hispanic and I asked him if he hired Venezuelans and he spit on the ground at their mere mention. He's from Honduras.
Alabama Senator says most recent immigrants are garbage. I wonder how that will impact the elections, given that everyone on the American continent is an immigrant or descendant of one. Thoughts?

From the above;
"recent immigrants who have come across the U.S.-Mexico border"
That border is not a port of entry and those "immigrants" do not have passports, visas or legal documentation to come in and be here.

They have broken the law to enter and continue to break laws once here.

They are ILLEGAL imigrants = law breakers.

That would make them garbage of a sorts.
Alabama Senator says most recent immigrants are garbage. I wonder how that will impact the elections, given that everyone on the American continent is an immigrant or descendant of one. Thoughts?

In classic dishonest and liar leftist fashion, you mis-stated and distorted. Deflected from the fact that it was illegal immigrants he refers to.

That everyone, so-called "native Americans" included, is an immigrant is irrelevant. Descendant from is a valid point only in context of those whom immigrated legally and/or naturalized.
You just nominated a candidate with 34 Felony convictions with another 50 pending
All from kangaroo courts which twisted laws and legal process to go after him.
If it were a blind justice system, then the Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's would have been convicted and charged with more.

Sorry komrade, if he is elected the tables will be turned.
Legal versus illegal/law breakers.
Something that Leftists and DemocRATs have a hard time knowing.

But referring to immigrants as garbage is racism
On top of your usual lies and distortions, without which you can't support your failed ideology, the correct term is "illegal aliens".

They start out coming into this nation by breaking the law, which classifies them as garbage.
Since these illegal aliens are of all races and ethnics, claiming it's racism is racist sand stupid.
Correct. Yet magaturds are somehow worse than all of them. Grievance politics are not going to help in achieving the power magaturds seek.
Grievance politics is the province and methodology of the Left and marxist DemocRATs.

We "magaturds" are for restoring the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Rule of Laws that are equal, fair, and just to all using Free Enterprise economics and a system where rewards are proportional to effort and investment.

Someone who lacks integrity as shown by this when checking their profile;

Oops! We ran into some problems.​

This member limits who may view their full profile.
Is likely hiding something that would they may be "somehow worse than all of them".
Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society
Respecting the Rights of others, supporting ones self through honest labor, obeying Laws that are equal, just, and fair to all is the price of civilized society.

Too often and too much do taxes become a form of ransom and bribes to constrain the deadwood and deadbeats that would disrupt civilized society.

The more civilized the citizens of a society the less of taxes would be needed to hold civility together.

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