Israelis vilified for lack of "sympathy" for Hamas savages

This is true. The fact is that after the Muslim savages sawed off the heads of Jewish babies, set children on fire, raped women until they died from the trauma, cut off the limbs of men and watched as they writhed in pain and bled out, the Israelis have exercised amazing restraint. A less moral nation would have bombed them into oblivion within days.

But they’re Jews, so they get blamed no matter what. Scapegoats, as usual.

And the hate for them is downright chilling. That Kamala has signaled to the antisemitic Muslims that she sides with them is terrifying.
I would have turned Gaza into a parking lot months ago.
I would have turned Gaza into a parking lot months ago.
So would many other countries, if what the Islamic terrorists did to them what they did to Israel. But no matter what Israel does, they will get blamed.

There were anti-Israel protests, with the antisemites screaming how they support the barbaric terrorists, within ONE week after the savage massacre on October 7. Think of it: the Muslim monsters break into a kibbutz and saw off the babies’ heads, tie toddlers together with their mothers and burn them to death, rape and mutilate girls, cut breasts off and toss them around like balls - laughing - and PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY IMMEDIATELY SIDED AGAINST THE JEWS.
This is true. The fact is that after the Muslim savages sawed off the heads of Jewish babies, set children on fire, raped women until they died from the trauma, cut off the limbs of men and watched as they writhed in pain and bled out, the Israelis have exercised amazing restraint. A less moral nation would have bombed them into oblivion within days.

But they’re Jews, so they get blamed no matter what. Scapegoats, as usual.

And the hate for them is downright chilling. That Kamala has signaled to the antisemitic Muslims that she sides with them is terrifying.
This is true. The fact is that after the Muslim savages sawed off the heads of Jewish babies, set children on fire, raped women until they died from the trauma, cut off the limbs of men and watched as they writhed in pain and bled out, the Israelis have exercised amazing restraint. A less moral nation would have bombed them into oblivion within days.

Only in your sick, gross Jew-mind did that happen. You're projecting your own crimes against the Palestinians on them. There's zero evidence for anything you've said. All you Jews do is lie lie lie lie lie..Hasbara propaganda BS. The world's experts in lying = are Jews.

But they’re Jews, so they get blamed no matter what. Scapegoats, as usual.


And the hate for them is downright chilling. That Kamala has signaled to the antisemitic Muslims that she sides with them is terrifying.

The Jew hate is well-earned and justified. Enjoy.


You Jews are anti-human. Demonic.
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So would many other countries, if what the Islamic terrorists did to them what they did to Israel. But no matter what Israel does, they will get blamed.

There were anti-Israel protests, with the antisemites screaming how they support the barbaric terrorists, within ONE week after the savage massacre on October 7. Think of it: the Muslim monsters break into a kibbutz and saw off the babies’ heads, tie toddlers together with their mothers and burn them to death, rape and mutilate girls, cut breasts off and toss them around like balls - laughing - and PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY IMMEDIATELY SIDED AGAINST THE JEWS.
You're the genocidal terrorist maniacs and demons, not the Palestinians who are the indigenous people of the land. You just pack up and return to Crown Heights Brooklyn where you belong, or Poland. The Jewish genocidal maniac state of Israhell is going to disappear from the map, and Palestine is going to be there, once and for all. You can all go to hell where you belong.
Thanks for confirming that for everyone who thinks the government is the problem and not the Israeli public. Israelis stand behind their psychopathic, colonialist, Jewish government, no doubt about that.
I don't recall saying any of that. Thanks for confirming that your bias drives your incompetent inference drawing.
So would many other countries, if what the Islamic terrorists did to them what they did to Israel. But no matter what Israel does, they will get blamed.

