Tuberville on migrants: ‘Most of them are garbage'

You sound like a stupid troll, filled with ten times as much hubris as knowledge, or intelligence.
You can't even post intelligently on topic.
Give serious consideration to recycling your karma and try to improve in your next lifetime.
I'm always more clever than magaturds. They don't like that about me. You sound like a faggot waxing about 'karma' and reincarnation. :auiqs.jpg: Best of luck.

Been my experience these bleeding heart "liberals" are filled with all sorts of "charity" so long as it's other people's money, sweat, work, property, blood and tears that pays for it.

Don't expect anything other than hollow and empty noise/words from the "oh so concerned" phony Libturds.
Yep. To paraphrase someone smarter than myself, when society fills the need for charity, those receiving feel grateful and those giving feel the satisfaction of helping others. However, when government fills the role of charity, those receiving become entitled and those paying taxes feel robbed.

There is a basic human need that is fulfilled by charity.
Yes, you stupid fucking idiot. They collect welfare and then work under the table, thereby undercutting the American citizens. :cuckoo:
So they are not lazy, they are hardworking. Please cite where they collect welfare.

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