There were anti-Israel protests, with the antisemites screaming how they support the barbaric terrorists, within ONE week after the savage massacre on October 7. Think of it: the Muslim monsters break into a kibbutz and saw off the babies’ heads, tie toddlers together with their mothers and burn them to death, rape and mutilate girls, cut breasts off and toss them around like balls - laughing - and PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY IMMEDIATELY SIDED AGAINST THE JEWS.
It's clear Harris supports Hamas, killing babies and the rape and murder of women.
I don't recall saying any of that. Thanks for confirming that your bias drives your incompetent inference drawing.
The majority of Israelis support the genocide, but you can bury your head in the sand if it makes you feel better.


wow...where did you dig that one up?
You Ashkenazi filth are delusional, if you think you have more Middle Eastern, Levantine DNA than the Palestinians. You Jews, especially the Ashkenazi, are a fraud. Go back to Poland, Ukraine, or wherever the hell you came from. You deserve nothing but shame in this world and in the next.
The majority of Israelis support the genocide, but you can bury your head in the sand if it makes you feel better.
You have no idea what Israelis support and using your loaded language doesn't change reality. You can hide behind your 6th grade education for only so long, until someone comes along and reminds you that "yuh huh, mom said" isn't a very good rhetorical approach.
Watching a modern day Jewish Anti Christ beg to the world's fastest declining major power is indeed memorable .
Their separate outlooks are well into the negative zone and look to be heading further deeper .
You Ashkenazi filth are delusional,
this is exactly the kind of attitude that explains why you should never reproduce, even if you DID find one stupid enough to spend time with you
if you think you have more Middle Eastern, Levantine DNA than the Palestinians.
so you don't know what I think, but have decided to act anyway. Good for you, scout. Leap before you look is always a sound approach.
You Jews, especially the Ashkenazi, are a fraud.
Careful, you are using words you don't know. You could end up spraining your brain.
Go back to Poland, Ukraine, or wherever the hell you came from. You deserve nothing but shame in this world and in the next.
How far back do you want me to investigate to decide where to go back to? If I work it all through, that would be "Israel."
this is exactly the kind of attitude that explains why you should never reproduce, even if you DID find one stupid enough to spend time with you

so you don't know what I think, but have decided to act anyway. Good for you, scout. Leap before you look is always a sound approach.

Careful, you are using words you don't know. You could end up spraining your brain.

How far back do you want me to investigate to decide where to go back to? If I work it all through, that would be "Israel."
I have that Jew-hater on ignore.
Nazinyahu's address to congress proves one thing, the Israelis are stronger than the US. We do their bidding, they play us like a flute. The fact that congress obediently stood and applauded over and over when at home he is hated by almost every sector of society show pretty clearly that the US is weak, afraid to do anything that might upset the Zionist Regime.

The Israelis spy on the US, they are spying on the US public, they censor what appears on the news, they mock us and use us to pursue their own insane nationalist goals.

The Democrats dare not stand up to Israel for fear that the Zionist lobby will then work to impede an election victory and the Republicans likewise, both parties are in the vice like grip of militant Zionism just as we were in 1948.

The Israelis could very well choose our next president, not the American people.
Is Goebbels Your Role Model? He'd Be Proud.
You have no idea what Israelis support and using your loaded language doesn't change reality. You can hide behind your 6th grade education for only so long, until someone comes along and reminds you that "yuh huh, mom said" isn't a very good rhetorical approach.
Most Israelis support the "war" (i.e. genocide) in Gaza:

Many may not like Netanyahu, but they support the ethnic cleansing and bombing of Gaza. You're being dishonest if you assert otherwise. My so-called "loaded language" or level of education, is irrelevant as to whether I'm correct.
Most Israelis support the "war" (i.e. genocide) in Gaza:
1 error: false equation
Many may not like Netanyahu, but they support the ethnic cleansing and bombing of Gaza.
2 errors: no ethnic cleansing, people are in favor of military action which, very often, involves no bombs.
You're being dishonest if you assert otherwise.
1 error: false conclusion designed protect you from other opinions. "any one who disagrees with me is a liar"
My so-called "loaded language" or level of education, is irrelevant as to whether I'm correct.
1 error: your lack of education and misuse of language are exactly why you are wrong.

Total, 5 errors

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